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个人资料整理 仅限学习使用 99% homology with that of App serotype 7 strain AP76。 and 99% homology with that of App serum type 5b strain L20 . Permease protein of App galactoside ABC transporter had 184 helix,48 enfoldment,105 random coil。This protein had a BDP transp 2 domain between 41-326 amino acid, and It is responsible for making the directional movement of substances such as macromolecules, small molecules, ions into/out of cells or between cells. Transmembrane prediction proved to contain 7/8 transmembrane regions. 【Conclusion】Permease of protein App galactoside ABC transporter has highly-precise base synthetase activity and transporting activity . It is a transmembrane protein.
Key words: Actionobacillus pleuropneumoniae。 galactoside ABC transporter, permease protein。 bioinformatics analysis

目 。 录 。 。 。 。 5000字
摘要 。 。 。 1
关键词 。 。 。 1
1 前言 。 。 。 2
2 材料与方法 。 。 。 3
2.1 氨基酸序列查找 。 。 。 3
2.2 BLAST与结构分析 。 。 。 3
3 。 结果 。 。 。 4

3.1 氨基酸序列以及核苷酸序列 。 。 。 3
3.2 半乳糖苷ABC转运通透酶基因序列和蛋白氨基酸序列的
相似性比对分析结果 。 。 。 4

3.2.1 Nucleotide Blast 分析和比对结果 。 。 。 4
3.2.2 Protein blast 分析和比对结果 。 。 。 6
3.3 二级结构分析结果 。 。 。 7
3.3.1 跨膜区预测结果 。 。 。 8
3.4 功能分析 。 。 。 10
4 。 结论 。 。 。 10
参考文献 。 。 。 11
致谢 。 。 。 12

摘 。


个人资料整理 仅限学习使用 寻新的发展模式是十分必要的问题。本文通过对我国城市商业银行发展模式存在不足之处进行分析,以及影响发展模式因素分析,最后提出一些对于我国城市商业银行发展的建议。

Model of City Commercial Banks

Abstract: With the accession to WTO over the past five-year protection period, the city

commercial bank after ten years of development, in the face of major domestic commercial banks, and increasing incentives for foreign banks compete, how the city commercial banks should improve their competitiveness, how to explore new development model is very necessary question. Based on the mode of development of city commercial banks to analyze existing deficiencies, and factors that affect development patterns, and finally some development of city commercial banks for the proposal.
Key words:city commercial banks。development modle。scale control

摘 。

关键词:服装企业; 国际化;策略

Research on Internationalization Strategy of China's retail Business
Abstract: China&rsquo。s Clothing Industry in the 21st century, not only has reached the scale of the world, and the level of manufacturing industry ranked the first position of the international mainstream market, has become the world's largest producers of apparel, clothing consumer and clothing exporting countries, especially the garment processing level has reached a certain level. Power to enter the apparel garment industry on the road for the realization of the objectives clothing power, firmly installed in the domestic market and export only, but had to make a difference in the international market. This paper describes the analysis of garment enterprises in the international face of the wave of serious challenges, from the current situation of China's

个人资料整理 仅限学习使用 garment market, combined with case studies of successful international clothing enterprises, proposes an international garment enterprises of China's product strategy, pricing strategy, promotional strategy and channel strategy.
Key words: retail enterprises。 internationalization。 strategy

目 。 。 。 录

摘 。 要 。 。 。 1
关键词 。 。 。 2
一、绪论 。 。 。 2

<一)选题目的与意义 。 。 。 2
<二)国内外研究动态 。 。 。 2
1.服装企业国际化的内涵 。 。 。 2
2.我国服装企业的发展历史 。 。 。 2
3.我国服装企业国际化的现状和特点 。 。 。 2
4.我国服装企业国际化的经营策略 。 。 。 3
<三)本文的研究思路和方法 。 。 。 5
二、我国服装企业国际化现状 。 。 。 5
<一)国际生产经营现状 。 。 。 5

1.内需市场的高发展为企业国际化打下坚实基础 。 。 。 5
2.对外出口对产业拉动力量已减弱,出口额下降 。 。 。 6
<二)以出口为主,逐步出现海外投资和对外直接投等国际化投资方式 。 。 。 7
<三)服装企业国际品牌竞争力较弱 。 。 。  。7
三、我国服装企业国际化经营中存在的问题与挑战 。 。 。 8
<一)我国服装企业国际化经营中存在的问题 。 。 。 8
1.外国服装分销商考验国内服装企业的网络 。 。 。 8
2.服装企业营销和管理方面急需创新 。 。 。 8

3.技术、品牌依赖外方,阻碍了自主知识产权与品牌开发 。 。 。 8
<二)我国服装企业国际化进程中面临的挑战 。 。 。 8
1.发达国家和相关发展中国家的双重挤压 。 。 。 9
2.非关税壁垒对纺织服装产品进口限制 。 。 。 9
3.国内进口限制取消后的冲击 。 。 。 9

4.低价促销招致反倾销起诉,遭遇绿色壁垒 。 。 。 9

个人资料整理 仅限学习使用 四、案例分析&mdash。雅戈尔服饰的国际化策略 。 。 。 9
<一)企业介绍 。 。 。 10

<二)分析比较及借鉴经验 。 。 。 10

1.稳固国内第一,打住基础建设,拓展国际市场、以市场换市场战略 。 。 。 10
2.丰富的国际化品牌内在文化,明确的国际化品牌核心价值 。 。 。 11
3.统一综合品牌与细分国外市场相结合的国际化经营战略 。 。 。 11
4.渠道链整合、现代化营销网络体系,构建国际化品牌生命力 。 。 。 12
5.重视人才,通过人才的引进与国际市场接轨 。 。 。 13
<三)案例小结 。 。 。 13

五、对我国服装企业国际化经营策略的建议 。 。 。 13
<一)产品策略 。 。 。 14

1.调整出口商品结构,优化资源配置,发展纺织服装深加工、高附加值的 。 。 。 14
2.提高产品质量,实施品牌战 。 。 。 14
3.有效实施产品差异化策略 。 。 。 14
<二)价格策略 。 。 。 14
<三)促销策略 。 。 。 15
<四)渠道策略 。 。 。  。15
六、结束语 。 。 。 16
参考文献 。 。 。 17

致 。 。 。 谢 。 。 。 18

摘 。 。 。 要


个人资料整理 仅限学习使用 以上计算过程中,用PKPM进行了适当验算。



关键词:框架结构 。 教案楼 。 建筑设计 。 结构设计 。 PKPM


The title of this graduation project is the hotel in the city of Shaoxing, including architectural design and constructional design.
The frame construction of the architect is four floors, the total height of the architect is 19.8 meter and the total area is about square meters. 。
I calculate the gravity load of one roof truss, the wind load and the horizontal effect of earthquake and its internal force, calculate the vertical constant loading effect and its internal force. After the end of the calculation of internal force, I combine them with PKPM, and design the section of girder and columniation according to the worst combination. Besides the designation of one roof truss, I draw the designation of board, stair and the basic designation. I have made a check on the calculation above.
The final drawing of the design including:

 。Architectural drawing: bottom plan, roofing plan, second floor plan, faç。ade drawing and body section drawing.
Constructional drawing: Constructional floor plan, broad arrangement drawing, the drawing of one roof truss, basic plan and arrangement drawing.
Key words: frame construction。 teaching building。 architectural design。

