C#调用把BarTender模板 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/11 0:12:29星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

1、应用“ Seagull.BarTender.Print “命名空间,

2、代码如下: using System;

using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text;

//using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using Seagull.BarTender.Print; //using Seagull.BarTender; namespace BarTenderPrintTest1 {

public partial class Form1 : Form {

public Form1() {

InitializeComponent(); }


string dc =

@\n\\Debug\\HW_CaiHe_and_packbox.btw\ intff = 163704004;

string aa = \ int i = 1;

private void btn_print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

PrintLabel3(); }

#region 第一种写法

private void PrintLabel1()


//创建一个BarTender打印引擎 ,并启用 Engine engine = new Engine(true); //创建一个模板对象

//LabelFormatDocument format = engine.Documents.Open(\

LabelFormatDocument format =

engine.Documents.Open(@\BarTenderPrintTest1\\bin\\Debug\\HW_CaiHe_and_packbox.btw\ format.Print(\

//format.Print(\printer\out messages); //format.Close(SaveOptions.SaveChanges ); format.Print(); engine.Dispose(); }


#region 打印第二种方法

private void PrintLable2() {

using (Engine engine = new Engine()) {

//启用一个打印引擎 engine.Start(); //创建一个模板对象

LabelFormatDocument format =

engine.Documents.Open(@\BarTenderPrintTest1\\bin\\Debug\\HW_CaiHe_and_packbox.btw\ //打印

//format.Print(\ //改变标签打印数份连载

format.PrintSetup.NumberOfSerializedLabels =1;


format.PrintSetup.IdenticalCopiesOfLabel = 1;

Result nResult = format.Print(); //指定打印机打印,不指定则使用默认打印机

format.PrintSetup.PrinterName = \Code Printer T-4503E\

// Display the print result.


MessageBox.Show(\打印提示:\); // Close the current format without saving.

//SaveOptions 有三个值

DoNotSaveChanges:不保存 ,PromptSave:提示是否保存 SaveChanges:保存


//结束打印引擎 engine.Stop(); } }


#region 第三种打印方法改变标签的值 private void PrintLabel3() {

using (Engine engine = new Engine(true)) {

LabelFormatDocumentbtFormat = engine.Documents.Open(dc);



//string AddressSubstring = btFormat.SubStrings[\

//MessageBox.Show(AddressSubstring); //修改标签的值

//btFormat.SubStrings[\= \


//btFormat.SubStrings[\e = \

intdd = ff + i; i++;

btFormat.SubStrings[\e = aa+dd.ToString ();


btFormat.PrintSetup.NumberOfSerializedLabels = 1;

abel = 1;

Code Printer T-4503E\ anges);

} }

#endregion } }


btFormat.PrintSetup.IdenticalCopiesOfL Result nResult = btFormat.Print(); //指定打印机打印,不指定则使用默认打印 btFormat.PrintSetup.PrinterName = \ MessageBox.Show(\打印提示:\+ nResult); btFormat.Close(SaveOptions.DoNotSaveCh //结束打印引擎 engine.Stop();

三、bartender 说明文档部分

Creating a BarTender Print Engine

The Engine class represents a BarTender process and provides the backbone for programming with the BarTender Print SDK. All programs written with the BarTender Print SDK will rely on the Engine class to provide BarTender print functionality.

The BarTender Print Engine

The BarTender process (bartend.exe) provides standard BarTender

functionality, such as opening label formats, changing label settings, and printing. The BarTender background process is controlled using an instance of the Engine class.

The Role of the Engine Class

The Engine class contains many methods, properties, and events to assist in printing and controlling the BarTender Print Engine.

Features of the Engine Class

The Engine class allows users to:

? ? ? ?

Start, stop, and restart a BarTender background process. Open, access, and save label formats. Use Engine-level events to monitor printing. Manage the BarTender Application window.

How To: Start and Stop an Engine

An engine must be created and started in order to launch a BarTender process and commence printing. The Engine class provides the Engine.Stop method to explicitly shut down the BarTender Print Engine. If the engine is not stopped, a bartend.exe process may be left running in the background. After calling the Engine.Stop method, it is best practice to call the Engine.Dispose method. The Dispose method ensures all non-memory resources are properly released for the class; this includes shutting down the BarTender process if Engine.Stop was not successfully called. The following is the minimal code necessary to create, start, stop, and dispose an Engine object: