江苏省南京市、盐城市2018届高三第一次模拟考试 英语 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/13 16:38:25星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。






storiesaftermanyyears?separation. C. spreading

D. plotting

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21. Theyallsattogetherattable, laughingand A. circulating

B. swapping

22. ThemovieCocowrapstwo themes---pursuingdreams,and how we D.universal

rememberloved ones--- inacolorful,culturallyspecificpackage.

A. contemporary B.religious C. historical

---That?sgreat.Small A. gestures 24. It is difficult foroneto themannersofanotherworldwhenhedoesn?tknowwhattheyare. A. see to B. tendto C. amount to ---It sounds A. simply 26. marvellous,butIwon?tbeavailableatthattime. B. equally

C. firmly

canoften createhuge blessings. B.impacts

C. schemes

23. ---Fatheralways instructsmeto do kind actsand bringmorejoyinto the worldaround us.


D.subscribe to

25. --- What about aself-drivetrip to Tibetthis wintervacation?

D. merely

,you need tobe failingmoreifyou are expected to succeed in the end. A. Strange as mightit seem C. Asstrange it mightseem

B.As it mightseemstrange D.Strange as it mightseem

27. --- When doyou thinkIcan access BlackberryAppWorld on mycomputer?

--- Not untilyou A. entered C. have entered 28. Whitesnow A. blanketing

yourdevicepassword correctly.

B. will enter D. will have entered

the small villageafterabigsnowfall, tourists found B.blanketed


themselvessteppinginto afantastic fairyland.

C. beingblanketed

D.to blanket

29. Thebest books are treasuresof goodwords and golden thoughts, rememberedandcherished, becomeour constantcompanions.

A. that


C. where

_, D.where

30. Duringmyfirstyearabroad,I was so busystudyingand meetingnew peoplethatIdid notphonemyparentsas oftenas A. should 31. ---Davidhasbeen A. facingthemusic C. walkingon eggshell


D. would have

B. would C. should have since hegot theoffer in this company. B.crying forthemoon D. wakingasleepingdog

---He has to. You know,theboss is a fault-finder.

32. Menwhostayfit canlower theirrisk ofdying from aheart condition by30% ascomparedwith thosewho are A. out of order C.out ofshape


B. out ofplace D. out of control

theywill D.once

33. Mostpeoplehaveto get toapointwheretheydon?thavea choice changesomething.

A. since 34. Ourhearth is itweakens.

A. what ---Oh, B.whether

C. how

B. before

C. while

wemakeof it—give it attention and it improves;give it noneand

D. who

35. ---Makingacomputer program is a Herculeantaskforme. Canyougive mea hand?

. Turn to Jackson, whois anexpert in it. B.it?snotthecase D.it?sallGreektome

A. it counts fornothing C.itdoesn?thurttoask


请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳WhenKatherineandherdaughterdrovepastKatherine?sbelovedoldhome,shewouldsay,“I?dliketohavethathouseback.” Onher90thbirthday,thatwishcame true.

AllKatherinewantedforher90th birthdaywasto ·2·

选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


38 39 herchildhoodhome.Herdaughter,Emilywasn?tso 37

ontheidea.And,astheoldsayinggoes,youcan reallygohomeagain.However,themomanddaughteroftendrovefromtheir towntocruisepastKatherine?sbelovedoldhome.


her:Hermothercouldhaveherhouseback---in replica(复制品) 41 .Emilyconnectedwith RayMeyers,alocalretireddentistwitha42forwoodworking.Ray

precisemeasurementsand43details with the help ofthe current homeowners.

Thereplicahomeandtheamazingstorybehinditdeservedaspecial_44 .EmilyarrangedasurprisepartyatwhichthereplicaandKatherinewouldbe45 .ButkeepingKatherine in the 46 _ was a painful task.

“Raywouldaskmequestionsaboutthehouse,”Emily saysoftheplanning 47 48 Iwould

.“Icouldn?tremembereverything thelast timeIwasinside waswhenIwasa teenager

49 took


50andthecolor.Shewouldtellme 51 whatsomethinglookedlikeor where itwas in the house.”

Ontheveryday,Emilywentto 52 Katherinetoherhouse.“Whenwewentinside,Iwasjust 53.”Katherinesays.“Therewasahouseloadofpeoplesinging ?HappyBirthday?tome.”EmilypresentedKatherinewiththecarefully 54 .



memoriesofthathouse.Ihavehadseveralfamilydinnerswhereweeataroundit.Inowturnonthetinylightswithinit.It?s sopretty.” ForKatherine, itturned outthatitispossibleto gohomeagain. 36. A. access B.decorate C. build D. own 37. A. keen 38. A. generally 39. A. primary 40. A. overcame 41. A. appearance

B. soft B. sometimes B. temporary B.struck B.pattern


replicahomeC. dependent C. frequently C. current C. failed C. outline

D.hard D.never D.permanent D.amazed D.form

42. A. basis 43. A. composed 44. A. mention 45. A. congratulated 46. A. back 47. A. expectation 48. A. because 49. A. visit with 50. A. management 51. A. briefly 52. A. fetch 53. A. embarrassed 54. A. sorted 55. A. recent

B.preference B.compiled B.analysis B.appreciated B.shadows B.process B. till B.stick with B.equipment B. partly B. join B.shocked B.wrapped B.distant

C. talent C. committed C. research C. exhibited C. clouds C. advance C. as if C. deal with C. arrangement C. thoroughly C. welcome C. inspired C. folded C. fond

D.hunger D.compared D.inspection D.honored D.dark D.destination D. so that D. hold with D.measurement D. vaguely D.receive D.confused D.restored D.selective

第三部分阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Inspiredby theUSA’srecentsolareclipse(日蚀)?Theseequally impressiveeventsandactivities will inspire yourdesire foravisit.

Witness a desert superbloom



sonewildflowerbloomevery5.3yearsonaverage,andasuperbloomonaverageonceevery 11.2years.

WHERE TO GO:DeathValleyNationalPark,

California,theUSAWHENTO GO:February—March

Watchingrockets launching




tknowwhatwillhappenuntilthelastmoment.Youhearthefireandfuryforseveralminutesisgoingto watch a SpaceX reusable rocket launch, thenland backatCape Canaveral.

