内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/10 11:53:02星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
-Chris: We can't. We're gonna have a different room later. Go. 不行。我们今晚住别的房间。走吧! -Frakesh: Hey, Chris. 嘿,Chris。
-Chris: Hey, good morning, Mr. Frakesh. 嗨,早上好,Frakesh先生。 -Frakesh: What's up 这是怎么了
-Chris: Work trip. trip:旅行,出差 出公差。
Your wife, Martha, works at PacBell also, correct 你太太也在“太平洋贝尔”工作吧 -Client: Yes, she does. 是的。
-Chris: And you guys are both...Looking to retire at the same time. retire: 退休
-Client: We'd like to retire and maintain our lifestyle... without paying a lot of taxes.
maintain: 保持,维持 lifestyle: 生活方式 pay: 支付 tax: 税收 我们希望退休后不要因为过重的税务而改变现有的生活方式。
-Chris: So basically, you want nobody's hands in your pockets but your own basically: 基本上 pocket: 口袋 own: 自己的 也就是说,除了你自己,不想让别人的手伸进你口袋。 Are you familiar with tax-free municipal...
familiar: 熟悉的 tax-free: 免税的 municipal:市政的 听过免税国债券……
I learned to finish my work quickly. I had to finish quickly to get in line at Glide by 5.
我学会了尽快完成工作,我必须快点,好在5点钟赶去Glide排队。 Come on. Come on. Hold that bus! Hold the bus! 快点,快点!等等,等我们一下!
-Christopher: My Captain America! Dad! Dad! Dad! 我的“美国英雄”!爸,爸,等一下! -Chris: Stop it! Shut up! Shut up! 住嘴,住嘴,住嘴!
-Man4: Why don't you let the lady in 为什么不让女士先上 -Chris: Hey, back up. back up: 退后 走开。
-Man4: Hey, man, that's not cool. 老兄,这样可不对。
-Chris: Back up! Back up! Come on. 滚开,退后,一边儿去!来。
-Christopher: Dad, we need to get it! 老爸,我们得捡回“美国英雄”。
-Preacher: The important thing about that freedom train... is it' got to climb mountains.
important: 重要的 freedom: 自由 重要的是自由列车之行就如同翻山越岭。 We all have to deal with mountains. deal with: 处理,对待 我们都得面对险山砾石。
You know mountains that go way up high and mountains that go deep and low. 山,有险峻也有低谷。 -Man5: Amen, preacher! preacher: 牧师,传道者 没错!
-Preacher: Yes. We know what those mountains are here at Glide. We sing about them 我们知道生活中的那些险峻是什么。在这,在Glide,我们用歌声来歌唱他们。 -Chorus: “Lord, don't move that mountain.” “上帝,别让险峻离开”
“Give me strength to climb it” strength: 力量 climb: 攀登,爬 “赐予吾翻越攀登之力”
“Please don't move that stumbling block”
stumbling block: 绊脚石 stumbling: 障碍的 block: 石块 “请别挪开吾足下之绊脚石”
“But lead me, Lord, around it” “指引吾前进的方向”
“My burdens, they get so heavy” burden: 负担 “重担虽负于肩”
“Seems hard to bear” bear: 忍受
“But I won't give up No, no” “吾不会也不曾放弃”
“Because you promised me” promise: 承诺
“You'd meet me at the altar of prayer” altar: 祭坛 prayer: 祈祷 “那日二人在祭坛相遇”
“Lord don't move that mountain” “上帝,别让险峻离开”
“Please don't move that mountain” “请别让险峻离开”
“But give me strength to climb it” “但请赐予吾翻越攀登之力”
-Christopher: Where’s your test test: 考试 考试是什么时候 -Chris: Tomorrow. 明天。
-Christopher: Are you ready 你准备好了吗
-Chris: Of course. 当然了。
Thank you, sir. 谢谢您,先生。 Hey. How you doing 嘿,你好。
-Smug intern: did you finish the whole thing, or you have to go somewhere 嘿。你都答完了吗还是要去什么地方
