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里看到公正像浩渺的水域,正义像不息的溪流遍布九州,滋润众生。让我们期待着有一天狮子会与羔羊同卧一处,所有的人都会坐在自家的葡萄藤和无花果树下,不再有恐惧。让我们期待着。所有的人都会明白上帝用同一个血脉创造了所有的人,使之生活在地球表面上。让我们期待着,有一天不再有人叫嚣“白人权力!”--- 也不再有人叫嚣“黑人权力!”--- 而所有的人都会谈论上帝的权威和人类的权力。
26.我必须承认,我的朋友们,前面的路不会总是平坦的,岩石遍布之处会带来挫败,蜿蜒曲折之处会令人迷惘。到处都会有不可避免的障碍。有时我们会从希望之颠跌入绝望之谷。我们的梦想有时会被打破;渺茫的希望有时会破灭。我们可能会泪眼模糊地再一次站在某位勇敢的人权志士的灵柩前,悲悼嗜血成性的暴民凶残地夺去他的生命。无论多么艰难,无论多么痛苦,我们必须以毫不畏惧的信念在未来的日子里勇往直前。当我们继续我们既定的征途时,我们能从昔日伟大的自由战士,黑人诗人詹姆斯·韦尔登·约翰逊的诗中得到慰藉: 脚踏颠簸的石路 手握苦涩的惩戒木摸索着 在希望胎死腹中时 然而步伐依然坚定,我们疲惫的双脚难道不也踏上了我们祖先为之叹息的土地?我们一路走 浸满泪水的道路我们已艰难踏上流淌着烈士鲜血的小径。走出阴暗的过去, 迄今我们终于站在 自我们明亮的星辰洒下的光明的微曦中。
Key to exercises:
I. VocabularyA.Look up the following words and
phrases.Select the meaning that best suits the sentence in which each appears.1.the state of being human2.harmless or trivial lie,esp.one told in order to avoid hurting sb3.person
regarded as a disgrace or a failure by other members of his family or group 4.to defeat5.stating sth.as
truth firmly and forcefully6.to make the greatest possible effort 7.mistaken8.lack of9.rallying call
Ⅳ.Questions on AppreciationA.Organization1.Dr.King begins his speech by raising the question“Where are we now?”,which is naturally and logically connected with the question under discussion“Where do we go from here?”,for it is necessary to find out their present situation before talking about their future direction and policy.2.Para 3 serves as a paragraph of transition.The first sentence“This is where we are.%up the first two paragraphs, linking this paragraph with the previous ones.The second sentence, on this basis,raises the question“Where do we go from here?\The third sentence starting with“first” begins to answer the question.The paragraph is well organized and ideas develop logically.3.The speaker moves to the second task by making a logical link with the first task,with the first one as “not easy\“another basic challenge”.both implying considerable degrees of difficulty.And the use of“another”indicates addition to the
listing of the first4. The speaker brings up the last task of restructuring the whole American society by asking questions about the problems in the country.He concludes the triple evils of the society which have triggered the other problems.By retelling an analogous Bible story,he points out the only way out for the American societ y is to be born again.5.Para 26 plays the role of a transitional paragraph.As a follow-up of the previous paragraph about the future expectation and direction,the speaker points out that there may be unavoidable setbacks and frustrations in their struggle against
discrimination and persecution.Nevertheless,this arouses even firmer determination and more optimistic revolutionary spirit of the speaker,and so leads to the concluding remark of“We shall overe”.
6.Dr.King ends his speech by borrowing a civil rights song“We Shall Overe”, as the past tense and the perfect tense show the speaker's optimism and confidence.However,this optimism is not strong.By then,with the split within the rank of the Civil Rights Movement and the suppression of riots in the“long hot Summers”starting from 1965,Dr.King was less optimistic than he had been in 1963 when he delivered his famous“I Have
A Dream”speech.B.Antithesis is the setting of contrasting phrases opposite each other for emphasis.In this speech, the speaker uses a number of antitheses.Pick out 4 examples and ment on them.1.As long as the mind is enslaved,the body can never be free.(mind vs.body:enslaved vs.free)2.Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem,is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical
slavery.(psychological freedom vs.physical slavery)
3.Let us be dissatisfied until men and women, however black they may be, will be judged on the basis of the content of their character and not on the basis of the color of their skin.(on the basis of the content of their character vs.on the basis of the color of their skin)4.There will be those moments when the buoyancy of hope will be transformed into the fatigue of despair.(huoyancy of hope vs.fatigue of despair)C.A number of rhetorical devices are used in Paragraph 25.Point out three devices and give examples.1.Metaphor:1)have a high blood pressure of creeds(be emotional and enthusiastic in expressing their beliefs) and an anemia of deeds (inactive in taking actions); 2)the battering rams of the forces of justice (the forces of justice are like the battering rams that can be used