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Words and expressions:

Bazaar: (in eastern countries) group of shops or stalls or part of a town where these are.

Take sb back (to): cause sb’s thoughts to return to a past time: Hearing those old songs take be

back a bit. [Compare] bring sb back to sth (restore sb to sth): A week by the sea brought me back to health.

Arch: curved structure supporting the weight of sth above it, eg a bridge or the upper storey of a


Gateway: way in and out that can be closed by a gate or gates (大门口); means of gaining sth

desired. A good education can be the gateway to success.

Glare: strong unpleasant dazzling light; angry or fierce look. A hostile glare. Shadowy: full of shadows or shade; indistinct.

Tinkle: series of short light ringing sounds; make a tinkle. [compare] twinkle. Thread one’s way through (sth): go carefully or with difficulty through (sth). Throng: crowded mass of people or things.

The roadway: part of the road used by vehicles, contrasted with the footpath, pavement, etc.

Conceivable: that can be conceived or believed; imaginable. It is hardly conceivable to me that she

should do such a thing.

Din: continuing loud confused noise. 喧闹。

Ware: manufactured goods. Wares: (dated) articles offered for sale (often not in a shop). Vigorous: strong, active or energetic.

Would-be: having the hope of becoming (the type of person specified) Penetrate: ~ (into / through) sth: make a way into or through sth.

Muted: (of sounds) quiet and often indistinct; not openly or vigorously expressed. ~ excitement. Earthen: made of earth; made of baked clay.

Deaden: lessen the force or intensity of (sth); ~ sb to sth: make sb insensitive to sth. Unhappiness

had deadened her to the lives of others.

Vault: arched roof; cellar or underground room. Vaulted: built in the form of a vault.

Measure: carefully consider (sth). ~ one’s words 用词很讲究. Measured: (of language) carefully

considered; slow and with a regular rhythm. ~ steps / tread.

Overwhelm: overpower sb /sth, esp by force of numbers; defeat; submerge suddenly. Sepulchral: of a tomb or of burial; looking or sounding gloomy. Sepulcher. Follow suit: act or behave in the way that sb else has just done. Peculiarity: distinctive feature Deal in sth: sell sth; trade in sth

Knit: ~ (sth) (together), (cause sth to) join or grow firmly together. Closely-knit argument

Guild: CGP society of people with similar interests and aims, esp one of the associations of

craftsmen or merchants in the Middle Ages.

Persecute: treat sb cruelly, esp because of his race, his political or religious beliefs, etc; allow no

peace to sb, hound sb.

Line: form a line along (sth). A road lined with trees. Line (sb) up: (cause) to form a line. Trestle: structure of wood, metal, etc with legs (支架,条凳)

The order of the day: programme of business to be discussed in Parliament, or at a formal


Preliminary: preparatory.

Narrow (I,Tn) down one’s choice.

A point of honor / conscience: thing of great importance to one’s honor or conscience. Price: fix the price of sth (at a particular level); estimate the price of sth

Yield: ~ (to sb /sth) allow oneself to be overcome by pressure; cease opposition. Make a point of doing sth. So sth because one considers it important or necessary.

Regard: consideration, concern, respect. Hold sb in high /low regard. Pay little regard for sth. Picturesque: forming a pretty scene, charming, Impinge: I, ~ on / upon sth, have an effect on.

Burnish: make (metal) smooth and shiny by rubbing, polish.

Brazier: open metal framework for holding a charcoal or coal fire. A hand: active help.

Bellows: apparatus for driving air into or through sth. Profusion: ~ of sth, abundant supply of sth.

Pungent: having a sharp or strong taste or smell; sharply critical (remarks). ~ comment / satire Exotic: introduce from another country; striking or attractive because colorful or unusual. Sumptuous: looking expensive and splendid.

Maze: network of paths or hedges designed as a puzzle in which one must find one’s way. Honeycomb: wax structure made by bees for holding their honey and eggs. Caravanserai: inn with a large central courtyard. Disdainful: showing contempt. Contemptuous.

Bale: large bundle of paper, straw, goods, etc pressed together and tied with rope or wire. Linseed oil: 亚麻籽油

Somber: dark-colored; dull and dismal; sad and serious. Axle: rod on which or with which a wheel turns 轮轴

Blindfold: cover the eyes of (sb) with a bandage, cloth, etc. adj /adv

Motive: adj. causing movement or action. ~ force /power. Noun. Reason.

Attendant: person whose job is to provide a service in a public place. (pl.) servant or companion. Pulp: soft fleshy inner part of fruit; soft mass of wood fiber used for making paper; substance with

a soft texture similar to these.

Extract: obtain (juices, etc) by crushing, pressing, etc Stately: dignified, imposing; grand.

Ramshackle: (of houses, vehicles, etc) almost collapsing.

Apparatus: set of instruments, equipment used for doing sth, esp in gymnastics. Beam: 梁

Pulley: 滑轮,滑车,皮带轮

Tower above /over sb /sth. [compare] dwarf. Make (sb/sth) seem small by contrast or distance. Shovel: lift or move (sth) with a shovel; make or clear (sth) by shoveling. Vat: tank or large container for holding liquids. Nimble: able to move quickly and neatly; agile.

Throw one’s weight about /around: behave in an aggressively arrogant manner. Girder: 主梁,大梁

Trickle: thin flow of liquid. I, Tn

Ooze: ~ from /out of sth, ~ out/away. (of thick liquids) come or flow out slowly.

Runnel: small trickle or stream. Taut: tightly stretched; not slack

Squeak: short high-pitched cry or sound.

Rumble: make a deep heavy continuous sound. Grind: crush sth to very small pieces or to powder.