教育最新K12河南省2019中考英语复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第二讲 七上 Unit 6-9(作业帮)检测(含解析) 下载本文

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第二讲 七年级上 Unit

6—Unit 9


1.[2018宜宾改编]Every morning he spends hour doing exercise, and then he goes to work. A.an; /

B.a; a

C.a; /

D.an; the

2.Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one . A. candy B. cake

C. banana D. hamburger

3.Mrs. Green is now, so she has plenty of time to exercise. A. hard

B. simple C. free

D. nervous

4.There are so many fish swimming in the pool. They very happy. A. taste

B. smell

C. sound

D. look

5.—What did you get for your birthday, Tony? —A smartphone, my aunt. A. to

B. from

C. with

D. for



6.[2018武汉]My sister the piano very well, but she hasn't had time to play recently. A. will play

B. has played

C. played D. plays

7.Old Mr.Smith lives happily with his three cats. He regards of them as part of his family. A. both B. all

C. none

D. neither

8.—What do you think of the movie yesterday?

—Oh, the movie covers all of Chinese history. It is worth seeing again. A. mainly B. really

C. possibly D. hardly

9.It's not always safe to pay over the Internet, you should be careful. A. so

B. after

C. because D. as soon as

10.Our English teacher wants us English stories out of class so that we can improve our reading skills quickly. A. read

B. reading C. reads

D. to read



At the beginning of this term, my PE teacher suggested to me that I should take part in the marathon(马拉松赛跑). I was very surprised because I was never a good runner. In order to 1 me, he said that if I took part in the race, I would get the highest mark for the term's PE class. Therefore, I decided to have a try because I had 2 to lose.

I prepared for the race very 3 . I ran every day in the morning before school. And after school, I practiced running with many other runners on the sports ground.



I even had the special diet(饮食) for athletes(运动员). I heard that the special diet could 4 me to get good results.

When the 5 of the marathon arrived, I was very nervous. As usual, I got up in the morning, had my breakfast, and listened to some music. Then my father gave me a 6 to the sports ground, for the marathon race was going to take place there in an hour. All my family wished me good luck because they knew how 7 this race was to me and how much effort I had put into its preparation.

My competitors looked like athletes. I was 8 that I would be the last. However, when I started to run, I thought only about the race. As I paid much attention to the race itself, I did not remember when I 9 the other runners. Suddenly I realized that I had come first. I was very happy when I won the race. From the experience, I learn that 10 always comes out of hard work. 1.A. punish

B. hurt

C. introduce

D. encourage D. anything D. secretly

2.A. something 3.A. carefully 4.A. teach 5.A. day 6.A. hug

B. everything B. shyly B. help

C. nothing C. angrily

C. expect

C. month

D. order

D. year

D. lift D. silly D. happy

B. week B. shake

C. kiss

7.A. easy B. important B. lucky

C. traditional C. afraid

8.A. surprised 9.A. passed

B. followed

C. touched D. pushed

D. interest

10.A. feeling 三、阅读理解

B. competition C. success

