E英语教程第一册翻译填空 下载本文

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103、Today, they want risk and excitement—the closer to the edge, the better.


104、The new equipment is so much better now that people can take more risks with much less chance of getting hurt.


105、Once you go mountain biking or snowboarding, it’s impossible to go back to bike riding or skiing. 一旦你从事了山地自行车或单板滑雪运动,你不可能再回头参加传统自行车或双板滑雪运动了。 106、While some of the ancient Chinese cultural traditions have been forgotten or are no longer observed, many of them are still remembered and have an influence on people’s everyday life. 有些古老的文化传统已被遗忘,或者不再遵循,然而也有很多文化传统依然被铭记,且影响着人们的日常生活。

107、Jade is important in China not only because of its beauty, but also for its virtues and cultural meanings.


108、The Chinese character for jade, “ 玉”, is often used in names and sayings to reflect these qualities. 姓名取字和名言佳句中也常用汉字“玉”来指代这些美德。

109、Bamboo is one of the four popular plants in China, the so-called “Four Gentlemen”.


110、However, nobody really knows where the dragon comes from. 尽管无人知晓龙的真正来历。

111、Many believe that the dragon can be traced back to the Emperor Huang, who is considered the ancestor of the Chinese people.


112、During many Chinese festivals, activities related to the dragon are held, for example, dragon dancing and dragon boat racing. 在众多的中国节日中,也有不少与龙相关的庆祝活动,如舞龙和赛龙舟。

113、The more often people see a story represented a certain way in art, the more they expect to see it be represented that way in the future. 看到以某种艺术形式展示的故事的次数越多,人们就越觉得这个故事必须以那种方式来表达。

114、The fact that they are not ready to give up habits and prejudices is the greatest obstacle to the appreciation of great works of art. 这些人不愿意放弃习惯和偏见,这是鉴赏伟大艺术作品的最大障碍。

115、Caravaggio, who was a very creative young artist, thought hard about what it must have been like when an elderly poor working man suddenly had to sit down to write a book.


116、And he painted a picture of St. Matthew with a bald head and bare dusty feet, awkwardly holding a huge volume, anxiously wrinkling his brow under the strain of writing.


拙地抱着一大本书,并因写作而焦虑地皱着眉头。 117、By his side Caravaggio painted a young angel, who seems to have just arrived from on high, and who gently guides the old man’s hand as a teacher may do with a child.


118、When Caravaggio delivered this picture to the church where it was to be placed in respect for the saint, the painting was not accepted, and Caravaggio had to try again. 卡拉瓦乔把这幅画交给了教堂,原本要通过展示这幅画来表达对圣徒尊敬之情的教堂却没有接受,卡拉瓦乔不得不再次尝试。

1、既然有时间,我可以听一会儿音乐。(a while) Since I am free, I can enjoy music for a while 2、这样的人能被称作忠实的朋友吗? (devoted) Can such a manbe called a devoted friend? 3、我们无法给爱情定价。(put a price on) It’s impossible for us to put a price on love.

4、昨天,为了检测该药品,他们在一只老鼠身上做了实验。(experiment) In order to test the drug, they did

experiments on a rat yesterday.

5、随着时间的推移,情况会改善的。(go by) With time going by. things will improve.

6、让我吃惊的是,最后竟然是我错了。(turn out) To my surprise, it turned out that I was wrong. 7、医生不得不切除了他的一条腿。(cut off) The doctor had to cut off one of his legs。 8、艾拉想要就排球赛的结果打赌。(bet) Ella wants to bet on the result of volleyball match. 9、她的声音很轻,我几乎听不见。(barely) Her voice was so low that I can barely hear.

10、球迷们批评了这支队伍的不佳表现。(performance) The fans criticized this team’s poor performance 11、我们总是把母亲的爱视作理所当然。(take sth. for granted)We always take mother’s love for granted. 12、她以自己特有的方式表达了对父母的谢意。(in sb’s own way) She expressed her thanks to her parents in her own way.

13、食品价格的猛涨引起了许多问题。(give rise to) The jump in food prices gives rise to a lot of problems. 14、她面临着一次艰难的选择:要不要接受这个工作机会。(be faced with)She was faced with a difficult