E英语教程第一册翻译填空 下载本文

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21、At that time, it was said that Michael Jordan was a flying man on the basketball court. 当时,据说乔丹是篮球场上的飞人。 22、No one can take any game for granted. 没有人把任何比赛视为理所当然。

23、The NBA keeps manufacturing both stars and exciting games, which attract thousands of fans from all over the globe. NBA不停地造就着球星和令人兴奋的比赛,这些比赛吸引着成千上万来自世界各地的球迷。 24、NBA players are free to decide which team they want to join. NBA球员可以自由选择去哪支球队。 25、Because salaries are closely connected to performances, every player is pushed to practice his basketball skills so that he becomes stronger and better. 薪金和成绩紧密相关,所以它激励每个球员加紧训练篮球技能,从而使自己变得更强、更好。

26、This is why we find the NBA games so exciting and wonderful. 这就是为什么我们感到 NBA 的比赛激动人心、精影无比的原因。

27、When I come across a good essay in reading a newspaper, I would like to cut it out and keep it. 读报时遇到一篇好文章,我总想把它剪下来收藏。

28、But sometimes, just as I am about to do so, I find the article on the opposite side just as interesting.然而有时,正当我准备这么做时,会发现背面的文章也同 样有趣。

29、If I cut the front essay out, the opposite one is sure to be damaged, leaving out half of it or keeping the text without its subject. 如果我剪了正面的文章,背面的文章肯定会被破坏——只留下一半,或是缺了文章的题目。

30、As a result, the scissors would stop before they start when I find out the possible result that will surely cause my regret. 因此,当我发现可能产生的后果会导致我后悔,便会放下剪刀。

31、It may happen that our life changes suddenly just because we choose one over the other. 仅仅是因为我们选择这件事而放弃了那件事,我们的人生就可能突然发生变化。

32、Just like the newspaper cutting, it often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only after we are engaged in another. 就像剪报一样,我们总是在做一件事时注意力又被另一件事所吸引。

36、It’s not a matter of the painting but the viewer, they say. 他们说,神秘之处不在画本身,而在于观看者。 33、The former may be more important than the latter and can give rise to a divided mind. 而另一件事可能又比正在做的事情更重要,这加剧了我们内心的矛盾。 34、Is the Mona Lisa in Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece smiling at us when we look at her? 当我们欣赏列奥纳多·达·芬奇的杰作《蒙娜丽莎》时,她真的在向我们微笑吗?

35、But now Spanish researchers may have solved the mystery of the Mona Lisa, reports the U.K.’s The Daily Telegraph.


37、Whether we think she is smiling or not depends upon which cells in the eye catch the image first and how information from the image moves through the brain. 我们是否认为她在微笑取决于我们眼睛的哪些细胞首先捕捉到了形象,以及来自于图像的信息如何在大脑中运行。

38、Asked whether he thought the great Italian master had intended to confuse viewers, he said yes.当被问及他是否认为这位意大利大师故意迷惑观赏者时,他说是的。

39、“He [Leonardo da Vinci] wrote in one of his notebooks that he was trying to paint dynamic expressions because that’s what he saw in the street.” “他(达芬奇)在笔记中写道,他尝试着画出动态的表情,因为那是他在街上所看到的。”

40、Leonardo da Vinci painted the work between 1503 and 1506, shortly before his death.在去世前不久的1503 到1506年间,达芬奇绘制了这部作品。

41、However, it only became well-known in the middle of the 19th century, when Europeans began to really value the works of the Renaissance painters.但直到十九世纪中叶,当欧洲人开始重视文艺复兴时期的作品时,它才广为人知。

42、It is also the subject of a famous popular song sung by Nat King Cole called “Mona Lisa”.它也是耐特·金·科尔的那首著名的流行歌曲《蒙娜丽莎》的主题。