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课题: Lesson1 教学时数: 1课时 一、教学目标: 备课人: ⅩⅩ 教学课时:第 一课时 教学内容:page2 授课类型:New lesson 班级人数: 授课日期: 知识与技能: 1、学习简单介绍自己的日常生活和学习情况。 2、能够听懂并运用表示日常生活中习惯性、经常性动作的句子: I get up at seven thirty in the morning.I have breakfast at 8:00. I go to school at thirty past eight.等; 会运用以下短语:go home , have lunch/dinner ,watch TV ,go to bed 过程与方法:引导学生注意观察e-mail的界面样式,仿写电子邮件介绍自己的日常生活和学习情况。 情感态度与价值观:帮助学生积极主动地参与课堂教学活动,提高与他人合作交往的意识和能力。 二、教学重、难点: 能够用英语向别人简单介绍自己的日常生活和学习情况。 运用本课所学用英语询问和表达自己的日常生活和学习情况。 三、教学方法: Pair work. Group work. Games. Chant. 四、教学准备: some cards,PPT。 五、教学资源利用:multi-media 六、板书设计: Unit1 I go to school at 8:00. Lesson1 I get up at seven thirty in the morning. I have breakfast at 8:00. I go to school at twenty past eight. I have lunch at school at 11:45. School is over at three thirty in the afternoon.I go home at about 4:00. I have dinner at about seven in the evening.After dinner, I watch TV for 30 minutes and do some reading.I go to bed at about 9:30. 八、教学过程 教学环节 附案
Step 1 Warm up 1)师生相互问候并作简单的自我介绍,为本课教学内容的学习做好铺垫。 2)猜谜游戏:教师向学生介绍说自己结识了三个外国新笔友,并请学生根据电脑课件中或自制卡片中呈现的各国代表性景物和国旗(三个国家的顺序依次为:Britain, Australia, New Zealand.)猜一猜,他们分别来自哪个国家。教师可参考使用以下语言:I have three new pen pals.They often write e-mail to me and I often write e-mail to them, too.Let's look at the pictures in their e-mails.Can you guess where they come from? Step 2 Presentation 1)教师总结游戏结果,可以提问2~3名学生:Where does Ben come from? 或Where is Mary from? 等,学生答出:Ben comes from Britain.或Mary is from Australia.等。 2)教师再让学生自由读课文,找出Lucy的基本信息,画出黑板上的短语,引导学生说出:An e-mail,然后,教师告诉学生看别人的东西需要事先征得同意。 3)教师让学生观察电子邮件的界面,图中有Subject,有Lucy的e-mail地址,教师请学生认真观察英语电子邮件的写作格式。 T: Where is it from? Ss: It is from Lucy. T: Yes, it's from my new friend Lucy.But how do you know that? Oh, you can see the e-mail address.Do you have an e-mail address? 请几名学生说一说他们的电子邮箱地址。 4)播放两遍录音,让学生听一听Lucy是如何介绍她的日常生活的。通过师生问答的形式,帮助学生理解邮件内容。必要时可以使用汉语解释说明。参考问题: What is the e-mail about? When does she have lunch? Where does Lucy come from? When does school end? When does Lucy get up? What does she do after dinner? When do classes begin? Does she go to bed late? 5)让学生跟读录音。也可以把学生分成两组,一组跟读,另一组看图监听。 6)各小组推选1~2名学生朗读并表演对话,开展小组间的朗读比赛。 7)教师带领全体学生做填空游戏。让学生合上书,教师大声读出邮件中的部分内容,留出一些具体信息(参见下文画线部分),让学生凭记忆说出。 Hi, Li Yan, My name is Lucy.I'm from London.I'm twelve.I am in Primary school. Let me tell you something about my daily life.I get up at 7:30 in the morning.I have breakfast at 8:00. I go to school at thirty past
eight.School begins at nine.We have seven subjects. They are English,maths,Chinese, science,PE,art and music.I have lunch at school at 11:45.School is over at three thirty in the afternoon.I go home at about 4:00. I have dinner at about seven in the evening.After dinner, I watch TV for 30 minutes and do some reading.I go to bed at about 9:30. Step 3Practice 1)教师播放录音,让学生听录音模仿。 2)让学生两人一组,以pair work的形式仿写本课电子邮件介绍自己的日常生活。 Step 4 Summery 本课重点学习如何介绍自己的日常生活和学习情况并要求会写英文e-mail,希望同学们课后多练习。 Step 5 Homework 书写本课的生词、短语并完成小练习册的配套练习。 熟读课文,仿照课文写一篇e-mail介绍自己的日常生活和学习情况。