上海教育版2018秋英语六年级上册期末复习题(含详细答案) 下载本文

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一、 把下列单词翻译成英语或者汉语(20分)

1、always__________________________2、member________________________ 3、yesterday________________________4、pavement______________________ 5、spend____________________________6、arrive________________________ 7、holiday__________________________8、special________________________ 9、collect__________________________10、fight__________________________ 11、开始__________________________12、剑____________________________ 13、电影院________________________14、成年人________________________ 15、大笑__________________________16、变化__________________________ 17、最喜爱的______________________18、足够的________________________ 19、健康的________________________20、宇宙飞船______________________ 二、把下列词组翻译成汉语或者英语。(20分) .

1、几百年前________________________________2、去看电影__________________________________ 3、灭火_____________________________4、许多不同的工作__________________________________ 5、中秋节_______________________________6、足够的钱____________________________________ 7、一瓶水_______________________________8、成长,长大__________________________________ 9、去购物_______________________________10、在冰箱里___________________________________ 11、look left_______________________12、on one’s way to school ________________________ 13、work hard___________________________ 14、write a letter ___________________________ 15、ride our bicycles_________________16、on the right of the building __________________ 17、make a model _____________________ 18、fly an aeroplane ___________________________ 19、get off ____________________20、take the underground to school ______________________ 三、选出下列各题的最佳答案,把序号填在括号里。(30分)

( )1、My mother is tall, _________your mother is taller .



A、and B、but C、or http://. ( )2、We _________ a bus to Shenyang tomorrow .

A、will taking B、going to take C、are going to take ( )3、________ do you ________ do ? I ‘m a doctor . A、What job , / B、How , usually C、What , usually ( )4、He wants to be a fireman ,because he ____________ people. A、like to help B、likes to help C、like help ( )5、Tom lives on the __________ floor .

A、ninth B、nineth C、nine

( )6、Jane ________ to school _________ underground every day . A、going , by B、goes , by C、go , in

( )7、When _____________ you make the model house ? Two days ago . A、do B、will C、did

( )8、Look , the boys ____________football in the playground. A、are playing B、are play C、playing

( )9、Are there _________ sweets in the bo heavier B、was taller C、was short

( )13、What have you done today ? I _________ basketball .

A、played B、have played C、am going to play ( )14、I like autumn _______ than winter , ___________ we can have a barbecue . A、better , because B、better , but C、best , and ( )15、Eating too much cheese is ___________ our health. A、 good for B、bad to C、bad for 四、完型填空(10分)

Many years ago , Shanghai was a ________ (1) town . Only a few thousand people lived there . Many people ______ (2) fishermen and farmers . Today , Shanghai is a big city . There are __________(3) tall buildings . ___________(4) than thirteen million people live there .



They are office workers , factory workers ,builders, doctors and teachers.

The Shanghai History Museum __________(5) the story of Shanghai . In the museum you can see an old village house and other old things .

( )1、A、big B、small C、old ( )2、A、was B、were C、are ( )3、A、much B、many C、plenty ( )4、A、Many B、Much C、More ( )5、A、tell B、tells C、told 五、阅读理解。(15分)

A、阅读下列对话,判断对错,对的打T,错的打F。(5分) Peter : Winter has come . We can ride skateboards.

Ben : Yes , I like winter very much . But I like summer better Peter : Why ?

Ben : Because we can swim and make sandcastles on the beach .

Alice : Many boys like summer and winter . But I like spring best . In spring we can see many beautiful flowers and trees . It’s warm and sunny . We can play in the


Jenny : Autumn is my favourite season .In autumn we can eat lots of fruit . We can also

have a barbecue .

Peter : We have four seasons but everybody has his own favourite season . Ben : We all like to do different things in different seasons . ( )1、It is spring now .

( )2、Ben likes swimming and making sandcastles . . ( )3、Alice’s favourite season is spring . ( )4、Jenny likes autumn best .

( )5、They like to do the same things in different seasons . B、根据短文内容,选出正确答案。(5分) Dear Tom ,
