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一、判断下列各组发音划线部分的发音,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。 ( ) 1. A. des B. as C. sy2 ( ) 2. A. chic B. nec C. blac ( ) 3. A. watch B. chair C. teach ( ) 4. A. child B. school C. teacher ( ) 5. A. wasp B. crisp C. spell ( ) 6. A. spend ( ) 7. A. fast ( ) 8. A. must ( )9. A. stop ( ) 10. A. stand ( ) 11. A. sate ( ) 12. A. wash ( ) 13. A. wish ( ) 14. A. shae ( ) 15. A. des ( ) 16. A. dress ( ) 17. A. press ( ) 18. A. print ( ) 19. A. brother ( ) 20. A. apple ( ) 21. A. animal ( ) 22. A. heavy ( ) 23. A. eat ( ) 24. A. broe ( ) 25. A. cry ( ) 26. A. cross ( ) 27. A. bread ( ) 28. A. five ( ) 29. A. bie ( ) 30. A. big B. spea B. last B. mast B. stay B. cost B. sip B. she B. dish B. fish B. drive B. driver B. spea B. price B. brown B. Alice B. bad B. each B. tea B. bread B. cream B. cray B. friends B. lie B. bite B. pig C. spend C. August C. student C. post C. stood C. stand C. ship C. share C. sheep C. dry C. drop C. pretty C. prince C.princess C. same C. always C. easy C. sea C. breafast C. brown C. crow C. grow C. drive C. ite C. ice

( ) 31. A. thic B. thin C. time 二、选择填空。 U1

1. ______do you want to be? I want to be a coo.

A. What B. Who C. How 2. I want to help sic people. I want to be a _____.

A. teacher B. pilot C. doctor 3. ______Joe want to be a singer? --Yes.

A. Do B.Is C. Does 4. I’m good at ______.

A. swim B. swimming C. swiming 5. Lily wants to ____ a nurse.

A. is B. are C. be 6. Peter ____ singing. I ___ dancing.

A. lies, lies B. lies, lie C. lie, lie 7. I am a driver. I can ____.

A. fly a plane B. drive a bus C. teach student 8. What do you want? ---_________________.

A. I have an apple B. I want a hamburger C.I have a football 9. What do you have? ---_________________.

A. I have an apple B. I want a hamburger C.I want a football 10. What subject do you want to teach? ---_________________.

A. He wants to teach P.E B. I want to teach English C. She wants to teach Chinese 11. He wants to be a lifeguard, but he is ___ of water. A. good B. good at C. afraid 12. I want to ___ a plane in the sy. A. fly B. to fly C. flying U2

13. I ___ to school by bus. She ___ to school by bus, too.

A. come, come B. comes, come C. come, comes 14. ___ Jimmy ___ to school by car? ---Yes, he does.

A. Does, go B. Does, goes C. Does, does

15. She ___ to school by bie. I go to school _____foot. A. goes, by B. go, by C. goes, on 16. How ____ parents go to wal?

A. does B. do C. is 17. My sister and Lucy ___ to school by train. A. goes B. go C. comes 18. ___ do you go to school? ---I wal to school. A. What B. How C. When 19. Ms Guo ___ bus No.12 to her school. A. by B. on C. taes U3

20. My birthday is ___ July 18th.

A. in B. on C. at 21. Alice’s birthday is___ October. A. in B. on C. at

22. ____ does your brother’s birthday party. It begins __ three o’cloc. A. What, in B. When, at C. What time, at 23. ___ the morning, you can see the Sun. A. In B. On C. At 24. ___ do you go to school? ---I wal to school. A. What B. How C. When 25. My mother’s birthday is on May____. A. fiveth B. five C. fifth 26. My friend’s birthday is on April____.

A. nineth B. ninth C. nine 27. Linda lives on the ____ floor.

A. twelve B. twelfth C. twelveth 28. What time dose it ___? --It ___ at five.

A. begin, begins B. begin, begin C. begins, begin 29. Today is February ____.Net month is my ___ birthday. A. second, tenth B. two, ten C. second, tenth 30. When’s Children’s Day? ---_______.

A. It is in May. B. It is on 1st June. C. It is on July the first. 31. Is it your birthday today? --_______.

A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it can. 32. Sally often does her homewor ___ night. A. on B. in C. at U4

32. Do you want to go ___ with me? A. shop B. shopping C./ 33. I often play chess ____ my brother at weeends. A. with B. in C. at 34. What do you usually do ___ the weeend. A. with B. in C. at 35. Candy often ___ table tennis with her father. A. play B. plays C. / 36. We lie ___ the mountain _____ Sunday morning.

A. climb, in B. climbing, on C. climbing, at 37. My grandparents live ___ my home. A. with B. far from C. far 38. Sam always ___ her grandparents in August. A. visits B./ C. visit 39. My sister often writes ___ emails ___ me. A. a, with B. an, to C. a, to 40. Mar never ___ for a wal after dinner. A. go B. goes C./ 41. What animals do you lie? --______..

A. English B. orange C. rabbit 42. Do you lie playing basetball, Bill?--_______.

A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I can C. Yes, I do 43. Are they your friends?--______.

A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, they is. C. Yes, they are. U5

44. My grandparents are ___ doctors.

A. both B. all C. too 45. I ____ a blac dog and Jill __ a white dog.

A. have, has B. has, have C. has, has 46. My sisters ___ lie playing volleyball. A. both B. all C. are 47. My brother and I ___in____class.

A. am, the same B. are, the same C. are, same 48. We are good friends and we are in _____classes. A. the different B. different C. same 49. itty ___ playing badminton. I ___ playing volleyball. A. is, is B. is, am C. are, am 50. ___ Jim and Tom lie basetball?

A. Do B. / C. Does 51. Lucy sometimes help people ____ heavy bags. A. carries B.carry C. carrying U6

52. What are you doing?--I am ___TV.

A. watch B. watches C. watching 53. Where is ate?--_____.

A. She’s in the bedroom. B. She watching TV 54. What ___ Lily ___? --She’s washing her hands.

A. does, doing B. is, doing C. does, do 55. I am __ the bathroom?--I am ___ my hair.

A. in, wash B. in, washing C. at, wash 56. I __doing my homewor and my mum ____ cooing dinner. A. is,is B. am,is C. am,are 57. Be quite! Someone is____.

A. singing B. sing C. sings 58. ____you in the living room?

A. Is B. Do C. Are 59. What are you doing?--I’m ___.

A. run B. running C. runing

C. She’s playing.