内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/15 14:12:32星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
的事,从福尔摩斯的神妙剖析,到科学的种种发现,直至教育孩子礼仪的各种方式,五花八门,无奇不有。 79、Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: Your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader.
81、… the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times.
一再困扰人类生活的问题也在文学作品里反复出现,只是不同时代的著作呈现了不同的锦囊妙计。 82、Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. 只有你期待读书给你带来乐趣,它才能真的给你乐趣。 85、Since 2004, he has been turning two-dimensional surfaces into three-dimensional sculptures…
自2004 年以来,他一直凭借自己的才华和双手,用刀、胶水将二维的平面化成三维的纸雕艺术。
83、But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time—and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process.
不如放下你手中不喜欢的书,另试一本,直到你找到一本有点看头的书,心情轻松地读下去,你必能乐在其中。通过博览群书,你变得愈加高尚、聪敏、和善、温雅,那时你就不会觉得读书是份苦差事了。 84、Paper helps us keep our treasured thoughts, record our fears, and hold dear our loves and successes. 纸帮助我们保存弥足珍贵的思想,记录我们的恐惧,珍视我们的爱和成功。
86、He was schooled in Denmark and London in the fields of art and architecture.
他在丹麦和伦敦受教育,学习艺术和建筑学。 87、… but still, I have always been quite taken by the stories they tell and the sheer beauty of his designs.但是,我还是总被他作品中的故事和他设计中纯粹的美丽吸引。
88、Although some of his pieces are highly complex while others appear rather simple in design, all are impressive and rich in meaning.虽然有一些作品极其复杂,另一些设计则很简单,但是其所有作品都令人难忘,意义深远。
89、It is in the confrontation of these two worlds that these works of art become alive.”
艺术作品的活力就体现在梦想与现实的对立之中。 90、Callesen’s large-scale works are truly impressive, but I kind of prefer his delicate works on A4 paper. 卡罗森的大型作品确实让人印象深刻,但我更钟情于他用A4 纸创作的精美纸雕。
91、“… This is why we rarely notice the actual value of the A4 paper, which, I feel, we are all able to relate to in one way or another.” 因此我们极少注意到它的实际价值。我认为我们都能够以某种方式来领略这一价值 92、I glanced his way for a moment but took him for a beggar and walked on along with the crowds of people hurrying to work. 我朝他的方向瞥了一下,以为他是个乞丐,就随着行色匆匆的上班族一起走开了。
93、On my way home that afternoon, I saw the same man in the same place, lying on the ground.
94、This sick, old man must have suffered from the coldness for the whole day while sitting on the hard, uncomfortable ground. 这位生病的老人一定整日都坐在这坚硬、冰冷的地上,在严寒中忍受着煎熬。 95、Caught up in the familiar flow of people, I barely glanced at him. 人群像往常一样川流不息,我几乎看不到他,
96、I knelt down to ask if he was OK and his kind eyes looked at me.
97、Looking into his eyes, I read the mind of a proud man who didn’t like what was happening to him. 我凝视着他的眼睛,明白这个充满自尊的男人内心不愿意这样的事发生在他身上。
98、He regained consciousness, though weakly, and told me he was diabetic and it might be a good idea to call an ambulance, which I did—it was only a few minutes away.
99、Fighting back tears, I asked him his name. 我强忍泪水,问他的名字。
100、Still, I felt my heart aching for the Winter Man and for the shame that I had almost walked past another person in need.
101、His friends and he go snowboarding every weekend. 他和他的朋友们每周末都进行单板滑雪运动。 101、And it’s not for the old or the easily frightened. 它不适合老年人和容易受到惊吓的人。
102、Its philosophy is to get as close to the edge as possible.