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课程编码:30615001 学分: 2学分 总学时:36学时
说 明
“语言学概论”、“英语学习理论”课程的学习,有一定语言实践经验。 【学时分配】 序号 内 容 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction: 学 时 安 排 理论 课时 3 实验 课时 习题 课时 0 1 1 1 1 1 上机 课时 小计 3 4 3 4 4 4 The nature of 3 learner language Interlanguage 2 Social aspects of 3 interlanguage Discourse aspects 3 of interlanguage Psycholinguistic 3 aspects of interlanguage Linguistic aspects 3 of interlanguage 7 0 3 8 Individual 3 differences in L2 acquisition Instruction and L2 3 acquisition Conclusion: multiple perspectives SLA 总 计 1 in 27 1 4 9 10 1 2 4 3 9 36 【教材与主要参考书】
教 材:Rod Ellis 《第二语言习得》 上海外语教育出版社, 2000年。
参考书:P. M. Lightbown and N. Spada 《语言学习机制》上海外语教育出版社, 2002年。
Rod Ellis 《第二语言习的研究》 上海外语教育出版社, 1994年。
第一部分 Introduction: Describing and Explaining L2 Acquisition
教学目的:本章是全书的绪论,学习的目的是弄清第二语言习得的概念和目标。 教学要求:明确什么是学习者语言等相关概念,从而在整体上使学生对第二语言习得的基本理论有个概括性的了解。 【内容提要】
Ⅰ.The definition of second language acquisition Ⅱ.The goals of second language acquisition Ⅲ.Two case studies
Ⅳ.Methodological issues
Ⅴ.Issues in the description of learner language Ⅵ.Issues in the explanation of L2 acquisition
教学重点:the definition of second language acquisition 教学难点:the goals of second language acquisition
1. In what respects is Wes a ?good language learner? and on what respects is he not one? 2. What is your own definition of a ?good language learner??
第二部分The Nature of Learner Language
教学目的:学生了解学习者语言的本质。 教学要求:要求学生理解错误的本质并能够进行相应的错误分析,了解语言习得过程的发展模式。 【内容提要】
Ⅰ.Errors and error analysis Ⅱ.Developmental patterns
Ⅲ.Variability in learner language
Ⅳ. Summary
教学重点:Error analysis and contrast analysis
教学难点:the difference between error analysis and contrast analysis
1. What does Corder mean by saying that an ?error? is ?systematic? and a ?mistake? is ?unsystematic?? Do you see any problems with this definition?
2. Later Corder recognizes that it may be difficult to distinguish ?errors? and ?mistakes?. Can you suggest ways of doing this?
教学目的:学生能够了解行为主义学习理论和语言学习的唯心主义理论。 教学要求:通过对行为主义学习理论和语言学习的唯心主义理论的清楚了解,进而理解中介语的概念与内涵。 【内容提要】
I. the definition of behaviorist learning theory and its influence on second language acquisition
II. a mentalist theory of language learning and its influence on second language acquisition III. the definition of interlanguage
IV. a computational model of L2 acquisition
教学重点:Behaviorist learning theory 教学难点:the definition of interlanguage
1. What is meant by describing the interlanguage continuum as a “restructuring continuum”? 2. What objections can be leveled against this view of the interlanguage continuum?
第四部分Social Aspects of Interlanguage
教学要求:学习有关中介语的社会层面的含义:语体范围内的中介语,第二语言习得的文化适应模式,以及第二语言学习实现的社会作用。 【内容提要】
Ⅰ. Interlanguage as a stylistic continuum Ⅱ. The acculturation model of L2 acquisition Ⅲ. Social identity and investment in L2 learning
教学重点:the understanding of some terms: stylistic continuum; careful style; vernacular style; accommodation theory; divergence; pidginization 教学难点:the understanding of some theories
1. Can you think of any other examples of these two bad learning situations? 2. Can you think of examples of good learning situations?
第五部分Communicative Language Teaching
教学要求:要求学生掌握获取语篇(谈话)规则,第二语言习得过程中语言输入和相互影响的作用以及第二语言习得过程中的语言输出的作用。 【内容提要】
Ⅰ. Acquiring discourse rules
Ⅱ. The role of input and interaction in L2 acquisition Ⅲ. The role of output in L2 acquisition Ⅳ. Summary
教学重点:the understanding of some terms: foreigner talk; negotiation of meaning; input hypothesis; comprehensible input; interaction hypothesis; negative evidence; scaffolding; zone of proximal; auto-input
教学难点:the understanding of some theories
1. To what extent is Krashen?s input Hypothesis a mentalist theory?
2. “Speaking is the result of acquisition and not its cause.” Do you agree? What counter arguments can you think of?
第六部分Psycholinguistic Aspects of Interlanguage
教学目的:学生能够从心理语言学层面了解中介语。 教学要求:要求学生通过对中介语的理解来了解第一语言的迁移、第二语言习得过程中的知觉所发挥的作用以及交际策略等问题。 【内容提要】
Ⅰ.L1 transfer
Ⅱ.The role of consciousness in L2 acquisition Ⅲ.Processing operations Ⅳ.Communication strategies
Ⅴ.Two types of computational model
教学重点: the understanding of some linguistic terms: communication strategies; negative transfer; positive transfer; avoidance; contrastive analysis; speech act; restructuring continuum; noticing; implicit knowledge; explicit knowledge; notice the gap; operating principles 教学难点:the understanding of some linguistic theories
1. What languages do you consider ?typologically close? and ?typologically distant? to your own language?
2. Can you identify structures in your L1 which you perceive to be ?unmarked? and thus potentially transferable?
第七部分Linguistic Aspects of Interlanguage
阶段的选择性。 【内容提要】
Ⅰ. Typological universals: relative clauses Ⅱ. Universal grammar Ⅲ. Learnability
Ⅳ. The critical period hypothesis Ⅴ. Access to UG Ⅵ. Markedness
Ⅶ. Cognitive versus linguistic explanations
教学重点the understanding of some terms: accessibility hierarchy; universal grammar; poverty of the stimulus; positive evidence; negative evidence; critical period hypothesis
教学难点:the understanding of some linguistic theories
1. What do you think older children and adults enjoy ?a short-lived advantage? over children in learning an L2?
2. What explanations can you offer for the failure of adults to achieve native-like competence in an L2?
第八部分Individual Differences in L2 Acquisition
教学目的:学生能够了解第二语言习得过程中的学习者的个体差异。 教学要求:要求学生掌握什么是语言天赋,动机及学习策略。 【内容提要】
Ⅰ. Language aptitude Ⅱ. Motivation
Ⅲ. Learning strategies
教学重点:the understanding of some linguistic terms: language aptitude; motivation; instrumental; integrative; resultative; intrinsic; learning strategies 教学难点:the understanding of some linguistic theories
1. What exactly are the “two contrasting orientations to language and language learning” that Skehan has in mind?
2. What alternative view of motivation do Crookes and Schmidt offer?
第九部分Instruction and L2 Acquisition
教学目的:学生了解课堂教学与第二语言习得的关系。 教学要求:要求学生掌握集中于形式的教学方法、学习者与课堂教学方法的匹配以及学
Ⅰ.The concept of form-focused instruction and its application in second language acquisition Ⅱ. Learner-instruction matching Ⅲ. Strategic training