After-class Exercises for Chapter 4 Syntax 下载本文

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After-class Exercises for Chapter 4 Syntax

I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C, or D in the brackets.

1. The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a __________ formula “S → NP VP”. A. hierarchical B. linear C. tree diagram D. vertical

2. The two clauses in __________ sentence are structurally equal parts of the sentence. A. simple B. complete C. complex D. coordinate

3. A__________ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that introduces the embedded clause. A. coordinator B. particle C. preposition D. subordinator

4. The rules that group words and phrases to form grammatical sentences are called __________ rules.

A. recursive B. structural C. double D. combinational

5. In the phrase structure rule “S → NP VP”, the arrow can be read as __________. A. is equal to B. consists of C. has D. generates

6. When we move a noun phrase from the object position to the subject position in passive transformation in English, we are ___________ the noun to the left. A. rewriting B. postposing C. maintaining D. preposing

7. When we move the adverbial phrase “every day” in the sentence “Every day, we study English.” to the end of the sentence, we are now __________ the phrase to the right. A. rewriting B. preposing C. postposing D. maintaining

8. Transformational Generative Grammar was introduced by __________ in 1957. A. L. Bloomfield B. F. Saussure C. N. Chomsky D. M. A. K. Halliday

9. The level of syntactic representation that exists after movement takes place is commonly termed as the __________. A. phrase structure B. deep structure C. surface structure D. syntactic structure

10. The level of syntactic representation that exists before movement takes place is commonly termed as the __________. A. phrase structure B. surface structure C. syntactic structure D. deep structure

11. Syntactic movement is dictated by rule traditionally called __________ . A. phase structure rules B. syntactic rules C. lexical rules D. transformational rules

12. Universal Grammar (U.G.) is a model of grammar that has been proposed and developed since _________. A. 1970s B. 1980s C. 1990s D. 1960s

13. The theory of __________ accounts for the fact that noun phrases appear only in subject and object positions. A. Case Condition B. Adjacent Condition C. parameter D. Adjacent parameters

14. It is the __________ on Case assignment that states that a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other. A. Case Condition B. parameter C. Adjacent Condition D. Adjacent Parameter.

15. Natural languages are viewed to vary according to ___________ set on U.G. principles to particular values.

A. Adjacent Condition B. parameters C. Case Condition D. Case requirement

lI. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. If you think a statement is false, you are required to give the correct version.

1. The main concerns of syntax are the study of how sentences are structured.

2. Sentences are not formed by randomly combining lexical items, but by following a set of syntactic rules that arrange linguistic elements in a particular order. 3. Sentences as sequences of words in a simple, linear, additive fashion.

4. The relationship between the embedded clause and its matrix clause is one of a part to the whole.

5. Syntactic categories refer to sentences and clauses only.

6. The categories that cannot be substituted for one another are of the same syntactic categories. 7. “The student” in the sentence “The student liked the linguistic lecture,” and “The linguistic lecture” in the sentence “The linguistic lecture liked the student” belong to the same syntactic category.

8. Lexical categories are generally known as parts of speech, and a language has major and minor lexical categories of a finite set.

9. Major lexical categories are closed categories because the number of lexical items in these categories is fixed and no new members are allowed for.

10. Strictly speaking, the statement that the subject usually precedes the verb and the direct object usually follows the verb is true in terms of both structural and logical concepts. 11. A logical subject may have different positions in a sentence.

12. Phrase structure rules can generate an infinite number of sentences, and sentences with infinite length, due to their recursive properties.

13. In deep structure level, the phrase “my small child’s cot” can be analyzed in at least three

different ways.

14. In Chomsky’s theory, transformations are thought to be able to modify deep structures in various ways in order to produce surface structures.

15. Under the Case Condition principle, when the Move a rule operates to change a sentence from the active voice to the passive voice, it can move a noun phase to any Case receiving position.

III. Directions: Define the following terms. sentence (P61) finite verb (P61)

hierarchical structure (P66) grammatical relation (P73-74) recursiveness (P78-79) X-bar theory (P81)

universal grammar (P85)

IV. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do we say tree diagrams are more advantageous and informative than linear structure in analyzing the constituent relationship among linguistic elements? Support your statement with examples. (P68-69)

2. What are the major lexical categories and the minor lexical categories? And what is the difference between them? (P72-73)

Keys to After-class Exercises I.

1-5 B D D D B 6-10 D C C C D 11-15 D B A C B II.

错误的为3 5 6 9 10 15,其余正确。