大连雅思培训之雅思口语:celebrity and pop star 下载本文

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大连雅思培训之雅思口语:celebrity and pop star


雅思口语Part1/2 素材库:celebrity and pop star

You know we are living in a time full of uncertainty. Anyone could be famous anytime, because your life will be recorded by others and uploaded onto the internet. You might have 10,000 fans overnight.


a time full of uncertainty 一个充满不确定的时代 be recorded 被记录

uploaded onto the internet 被传到网络上 Overnight 整夜,一夜

I’m not a big fan of somebody. So I care less about them. But I guess there should be some differences on qualities, like a big heart, you know, you can’t ensure everybody likes you and you have to face criticism from the press. 注释:

a big fan of someone 某个人的大粉丝 care less about 不太关心

a big heart 宽广的胸怀,心大 face criticism 面对批判 the press 媒体

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