Unit11Howwasyourweekend 下载本文

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Unit 11 How was your weekend?

Teaching material Section A(1a – 1c)

Teaching Aims and Remands 1. Knowledge Objects

(1) Key Vocabulary: was, did, went,played,last weekend. (2) Target language

-How was your weekend?

- It was great.

-What did you do last weekend?

- On Saturday morning, I did my homework. 2. Ability Objects

(1) Learn to talk about some activities which happened in the past. (2) Try to write a passage about what you did last weekend.

(3) Train the students’ listening, speaking, reading, writing and

team-working abilities. 3. Emotion, Attitudes and Value

Guide the students to spend healthy and meaningful weekends, such as

playing sports, helping parents do some housework, helping people who need help and so on.

Teaching Key Points and Difficulties 1. Lead-in the simple past tense.

2. Learn to talk about some activities which happened in the past. Teaching Aids

1. A computer for multimedia use. 2. A tape recorder.

Regarding the Guidance of the Teaching Method Learn English by singing.

Analysis of the Teaching Material

This is the first time the students meet the past tense. They will learn the new words: was, did, went and the past forms of some verbs. Then learn to talk about the activities which happened in the past. Students will learn some activities such as did their homework, played soccer…. Then they’ll do much listening and oral practice talking about recent past events by using the target language What did you do last weekend? On Saturday morning, I played tennis/… Teaching Methods

1. Scene teaching methods.

2. Listening and oral practicing methods. 3. Work in pairs or groups. Teaching Procedures

Step1. Greetings and revision 1. Greet the students as usual.


2. Sing the song.

How is your weekend? How is your weekend?

两 只 老 虎, 两 只 老 虎, It is great. It is great. 跑 得 快 , 跑 得 快,

What do you often do? What do you often do?

一只 没 有 耳 朵; 一只 没 有 尾 巴, I play football. I play football. 真 奇 怪 ! 真 奇 怪!

3. Show the calendar of May to the students. Ask the students some questions about the activities on weekends. T: How is your weekend? S1: It is great.

T: What do you often do on weekends? Do you often play football? S1: Yes, I often play football. T: What about you?

S2: I often play basketball. Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the calendar of May to the students. Help them to understand “last weekend”. Guide the topic How was your weekend? T: Look at the calendar of May, May 15th and 16th was last weekend. How was your last weekend? Was it great? OK! Today we are going to learn Unit 9 How was your weekend?

2. Show the topic on the screen. Let the student to read the topic and under line the words “was” and “last weekend”. T: Let’s see what Lingling did last weekend. What did she do last weekend? Show a group of Lingling’s activities to help the students to answerShe

played the guitar on Saturday morning/went to the beach on Saturday afternoon/did her homework on Saturday evening…

Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Saturday evening Sunday morning Sunday afternoon Sunday evening

3. Let the students to ask and answer about Lingling’s last weekend in pairs, and ask them to pay attention to the words “was” “went” “did” “painted” “watched” “played”. T: How was her last weekend? Was it great? Ss: Yes, it was great. Step3. Activities

1. Let the students to read the phrases in 1a of Section A of Unit9, then match the activities with the pictures (a-f). Finish the teaching task of Part 1a.


Check the answers by asking T: What did she do in picture a? S: She went to the movie.

(d, b, f, c, e, a.)

2. Have the students practice asking and answering in pairs. S1: What was Lucy did last Saturday morning? S2: She was played tennis. …

3. Learn by singing

找 找 找 找 找 朋 友, 找到 一个 好 朋 友, Wha-----t did you do last weekend? I did my homework. Wha-----t did you do last weekend? I went to the movies 敬 个 礼 , 握 握 手, I washed the dishes. I cleaned my room. I played tennis. I played soccer. 我是 你的 好 朋 友。 I did the housework. I went to the beach.

Step5. Experience

Play the tape .Let the students only listen for the first time, then play again .This time the students write the day and “morning” “afternoon ” or “night” below each picture. Check the answers, and finish the task of Part 1b. Step 5 Activities

1. Ask two students to read the conversation to the class.

2. Show the pictures of Lucy’s activities, Let the students ask and answer in pairs or groups. Step 6 Exercises

1. Let the students try to find the rules and finish filling in the past forms of the words. (Work in groups after discuss) 动词规则 不规则动词 现在时 过去式 现在时 过去式 play played do did clean cleaned go went stay stayed is was visit visited cook cooked . 2. Lucy’s last weekend

Last weekend Lucy ______(play) tennis on Saturday morning, she ______(go) to the beach on Saturday afternoon, and _____(watch) a movie on Saturday evening. Lucy _____(clean) her room on Sunday