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本次设计共分为七部分。第一部分是厂用变压器及主变压器的选择。根据厂用负荷情况对厂用变压器进行选择,然后再选择主变压器。第二部分是电气主接线和厂用电接线的选择。电气主接线我 “采用双母带旁路接线,以提高供电的可靠性。厂用电接线按照: 按炉分段”原则。第三部分是短路计算。短路计算分为三相对称短路电流计算和不对称短路电流计算。计算方法采用运算曲线法。第四部分是电器设备的选择。主要对断路器、隔离开关、电压和电流互感 器 和 母 线 进 行 选 择 。220KV 侧 的 母 线 我 选 用 软 导 线 ;从 发 电 机 出 线端子的主回路母线,自主回路母线引出至厂用高压变压器和电压互感器、避雷器等设备柜的各分支,采用封闭母线。第五部分是对高压配电装置进行选择。我选用分相中型。第六部分是防雷保护设计。全所共采用八根避雷针进行保护。第七部分是继电保护及自动装置的配置。
关键词: 断路器, 变压器, 母线。
Electric power industry is very important in country life.Itsupplies motivit y for our industryagriculture science technique.Wehave weath y resource.Power station makes all kinds of source intoelectricsuch as coal water powernuclear energy.
Because it is so important .We should plan it before builting.Itrequires factsaft yadvanced and reasonable.
The paper is divided into seven parts.The first :selecting thetransformer of factory and the main transformer.According to the loadof the factory. I can select the transformer of the factory .Then I canselect the main transformer .The second:selecting the main electricalwiring and the wiring of the factory . I select two buses with bybass
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inthe main wiring .It can enhance the reliabilit y .According to theprinciple of boiler subsection .I select the wiring of factory. The thirdthe count of short circuit current .The count of short circuit currentinclude the s yinmetry of three-phase and uns ymmetry. I select themethod of operation curve .The fouth : selecting the equipment .I selectbreaker insulatorcurrent transformervoltage transformer and selectingthe bus . I use the soft line in the bus of 220KV. Form the high-voltagetransformer and the voltage transformer and the lightning arrest .Iselect the sealed bus.The fifth :selecting the distribution install. Ichoose divided-phase middle install in the high-voltage distributioninstall. The sisth:the design of avoiding thunderbolt .I choose eightneedles using the protection The seventh: the protection of the relay ..
Key words :breaker ,transformer ,bus .
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摘要 ................................................................ I 绪论 ................................................................ 1 第1章 概述 ......................................................... 2
1.1概述 ......................................................... 2 1.2本次设计的内容 ............................................... 2 1.3本次设计的任务 ............................................... 3 第2章 发电厂主变压器的选择 ......................................... 4
2.1发电厂主变压器台数和容量的确定 ............................... 4 2.2主变压器型式的确定和调压方式的选择 ........................... 5 2.3主变压器中性点接地方式的选择 ................................. 7 第3章 电气主接线的设计 ............................................. 8
3.1设计电气主接线的依据和基本要求 ............................... 8 3.2发电厂电气主接线设计 ......................................... 9 第4章 发电厂自用电接线设计 ........................................ 13
4.1厂用电设计的基本要求和原则 .................................. 13 4.2高压厂用变压器的选择 ........................................ 13 第5章 短路电流计算 ................................................ 17
5.1短路电流计算的目的 .......................................... 17 5.2短路计算点的确定及短路电流的计算 ............................ 18 第6章 载流导体和电气设备的选择及校验 .............................. 20
6.1电气设备的选择原则 .......................................... 20 6.2导体的选择及校验 ............................................ 21 6.3高压断路器和隔离开关的选择及校验 ............................ 25 6.4互感器的选择及校验 .......................................... 29 第7章 发电机—变压器组保护的特点及其配置 ........................... 37
7.1发电机—变压器组保护的特点 .................................. 37 7.2发电机—变压器组保护的配置 .................................. 38 第8章 发电厂防雷规划 .............................................. 39
8.1发电厂的防雷保护概述 ........................................ 39 8.2发电厂防雷措施 .............................................. 39 第9章 展望 ........................................................ 41 致 谢 .............................................................. 43
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