新发展研究生英语综合教程+2+unit+1,2,6,8+教师用书 下载本文

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新发展研究生英语 综合教程 2 教师用书

使 用 建 议 —— 致 教 师

在组织教学活动中,建议整个课文教学过程按照课后Comprehension部分设定的步骤进行。 因为Comprehension练习设计的指导思想是除了检查学生对课文的理解外,更重要的是能起到导 教、导学的作用。因此这部分练习应与教师的课文讲解紧密结合,以练习带讲解,不宜在课文讲 解之后孤立使用。在Comprehension练习中可能有部分问题没有提供答案,因为这些问题仅供学 生讨论之用,学生可以根据自己的不同阅历和思想给出不同的答案,以达到讨论的目的。做完 这一步仅仅意味着阅读过程的结束,在此基础上教师可根据学生的情况,做有关的语言知识点 的检查或讲解。这项工作大致包括:An Oral Summary of the Text,Sentence Paraphrasing,Long Sentence Translation into Chinese,Useful Sentence Pattern Imitation(from Chinese into English) 等。Vocabulary,Cloze等练习由教师自定方式进行。为了帮助学生更好地了解课文的语篇结构和 主题的发展、全面理解课文,我们设计了课文提纲练习(Outline),教师可以在要求学生完成课 文提纲的基础上让学生写提要(Summary),也可要求学生根据提纲口头复述课文内容。在Oral Practice部分,教师可以按照活动的要求和提供的材料,组织学生完成这些任务和活动。在第二 册我们增加了How to Present。这部分内容主要训练、培养学生演讲、陈述能力。教师可以课堂讲 解、示范,学生课后准备,并在下一次上课时演讲汇报。第三册为Debating Skills, 教师可以根据 教学的进展开展2~3次辩论活动,以运用所传授的辩论技巧。Writing部分目的是让学生在读、说 的基础上,通过写的方式,把相关内容和观点表达出来。

教 师 用 书 构 成

《综合教程》教师参考书由三大部分组成:Understanding and Learning(About the Author, Information Related to the Text, Language Points),Key to Exercises和Reading Passage Translation。 教师参考书中每单元各部分的内容与形式如下:

About the Author Text Information Related to the Text Language Points V Preface 前 言

Pre-reading Activities Post-reading Activities Exercises Language Focus Oral Practice

Writing Project Further Reading Part III Reading Passage Translation 课文和阅读材料的汉语参考译文 Text Further Reading 教 师 用 书 编 写 原 则 1. 竭诚为教师服务,努力为教师有效地组织课堂、指导整个教学过程提供便利。因此,在

编排上对所有重点、难点、语言点都标明了在文中的段落,免除教师备课查资料(查找)之苦。 在教学参考内容的选择上,除了练习参考答案之外,还提供文章背景材料,包括与话题密切相关 的人物、机构、公司、事件、历史、典故、作品等的背景知识。

2. 针对课文中有关的语言知识点、难点进行较为详尽的解释或释义,并提供参考例句。由 于注释详尽,教师在使用中有很大的选择余地。

总之,《综合教程》教师参考书的宗旨重在方便教师,减轻教师备课时查资料的负担,以 便集中精力研究教学,把课教好。

编 写 成 员 《综合教程》教师参考书由王同顺教授担任总主编,其中第一册由张宜教授和马晶教授主

编,第二册由王海华教授主编,第三册由金敬红教授主编。同时,由外籍专家Debbie Mason参与


编 者 2010年元月于上海


Unit 1 Career


新发展研究生英语 综合教程 2 教师用书

Part I Understanding and Learning

Text Growing Up



Russell Baker (born August 14, 1925): Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, Russell Baker, was the author of the nationally syndicated Observer column for the New York Times from 1962 to 1998. In addition, as the noted journalist, humorist, essayist, and biographer, he has written or edited seventeen books. He used good-natured humor to comment slyly and trenchantly on a wide range of social and political matters. Baker‘s first Pulitzer Prize was for distinguished commentary for his Observer columns (1979) and the second one was for his autobiography, Growing Up (1983). He wrote a sequel to his autobiography in 1989, called The Good Times. In addition to his regular columns and numerous books, Baker also edited the anthologies, The Norton Book of Light Verse (1986) and Russell Baker’s Book of American Humor (1993). In 1993, he became the regular host of the PBS television series, Masterpiece Theatre. Baker is a regular contributor to national periodicals such as The New York Times Magazine, Sports Illustrated, Saturday Evening Post, and McCalls.

II?????????????????????????????????1. Growing Up: Growing Up is Russell Baker‘s memoir which recalls his peripatetic childhood. It won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for biography. It traces his youth in rural Virginia, from the death of his father when he was only five through his growing-up years between the wars. The rest

Career 职业生涯

Unit 1

of the book is a paean to his mother, a strong-willed optimist who never accepted defeat as an alternative to success. Her unfailing faith in the talents of her young son was not misplaced. This is an iconic and magical piece of literature, a story of courage and love, of the bonds of family in spite of tension and disagreement.

2. The Saturday Evening Post: The Saturday Evening Post is a bimonthly American magazine. While the publication traces its historical roots to Benjamin Franklin and The Pennsylvania Gazette first published in 1728, The Saturday Evening Post, rechristened under new ownership in 1821 as a four-page newspaper, eventually became the most widely circulated weekly magazine. The magazine gained prominent status under the leadership of its longtime editor George Horace Lorimer (1899–1937). The Saturday Evening Post published current event articles, editorials, human interest pieces, humor, illustrations, a letter column, poetry (including work written by readers), single-panel cartoons and stories by the leading writers of the time. It was known for commissioning lavish illustrations and original works of fiction. Illustrations were featured on the cover, and embedded in stories and advertising. Some Post illustrations became popular and continued to be reproduced as posters or prints, especially those by Norman Rockwell. Curtis Publishing Co. stopped publishing the Post in 1969 after the company lost a landmark defamation suit and was ordered to pay over $3 million in damages.

3. The Great Depression: The Great Depression was an economic slump in North America, Europe and other industrialized areas of the world that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. It was the longest and most severe depression ever experienced by the industrialized Western world. Though the United States economy had gone into depression six months earlier, the Great Depression may be said to have begun with a catastrophic collapse of stock-market prices on the New York Stock Exchange in October 1929. During the next three years stock prices in the United States continued to fall, until by late 1932 they had dropped to only about 20 per cent of their value in 1929. Besides ruining many thousands of individual investors, this precipitous decline in the value of assets greatly strained banks and other financial institutions, particularly those holding stocks in their portfolios. Many banks were consequently forced into insolvency; by 1933, 11,000 of the United States‘ 25,000 banks had failed. The failure of so many banks, combined with a general and nationwide loss of confidence in the economy, led to much-reduced levels of spending and demand and hence of production, thus aggravating the