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1.A set of keys _____on the desk. My pen and my pencil_____ in my pencil box. A. is;

is B. is;

am C. is; are

2.She and I ______ in Grade Seven.

A. am

B. are

C. is D. be

3.— _______ your sister know Tom? — No, she _______. A. Do; don't B. Does; doesn't C. Do;

do D. Does; does 4.They ____do well in the exam.

A. can be able to B. be able to C. am able

to D. are able to

5.“ Do _______ have a soccer ball? ” “ Yes, they have two.” A. your friend B. your friends C. you

friend D. you friends 6.As time goes by, the number of foreign students in our school____ growing fast. A small number of the exchange students ____from Korea. A. is, comes B. are, come C. are, comes D. is, come

7.________ are crazy about listening to pop music in their spare time. A. Bill as well as Dick and

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Lucy B. Neither Victor nor Tom C. Not only Tim but also the

twins D. Either Anita or Jack

8.Here _____many great trousers in the store.

A. be

B. are

C. is D. am

9.Peter and I _________ in Room 807.

A. am

B. is

C. are D. /

10.______ students have more spare time for their hobbies now.

A. A number of B. The number of C. A member of D. Members of

11.—Some chicken ______ on the table. Help yourself!(随便吃点)—Thank you very much.

A. has

B. have

C. is D. are

12.The exchange students from England ___________ coming to Sunshine Town.

A. will B. are C. is

13.— Where ________ your new pants?— ________ on the bed.

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A. is, It's B. are, They

are C. is, They're D. are, It's

14.It seems to me that Lucy and Lily ________ your classmates. A. is

B. are

C. has D. have

15.Sam a dog, and his cousins a cat. A.has got;has got B.has got: have got C.have got;has got D.have got;have got

16.Your sister as well as you a student. A. be

B. am

C. is D. are 17.— What do her parents do?

— Her parents doctors. A. are

all B. all


C. are D. is

18.— Hello, what _______ your name?— I _______ Sally Brown. A. is;

is B. is;


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