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3 经理已经做出保证,在他的任期结束之前,他不会离任。(pledge one’s word; leave office; term)

The manager pledged his word that he would not leave office until the last day of his term.

4 他没有意识到,对她美貌的迷恋使他对她的缺点视而不见。(blind v.) He did not realize that his love for her beauty has blinded him to her faults.

5 当得知警察终于在树林里找到她的孩子时,这位年轻的太太流下了眼泪。(shed)

On hearing that the police had finally found her child in the woods, the young lady shed tears. +ever 的用法

这类由\特殊疑问词+ever\构成的单词有:whatever, whichever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however. 现将它们的用法归纳如下: 1.引导让步状语从句

这也是这类单词最常见的用法,一般译为\无论??\。如: Keep calm, whatever happens.(无论什么)

Whoever you are, you can't pass this way. (无论谁) I will find her wherever she may be.(无论在哪里) Come and see me whenever you want to.(无论何时)

However frightened you may be yourself, you must remain outwardly calm.(无论怎样)




Whatever I have is at your service.(引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语)

Prisoners have to eat whatever they're given.(引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语)

I'll just say whatever comes into my mind.(引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语)


She would tell him whatever news she got.(=any news that) Whatever measures are adopted must be consistent with the rules.(=any measures that)

2)whoever起双重作用,相当于\who\可引导主语从句和宾语从句。 I will give my ticket to whoever wants it.(引导宾语从句) Whoever gets the job will have a lot of work to do.(引导主语从句)

3)whichever引导主语从句或宾语从句,译为\无论哪一个\。如: Whichever of you comes in first will receive a prize.(引导主语从句)

I will take whichever fits the sockets.(引导宾语从句)

+ no more than

more than 是英语中常见的用于两者比较的结构,表示“超过,多于”,在这里不必赘述。本文就 more than 的其它用法归纳如下,供英语学习者参考。 一、 more than 后跟形容词、副词、分词、动词、名词, more than 起强调作用,含义是 more than 后的形容词、副词、分词、动词、名词的分量不足以反应实际情况而加以说明,汉语意思是:“十分,非常,岂止,简直,不仅仅,绰绰有余”。例如:

I am more than content with what you said.我对你的讲话十分满意。 She was dressed more than simply.她穿着太朴素了。

Being a good listener means much more than just listening with ears. 做一个好的听者不仅仅意味着“用耳朵听”。

Peace is much more than the absence of war.和平不仅仅是没有战争。 二、 more than / more ? than 跟含 can 的从句,这种结构不能照字面来翻译。 more than 之后的从句里,英语里虽是肯定形式,却表示否定概念。 more than ? can ?的结构意为“简直不可能”:“ more ? than ? can ?”


The beauty of the place is more than I can describe.那个地方美得我简直不可以言表。

How he manages to live is more than I can tell.他怎样生活的,我简直猜不透。

He has more money than he can spend.他有花不完的钱。

三、 more ? than 通常用于比较两个不同的人物,但有时也可用来指一个人物本身的两种特性,这时其意义和 rather than 相同,肯定 more 后面的,而否定 than 后面的。汉语意思是“与其说??不如说??”,“是??而不是??”。例如:

He is more diligent than clever.与其说他聪明,不如说他勤奋。 She is more shy than unsocial. 她是害羞,而不是不爱社交。 He is more of a fool than a knave.与其说他是个无赖,不如说他是个笨蛋。

四、 no more than 与 not more than 后跟名词所表含义的区别: no more than 后跟名词的意思是“只不过,仅仅”,有“轻视,嫌少”之意。例如:

He is no more than a puppet.他只不过是个傀儡。 He felt no more than five dollars in the bag. 他的袋子里只剩下 5 美元(有言其少之意)。

not more than 后跟名词的意思是“不超过,至多”,是一般的否定,或客观地说明数字。例如:

They were not more than two hours from the place.他们离那个地方最多不过两个小时的路线。

I have not more than five dollars in my pocket.

我口袋里的钱不多于 5 美元(最多 5 美元,不超过 5 美元)。

五、 no more ? than ( not ? any more than )跟从句,表示两者皆否定的观念,意思是“不??正如??不??一样”。例如:

He's no more fit to be a minister than a school boy would be. 小学生不适合当部长,他也不适合当部长(这句话的重点在 He's no more fit to be a minister )。

A nation cannot exist without people any more than a tree can grow without roots.

一个国家不可能离开人民而存在,正如树没有根不能生长一样。 not more ? than 跟从句表示两者皆肯定的观念,只是有差别而已,意思是“不及??那样”。例如:

He is not more diligent than you are.他不象你那样勤奋。 (重点在 you are diligent .他也勤奋,但不如你勤奋。) 六、 little more than; no less than

little more than ,因 little 含有否定意义,因此其汉语意思是“不过,仅仅,多不了多少”。例如:

That is worth little more than one dollar.那不过值一美元。 no less than ,因“ no less ”含双重否定,因此其汉语意思是“不少于,有??之多”。例如:

There were no less than fifty killed and wounded. 死伤者不少于 50 人。

七、 more than 虽属比较结构,但可辅以一定的词汇手段,如: no, nothing, nobody, nowhere, any, anything else, hardly, scarcely 等否定句,便可表达最高级的含义。例如:

Nothing is more precious than time.没有什么比时间更可贵的东西了。 No complaint is more common than that of a scarcity of money.最普通的就是说钱不够用。

George did more work this morning than anyone else.乔治今天上午干的工作比任何人都多。 Unit seven

Active reading (1)

Dealing with unfamiliar words

3 Match the words for sounds with their meanings.

1 to make small sounds of pain, fear, or sadness (whimper) 2 to make short sharp knocking sounds as something moves or shakes (rattle)