湖南省耒阳市冠湘中学2013-2014学年八年级上学期第二次段考英语试题(无答案).doc 下载本文

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(总分120分) Ⅰ.听力技能(25分)

Ⅱ.知识运用(2个部分,20小题,20分) A)单项选择。(10分)

( )21.You’d better _______ too much meat. You are much too fat. A.not eat B.eat C.not to eat D.don’t eat ( )22. Please keep the window_____.It’s a little cold here. A.open B.opened C.closed D.close ( )23._____nice coat! A..What B.How C.What a D.How a ( )24.Sally sings pretty _______ and she is also _______ at dancing. A.well; well B.good; good C.good; well D.well; good ( )25.Tom with his parents______ living in China. A.enjoy B.enjoys C.want D.wants ( )26. My mother often tells me _______ my classmates when they need. A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps ( )27.—Are you ______dancing? —No, I don’t like it. A.fond of B.liking C.loving D.preferring ( )28.—Mom,must I clean my desk now? ---No,you ____.You can do it tomorrow. A.can’t B.needn’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t ( )29.—There _______ a concert this evening. —Exciting news. A.are going to be B.is going to be C.is going to have D.will have ( )30.—_______ can I keep the books? —Two weeks. A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How soon B).完形填空。(10分)

Mr. Johnson was having trouble with his stomach. 31 he went to see a doctor. The doctor examined his stomach 32 but couldn’t find any problem. Then he said,“Well,Mr. Johnson,take it easy. There’s 33 serious,stop smoking and then you’ll be all right very 34 .”

“But doctor,” answered Mr. Johnson,“I 35 , and I don’t like smoking at all.” “Oh,I see, ” said the doctor, “then stop drinking alcohol (酒) 36 .” “But I don’t drink alcohol,” answered Mr. Johnson.

“Don’t drink 37 tea or coffee then,” the doctor said to him.

“I 38 drink water, ” answered Mr. Johnson, “I don’t like tea or coffee, either.” The doctor 39 for a while and then said, “Well, what do you like to eat then?” “Potatoes, I like potatoes very much,” Mr. Johnson answered at once.

“All right,then stop 40 potatoes,” said the doctor as Mr. Johnson got up to say goodbye to him. ( )31.A.Or B.But C.So D.For ( )32.A.slowly B.carefully C.quickly D.happily ( )33.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything ( )34.A.early B.much C.late D.soon ( )35.A.won’t smoke B.needn’t smoke C.couldn’t smoke D.never smoke ( )36.A.from then on B.just now C.from now on D.until now ( )37.A.some B.many C.any D.little

( )38.A.will B.only C.don’t D.won’t ( )39.A.thinks B.will think C.is thinking D.thought ( )40.A.eating B.buying C.cutting D.washing Ⅲ.阅读技能。(40分))


How much sleep do we need? People are all different. Some people need only three or four hours of sleep a night. Others need ten hours of sleep a night. Most Americans sleep seven to eight hours a night.

Some people find it hard to fall asleep. About one in three Americans have a problem with sleep. Many of these people can not fall asleep. The name of this problem is insomnia(失眠症). Many famous people in history had insomnia. Some of these people have special(特殊的) ideas to make themselves sleep. Benjamin Franklin had four beds. He moved from bed to bed to fall asleep. Mark Twain lay(躺) on his side across the end of his bed. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。

( )41.Different people need different amounts of sleep(睡眠时间). ( )42.Most Americans sleep more than 8 hours a night. ( )43.If a person has insomnia, he can never fall asleep. ( )44.About 1/3 of Americans have a problem with sleep. ( )45.Mark Twain had four beds to make himself sleep. (B)

An old man visited a new doctor. The new doctor was very young.“I don’t feel well, doctor,”the old man said,“please find out (查明) what’s wrong with me.”

“Take off your clothes and lie on the bed,” the young doctor said, “I’ll examine you.”

He listened to the old man’s heart, looked into his throat and examined every part of him. However, he couldn’t find anything wrong with the old man. At last he said,“I’m sorry,but I can’t find anything wrong with you. You are as healthy as (和??一样健康) I am.”

