内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/17 1:38:36星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
3.The speaker moves to the second task by making a logical link with the first task,with the first one as “not easy\and the second as“another basic challenge”.both implying considerable degrees of difficulty.And the use of“another”indicates addition to the listing of the first.
4. The speaker brings up the last task of restructuring the whole American society by asking questions about the problems in the country.He concludes the triple evils of the society which have triggered the other problems.By retelling an analogous Bible story,he points out the only way out for the American societ y is to be born again.
5.Para 26 plays the role of a transitional paragraph.As a follow-up of the previous paragraph about the future expectation and direction,the speaker points out that there may be unavoidable setbacks and frustrations in their struggle against discrimination and persecution.Nevertheless,this arouses even firmer determination and more optimistic revolutionary spirit of the speaker,and so leads to the concluding remark of“We shall overe”.
6.Dr.King ends his speech by borrowing a civil rights song“We Shall Overe”, as the past tense and the perfect tense show the speaker's optimism and confidence.However,this optimism is not strong.By then,with the split within the rank of the Civil Rights Movement and the suppression of riots in the“long hot Summers”starting from 1965,Dr.King was less optimistic than he had been in 1963 when he delivered his famous“I Have A Dream”speech.
B.Antithesis is the setting of contrasting phrases opposite each other for emphasis.In this speech, the speaker uses a number of antitheses.Pick out 4 examples and ment on them.
1.As long as the mind is enslaved,the body can never be free.(mind vs.body:enslaved vs.free)
2.Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem,is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery.(psychological freedom vs.physical slavery)
3.Let us be dissatisfied until men and women, however black they may be, will be judged on the basis of the content of their character and not on the basis of the color of their skin.(on the basis of the content of their character vs.on the basis of the color of their skin)
4.There will be those moments when the buoyancy of hope will be transformed into the fatigue of
3.我喜欢把她看作孩子。她出生时,俄克拉荷马人正生活在其所史上鼎盛时期的最后阶段。一个多世纪以来,他们掌控着从斯莫克山河到红河那片空旷的山脉,掌控着从 __河流的源头到阿肯色河和西马隆河交汇处的地域。他们与科曼斯人一道,统治着整个南部平原。发动战争是他们神圣的职责.他们是世人所知的最优秀的骑手。然而,对于克尔瓦人来说,作战更多是因为这是他们的习惯,而非为了生存。他们从来都不理解美国骑兵残酷的进攻。当最后四分五裂、弹尽粮绝时,他们便冒着冰凉的秋雨来到斯代克特平原,陷入了恐慌。在帕罗多罗坎,他们的弹粮被抢劫一空,只剩下了性命。为了拯救自己,他们在福特西尔投降,被监禁在一个石头堆砌的牛马棚。现在,这里已经是个军事博物馆了。我的祖母得以豁免那高高的灰墙里的羞辱,因为她是在此事件8年或10年后出生的。但自出生起,她就已经懂得失败给人带来的苦难.这使那些老战士们百思不得其解。