商务英语函电期中卷 下载本文

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A A 题 : 名姓 答 题 : 名 内 姓 答 线 内 : 号 学封 线 密 : 号 学 封 在 密 : 级要 班 在 不 : 要 级 班 请 不 请 : 科 业 专 :科业专期中教案质量检测卷 科目:商务英语函电

Ⅰ。Choose the correct answer(20%) ( )1.The quality and prices of our products compare favorable with _________ of Japanese makes A.these B.those C.which D.that ( )2.We are prepared to allow you a 10% quantity discount if your order _________ 200 cartons A.exceed B.exceeded C.exceeding D.exceeds ( )3.We are sure that our new products will _______ warm reception in your country. A.meet B.meet for C.get D.receive ( )4.The package _______ garments in different sizes and colors A.is consisted of B.makes of C.consists of D.makes up of ( )5.Being moderate in price and attractive in packing, our toys are very popular

_______customers in the U.S.A. A.of B.for C.with D.to ( )6.We regret _____ to give you an immediate reply. A.being able B.be able C.unable D.our inability ( )7.________be prepared to act as our agent, we would warrant a commission of 5% A.Should you B.If you would C.You should D.Would you ( )8.We quote ________ this article ________US$10 per case FOB Shanghai. A.of 。in B.of 。at C.for。in D.for。at ( )9.As the goods you ordered are now _____,we will ship them as early as possible A.in stock B.out of stock C.stock D.have stock ( )10.Since the shipment consists of seasonable goods ,it is necessary that it _______as soon as possible. A.was delivered B.be delivered C.is delivered D.would be delivered ( )11.We regret that we have to _____ our order because of the inferior quality of your prpducts A.carry out B.execute C.cancel D.draw up ( )12.You have authority to draw a 60 days’ draft _______ our bank against this credit for the

amount of your invoice. A.to B.in C.for D.on ( )13.For the goods under our Contract No.80, wehave booked space on s.s.”East Wind”_____

arrive at London around May 19. A.is due to B.due to C.which due to D.due ( )14.It is our firm belif that this business relationship will prove ________ A.mutual beneficial B.mutually benefit C.mutual benefit D.mutually beneficial ( )15.We can not but _____on you for the recovery of theloss. A.to claim B.claim C.claiming D.claimed ( )16.We have no choice but _______ your proposal for payment by D/P. A.accept B.to accept C.accepting D.having accepted ( )17.We regret ______to supply thegoods you demand. A.being able B.being uanble C.to be able D.able to ( )18.The notice given by the shipper after the shipment of the goods is called _____ A.shipping notice B.shipping instruction C.shipping advice D.shipping documents ( )19.You need to apply______the authorities ______the import license. A.to。for B.for。to C.on。for D.on。against ( )20.Please ship the first lot under Contract No.122 by s.s.”Peace”_____sail on July 5. A.scheduled to B.is schduled to C.which due to D.is due to Ⅱ.Translate the following terms from chinese into English(15%) 1. 议付行 2. 信用证的延展 3. 商业发票 4. 实盘 5. 运费预付 6. 试订单 7. 跟单托收 8. 价格术语 9. 保险费 10. 市场份额 Ⅲ.Translate the following terms from English into Chinese.(10%) 1. the customs 2. consignee 3. trade negotiation 4. general average 5. payment in advance 6. insurance agent 7. certificate of origin 8. GSP 9. partial shipment 10. draw one’s attention to sth. Ⅳ.Complete the following sentences(20%) 1.We are making you the following offer,subject to ________________________________________________ ____________________________________(以8月12日前到你方复到为有效) 2.Kindly give priority to _______________________________________________________(优先考虑我方的要求)and send us your early favourable reply. 3.The contract stipulates that ___________________________________________________________(货物分三批等量装运),each every two month. 4.Buyer ask us to ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________(按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险) 5.According to your fax of Jun.28, the shoes are to __________________________________________ __________________________________(用纸箱包装,每箱18双) Ⅴ.Translate the following sentences into Chinese(10%) 1. In this case, wehope there will no difficulty on your part to ship the goods 2. we regret our inability to accept your request for payment by D/P ,though we appreciate your

intention to push the sales of our products in your country. 3. Establishment of an L/C would invole us in a lot of expenses and the tie-up of funds for a long

time. 4. As to terms of payment ,we agree t o draw on you at 30 days’sight for all the commissions due. 5. Our suggestion is that you take type 62 as a substitute for your demanded goods because of its

similarity in both quality and function Ⅵ.Read the following faxes and try t o find the best answer to each of the following statements.(15%) Dear sirs, We highly appreciate your Order No.222 for 500 Double Happiness Brand Automatic Washing machines and are pleased to confirm that the goods can be supplied from stock.We are sure that you will be satisfied with the quality of our goods. As to terms of payment , we quite agree with you that you establish a confirmed irrevocable L/C for a sum not exceeding $72,000 and valid till Ugust 10. Upon receipt of confirmation of the L/C from the National Bank, your order will be ready for shipment to await your agent’s shipping instructions. We hopr the goods will reach you in time and that we may have further orders from you. Yours faithfully, ( )1.The writer’s intention on writing the letter is ________ A.declining an order B.canceling an order C.executing an order D.withdrawing an order ( )2.It is___________duty to establish the said L/C. A.the buyer’s B.the seller’s C.both the buyer and the seller’s D.your agent’s ( )3.As is stated in the letter , the L/C is valid for negotiation on ______ A.August 8 B.September3 C.November 10 D.December 9 ( )4.In which order do the following events go ? ① The order is ready for shipment ② The receipt of the agent ‘s shipping instructions ③ The receipt of the confirmation of the L/C ④ Establish a confirmed,irrevocable L/C ⑤ Ship the goods A.21354 B.31245 C.15234 D.43125 ( )5.It is the writer’s desire that __________ A. they could seng the buyer more orders B. they could reach the buyer at an early date C. they could have repeat orders from the buyer D. they could send the goods in good time Ⅶ.Write an English letter of about 100 words , using the key words and hints given below(15%) 很高兴收到你方的询价函。现告知,我们是中国主要的洗衣机出口商,已有58年的业务经验。我们的产品以其质量优良,交货迅速而受欢迎,其质量和价格优于其他供应商的产品。 随函附寄我方产品最新的带有价目表的目录和样品本。如果你方订单超过50台,我们愿给予10%的折扣。在试订购后,我们确信你方会发现我方产品是货真价实。 盼早日答复。 Key words: Washing machine , popular ,compare favorably with .be prepared to do ,exeed ,be sure



适用班级: 07高职5 考试时间:90分钟 总分:100分 出卷人:吴燕萍 核对人:陈芳琴 Ⅰ.Choose the best answer (20points in all ) 1. 6. 11. 16. 2. 7. 12. 17. 3. 8. 13. 18. 4. 9. 14. 19. 5. 10. 15. 20. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ II.Translate the following terms into English (15 points in all ) 1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________ 5. ____________________________ 6. ____________________________ 7. ____________________________ 8. ____________________________ 9. ____________________________10. ____________________________ III.Translate the following terms into Chinese (10 points in all )

1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________ 5. ____________________________ 6. ____________________________ 7. ____________________________ 8. ____________________________ 9. ____________________________10. ____________________________ IV.Complete the following sentences (20 points in all )

1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________、__________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________ V.Translate the following sentences into Chinese(10 points in all ) 1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________ VI.Comprehensive reading (10 points in all ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VII.Write an English business letter of about 70 words ( 15 points in all ) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________