“That’s very strange,”the old man said,“I really feel bad.” “Come back tomorrow if you don’t feel better,”the young doctor said,“I’ll examine you again.”

“All right, doctor.”the old man said slowly. He stood up and put on his clothes. Then he walked out of the hospital. A few minutes later,a nurse ran in.“Doctor,Doctor!”she cried,“The man who you said was healthy has just died outside the door.”

The doctor thought quickly and said,“Then turn the body around so that(以便)people will think he was coming.”

根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 46.What’s wrong with the old man? _____________________________

47.How did the new doctor examine the old man? _____________________________

48.Was the old man as healthy as the doctor? _____________________________

49.Could the doctor find anything wrong with the old man? _____________________________

50.If the old man didn’t die, do you think he would see that doctor again? _____________________________ ( C)

I’m Eric.My favorite place to visit is Florida.This March,I went there with my parents to visit my uncle.

There are some “must-do’s” in Florida. Going to the seaside is one of them.We can go fishing and swimming there.There are many big theme parks to have fun.Another thing to do is going to the Port St.Lucie Country Fair.I went to a rodeo there for the first time.It was great.

One of my favorite hobbies is fishing. One morning my dad and I went fishing with my uncle, and my two cousins.I caught an octopus.I think everybody should try deep-sea fishing.It is


51.When did Eric go to Florida this year? A.In January. B.In March. C.In May

52.Which of the following is NOT a “must-do” according to the second paragraph? A.Going to the seaside. B.Going to theme parks. C.Going to an octopus show. 53.How many people did Eric go fishing with? A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.

54.What does think of deep-sea fishing? A.Relaxing B.Wonderful. C.Exciting

55.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.Eric didn’t go to a rodeo before. B.Eric went fishing in the afternoon. C.Eric went to Florida with his uncle.


During the day we work and play,and at night we sleep. Our body rests when we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. Our body grows most when we are asleep. Children who are tired usually need sleep. We can get better at our lessons after having plenty of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night. Our body needs plenty of air when we are asleep. If we do not get enough fresh air, we will feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover our head,our lungs need to get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night,we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air. ( )56.Our body grows most while we are _______. A.eating B.playing C.sleeping D.exercising ( )57.Too little sleep makes us _______. A.tired B.hungry C.happy D.grow ( )58.—What may cause us to feel tired in the morning? —_______ during the sleep. A.Too much air B.Not enough fresh air C.Too much cold air D.Too much sleep

( )59.How many hours of sleep should 9-year-old children have every night? A.8 hours. B.9 hours. C.10 hours. D.11 hours. ( )60.What do the lungs need most? A.Fresh air. B.Covering. C.Warm air. D.Exercise. Ⅳ.写作技能(四个部分,35分)


Classical music is serous music.People usually (61) e____it at a concert or in a theater.Pop music often comes and (62)g___ quickly. It is usually about (63)l___ and everyday life.Country music,rock music and jazz are all pop music.They are very (64)____ (受欢迎)with youny people.Folk music is special.It is a part of the working people’s songs.Guo Lanying,Song Zuying and Tengri are (65)f_____ for their folk songs. B)英汉互译(5小题,10分)

As we know,66.good health is more important than wealth.67.食物给我们能量,so we must have enough food to keep healthy.Of course,we must also have right kinds of food.68.We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat.A glass of milk and an egg a day can help make us strong.69.Different foods help us in different ways.But if 70.我们吃太少或太多 or if we choose the wrong food,we may become sick.It’s necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.

C). 补全对话。(10分)(B)根据对话情景,在空白处填入合适的句子。 A.Hi,Jack.What do you usually do in your free time? B.71.___________________. I like it very much. A:72. _____________________? B.Because I want to be a football player. A:73. _____________________?

B:I started to play football two years ago. A:74. _____________________?

B:I used to listen to music and play the guitar when I was free.What about you ? 75._______________________________________? A:My hobbies are singing and collecting stamps. D)书面表达(10分)

请以How to prevent the Flu为题写一篇80词左右的短文。(10分)