高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab测试题5 外研版必修1 下载本文

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Module Five A Lesson in a Lab

一、知识归纳 1.重点词汇 1) add …to top of 2) used to air-free water

3) in the area /field of an experiment 4) be proud of discovery

5) be supposed to supposed to do 6) put …in order make a discovery 7) at the bottom of 2. 重点句型

1) It is hard to think of a world without metals.

2) Here is a table with the metals that react at the top , and the metals that react least at the bottom.

3) Leave the tube for one week.

4) Make sure there is no air in the water.

5) Add some oil to the water. This will keep air out of the water.

6) In the last twenty years, seven Canadian scientists have won the Nobel Prize. 3.语法项目 1)倍数的表示方法 倍数 + as + 形容词 +as

This room is three times as big as that one. 倍数 + 形容词的比较级 +than

This room is three times bigger than that one.

14) draw a conclusion

13) think of


12) react with

19) be

11) in weight

18) make a

10) keep down

17) do

9) keep …out of


8) show sb. Around

15) at the

倍数 + the size (length ,width ,height, depth) of… This room is three times the size of that one. 2)“越来越……”的表示方法 比较级 + and + 比较级

It’s getting brighter and brighter.

the + 比较级(+主语 + 谓语),the + 比较级(+主语 +谓语) The closer you are, the more you will see. 二、随堂训练 1、单词拼写

1)Is steel a _________ (混合物) of iron and other substances? 2)Professor Wang will give us two _________ (演讲) tomorrow morning.

3)The science facilities are very good , with laboratories that have all the latest __________ (设备).

4)After discussing it for several days ,they finally drew a _________ (结论) . 5)Montreal and Ottawa University both have good Physics __________(系). 6)It’s important to know how they ________(反应) with different substances. 7)I saw some fallen leaves ______(漂浮) in the river. 8)His parents were ________ (吃惊的) at what he said.

9)It’s important for us to keep the ________ (平衡) of nature. 10)When you heat a metal ,it ______(膨胀). 2. 句型转换

1) A: If you read more books , you will learn more information.

B: ______ ______ you read, _____ ______ you will learn. 2) A: We are all proud of Yao Ming.

B: We all _____ _____ ____Yao Ming.

3) A: I think the Yangtze River is about 3 times as long as the Songhua River.

B: I think the Yangtze River is about 3 times ____ ____ the Songhua River. 4) A: You’d better not let the dog go into the room.

B: You’d better ____ the dog ___ ____ the room. 5) A: This room is 4 meters wide.

B: This room is 4 meters _____ _____.

3. 根据汉意完成句子

1) 我现在对物理越来越感兴趣。

I’m becoming _____ ______ ______ ______ in physics. 2) 你理应七点来这里。

You ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ at seven o’clock. 3) 他们正在实验室做实验 。

They are _____ _____ in the lab. 4) 轮到你擦黑板了。

______ ______ _____ to clean the blackboard. 5) 山顶上曾有过 一座庙。

_______ ______ ______ ______ a temple at the top of the hill. 4. 单句改错

1)Whenever I see him, I will think about my former teacher, for they are much alike. 2)I used to drinking tea, but now I am used to drinking coffee. 3)Great changes taken place in the last ten years in my hometown. 4)It is necessary of us to learn English well.

5)The experiment was much more easier than we had expected. 5. 语法

1) Professor White has written some short stories, but he is ___ known for his plays.

A. the best

B. more

C. better

D. the most

2) My glasses cost me _____ the last pair I bought.

A.. three times B. three times as much as C. three times more as

D. three times as many as

3) Some oil _____ the water, and this will keep air out of the water.

A. adding to

B. add to

C. added to

D. is added to

4) About____ of the surface of the earth ___ covered by water.

A. two –third; is C. seventy percent; is

B. three quarter; are D. one half; are

5) She was supposed _____ at home, but her mother found her in the park.

A. to be reading B. read

C. reading

D. have read

6) With a lot of difficult problems ____, the _____ president is having a hard time.