-Chris: I have to go somewhere. But I finished the whole thing too. 我赶着去个地方,但是我也都答完了。 -Smug intern: Oh, good. 不错啊。 -Chris: You 你呢
-Smug intern: Yeah. 我也都答完了。
-Chris: How'd you feel about the graphs graph: 图表
那些图表题你感觉怎么样 -Smug intern: Easy. 太容易了。
-Chris: Istruggled with the essay question on the back. What did you write struggle with: 挣扎 essay: 论述
试卷背后那道论述题难住我了。你怎么答的 -Smug intern: Essay question 论述题
-Chris: Yeah, on the back. 是啊,在背面。 -Jeff: Hey, Chris. 嗨,Chris。
-Chris: Hey. Jeff, right 49ers game. 嗨,Jeff,对吗49人队那场比赛见过
-Jeff: Yeah, you were gonna give me a call
-Chris: I never actually got your number. actually: 事实上
-Jeff: Here's my number. Call me, okay 这是我的电话,给我打电话,好吗
-Chris: Yes, sir. Absolutely. Thank you very much. absolutely: 绝对地 好的,当然了,谢谢。
-Frohm: Chris, you got five bucks I left my wallet upstairs. buck: 钱 wallet: 钱包 upstairs: 楼上 Chris,有5块钱吗我把钱包落在楼上了。
-Chris: Let me run up and grab that for you, Mr. Frohm. grab: 抓握,抓住
-Frohm: No, I gotta be at CAL Bank at 4, and I'm late. I'll pay you back, honest. 不,我得在4点前赶去加州银行。我要晚了。我会还你的,真的。 -Chris: Five is good 5块钱够吗
-Frohm: Five is lovely. Thank you. Thank you. 足够了,谢谢。
-Shelter worker3: That's it. That's the room quota. There's no more space. You gotta head out.
quota: 限额,配额 space: 空位
That's it for today. Come back tomorrow. All the rooms are full. It's completely full.
今天没有位子了。明天再来吧。没有床位了,全满了…… That's it. Just keep heading out. Come back tomorrow. 就这样,都出去,明天再来吧。 -Chris: You like it 好吃吗
-Sales clerk: Twenty. One, two, three, four. 20,21,22,23,24.
- Sales clerk: Now, here's your bulb, and there's your ferrite core inductor. bulb: 电灯泡 ferrite: 铁酸盐 core: 核心 inductor: 感应器 这是你要的灯泡,还有圈型适配器。 -Chris: How much 多少钱
- Sales clerk: Eight dollars. 8块。
-Christopher: What's that 那是什么
-Chris: It's to repair the light.
repair: 修理 修灯用的。
-Christopher: Can I see it 我看看行吗
-Chris: Yeah, sure. Just don't break it. Unless you wanna sleep in a room with me for the rest of your life.
好的,别弄坏了,除非你下半辈子都想和我挤一个房间。 -Christopher: I don't mind. 我不介意。
-Chris: Yeah, you will. Why don't you get some sleep, okay 你会的。好好睡一觉,好吗 -Christopher: Okay. 好的。
-Chris: Warm enough 够暖和吗
-Christopher: Yeah. 是的。
-Chris: All right. 好的。
-Christopher: Did Mom leave because of me 是因为我妈妈才离开的吗 -Chris: What 什么
-Christopher: Did Mom leave because of me 妈妈是因为我才走的吗
-Chris: Don't... Don't even think something like that. 别……千万别这么想!
Mom left because of Mom. And you didn't have anything to do with that, okay 妈妈走了是因为她自己的原因,和你没关系,知道了吗 -Christopher: Okay. You're a good papa. 知道了。你是个好爸爸。
-Chris: All right, go to sleep. 好了,睡觉吧。
-Christopher: I love you. 我爱你。
-Chris: I love you too. 我也爱你。
-Doctor: So far, so good, Chris. It works. 还不错啊,Chris。它运转了。 -Chris: Thank you very much. 太谢谢你了。
Two hundred and fifty dollars. Four more weeks of oxygen. oxygen: 氧气