五年级上英语月考试题第十五周_人教PEP(无答案) 下载本文

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听力部分 40%

一、 Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确的单词)(10%)

( )1、A、bean B、beef ( ) 2、A、cow B、brown ( ) 3、A、dance B、draw ( ) 4、A、swim B、small ( ) 5、A、skirt B、girl ( ) 6、A、cook B、good ( )7、A、sweep B、sweet ( ) 8、A、table B、vegetable ( )9、A、photo B、plant ( ) 10、A、housework B、homework 二、听音,将下面五幅图按听到的顺序编号。(6%)

三、 看图,勾出你所听到的图片(6%)

、 2、 3、 1

4、 5、 6、

四、 听对话判断句子对错,对的打√错的打×。(8﹪) ( )1、Fish is my favourite food.

( )2、I have beef and rice for dinner. ( )3、I often play ping-pong on Sundays. ( )4、It's Wednesday today.

五、 听音,将听到的食物和水果打“√”。(5%) Chen jie Miss Li Mr He John Sarah 五、听句子,圈出正确的答句的序号。(5%) 1、A、I can cook the meal. 2、A、 Yes , I can. 3、A、Yes, please. 4、A 、He is short and strong.

B、I can clean the bedroom. B、 No, I can’t . 新 课

B、No,thank you. 笔试部分 80% B 、He is short and thin.

标 第 一 网 六、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。8% ( )1、A. tasty B. sour C. thin D. salty

5、A、It’s Sunday.

( )2、A. bedroom B. photo C. kitchen D. bathroom B、It’s Saturday.

( )3、A. fridge B. tree C. flower D. glass

( )4、A. in B. old C. on D. under ( )5、A. curtain B. table C. fresh D. mirror ( )6、A. fish B. tofu C. tomato D. read

第 1 页

( )7、A. beside B. between C. behind D. bedroom ( )8、A. bike B. computer C. photo D. above 七、选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。(12%)。 ( )1.Who’s your English teacher? A.He’s tall and strong ( )2.What’s he like ? B. Mr Carter

( )3.What do we have on Monday ? C. I often do homework ( )4.What do you do on Sunday? D.We have Chinese and English ( )5.What do you have for lunch? E. I like apple . They are sweet . ( )6.What’s your favourite food? F. We have tofu and fish . 八、读句子,选择最适合的答句。 (20%)

(1) ( ) What can you do? A. I can make the bed. B. Yes, I can . (2) ( ) What's he like? A. She is strict but kind. B. He is strong. (3) ( ) Is she young? A. She's our principal. B. No, she's old. (4) ( ) What do you have on Tuesdays?

A. It's Tuesday. B. We have computer, P.E. and math. (5) ( ) What's your favourite fruit?

A. I like mutton very much. B. Grapes. It is very tasty. (6) ( ) What would you like for lunch today?

A. I'd like some beef and two eggs, please B. I like onions and pork. (7) ( ) What day is it today? A. Thursday B. Birthday (8) ( ) What do you do on Sundays?

A. I have math, English and Chinese. B. I watch TV and read books.

(9) ( ) Who's that young lady? A. She's tall and thin. B. She's our principal. (10) ( ) Are there any tall buildings in the village? A. No, there aren’t . B. No, there isn’t. 九.排词成句。(20%) 例:can't no I No, I can't. can't no I 1 is where the big bed 2 tall thin is Miss white and 3 can I draw cartoons 4 We Tuesdays English on have 5 helpful home at I’m 十.看一看,写一写。(8%) 第 2 页

1.There is a near my bed. 2. My favourite day is .

3. There is a ball the dogs.

4. I like the very much.


Hello! My name is Tom. I like English very much.. My favourite food is beef, eggplant and tofu. I’m very helpful. I can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers. Today is Saturday. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What do you do on weekends?

My room is very nice, there are many pictures and photos on the wall. There is a table beside the bed. Welcome to my home . ( ) 1. Tom likes beef ,eggplant and tofu. ( ) 2. Tom can sweep the floor. ( ) 3. Tom likes English very much

( ) 4. Tom often water the flowers on Saturdays. ( ) 5. There are many pictures in the wall. ( ) 6. There are two tables in front of the bed.


1.Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确的单词)(10%)

1、beef 2、brown 3、dance 4、swim 5、girl 6、cook 7、sweet 8、table 9、dishes 10、homework 2.听音,将下面五幅图按听到的顺序编号。(6%)

1. I like green beans. 2. Zhang Peng often watches TV on Sundays. 3. My favourite food is tofu. 4.He is a young university student. 5. He’s very funny . 6. Mike reads books on Saturdays. 3.看图,勾出你所听到的图片(6%) 1、What day is it today? It’s Sunday. 2、There are many trees in the park.

3、What can you do, Mike ? I can clean my bedroom. 4、I like fruit. They are healthy.

第 3 页