广东省中山市重点高中2016届高考英语语法专题演练:特殊句式12 Word版含答案 下载本文

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Only when I left my hometown for the city _________ how much I loved it .

A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize 答案 D 326.

As he has been in a terrible state of mind these days, on no account ________ achieve success in the coming English speech competition.

A.has he 答案 C 327.

Only when ____________ possible to settle the problem.

B.he has C.will he D.he will

A.does the chief editor come will it be B.the chief editor comes will it be C.has the chief editor come it will be D.the chief editor comes it will be答案 B 328.

You say he works hard, _____and________.

A. so he does; so you do B. so he does; so do you C. so does he; so do you D. so does he ; so you do 答案 B 329.

Only when you reach the standard _______ to the college. can admit can be admitted 答案 D 330.

_________, they had no chance of winning the war.

A. As they fought bravely B. Bravely though they fought C. Brave as they fought D. Now that they fought bravely 答案 B

B.can you admit

D.can you be admitted

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— How was the 2008 Beijing Olympic opening ceremony? — ______ that the whole world was attracted.

A. It was very fantastic B. Such fantastic was it C. So fantastic was it D. So fantastic it was 答案 C 332.

Never _______ forget the days when _______ together with you.

A.shall I;I lived B.shall I;did I live C.I shall;I lived D.I shall;did I live 答案 A 333.

Tell me how to operate the electronic computer, ______?

A. will you B. shan’t you C. do you D. don’t you 答案 A 334.

Nowhere else in the world _________more friendly people than in China. A. you will find B. can you be able to find C. you may have found D. can you find 答案 D 335.

This is something really invisible, ?

A. is it B. is this C. isn't this D. isn't it

答案 D 336.

These shoes look very good. I have no idea ____. A. how much cost they are B. how much do they cost C. how much they cost

D. how much are they cost

答案 C 337.

—If you keep on breaking the rules, you ’ll be fired.

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—____? I don’t care.

A.What for 答案 C 338.

Not until I went through his paper _________ what rapid progress he had made in writing. A. I did find 答案 B 339.

–He was nearly drowned in a pool. --Oh, when was _______ exactly? --It was in 1983 _______ he was swimming with his friends. A. this; that 答案 C 340.

It is the hotel _______is located in the downtown _______he applied to for a job.

A. that ; where B. which ; that C. / ; that D. what ; that 答案 B 341.

—Were you caught in the rain yesterday?

—Good luck. No sooner home than it poured down.

A.I had reached C.did I reach 答案 B 342.

We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case _______ from practice. A. should theory separate C. theory should separate 答案 D 343.

--- What happened to the priceless works of art? --- ___________________.

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B.How come C.So what D.Why so

B. did I find C. I had found D. was I found

B. that; when C. that; that D. what; when

B.had I reached D.I have reached

B. theory should be separated D. should theory be separated