浙江省自选模块卷文科类档版(有答案)-2014年普通高等学校招生统一考试 下载本文

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题号:01 科目:语文

“中国古代的诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分) 阅读下面的诗歌,然后回答问题。 哀旅顺 (清)黄遵宪


,壮哉此地实天险。炮台屹立如虎阚,红衣大将威望俨。 下有洼池列巨舰,晴天雷轰夜电闪。 最高峰头纵远览,龙旗百丈迎风飐。 长城万里此为堑,鲸鹏③

相摩图一啖。 昂头侧睨何眈眈,伸手欲攫终不敢。 谓海可填山易撼,万鬼聚谋无此胆。 一朝瓦解成劫灰,闻道敌军蹈背来。 【注】①烟九点:指九州,代中国。②红衣大将:指大炮。③鲸鹏:喻指帝国主义列强。 (1) 简要概括“长城万里此为堑”的理由。(3分) (2) 简要分析这首诗的结构特点及效果。(7分)

题号:02 科目:语文

“中国现代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分) 阅读下面的散文,然后回答问题。 写作的人 耿占春


(1) 指出加点词语在文中的含义。(3分)

挖掘的矿: 资源:

(2) 本文认为写作的人注定有朝一日会绝望,但是他能够推迟绝望原因是什么?对你的写作有何启发?(7分)

题号:03 科目:数学

“数学史与不等式选讲”模块(10分) (1) 解不等式2|x-2|-|x+1|>3;

(2) 设正数a,b,c满足abc=a+b+c,求证:ab+4bc+9ac?36,并给出等号成立条件。

题号:04 科目:数学



“矩阵与变换和坐标系与参数方程”模块(10分) ?(1)在极坐标系Ox中,设集合A={(?,?)|0???4,0???cos?},求集合A所表示区域的面积;


???x??4?tcos?直线l:?4,(t为参数)???y?tsin?, 4曲线C:??x?acos??,(?为参数),其中?y?2sina?0. 若曲线C上所有点均在直线l的右下方,求a的取值范围.

题号:05 科目:英语

阅读理解(分两节,共5小题;每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。

Do kids need rules,or is it more important for them to find out their own what works and what does’t work?It all depends on what the rules are supposed to accomplish. My feeling is that the most effective rules are the ones that will help students now and in the future. The school and parents avoid rules that have no long-term vape and make rules that help students focus on the future.

? For example, unreasonable dress and grooming(修饰)codes are particularly annoying. What losing benefit do they have?Boys have sent home for wraming their hair too long. What is gaied by regulating hairstyles? It seems to me that learning about approprate grooming is something that sudents can safely learn on them own.It won’t really rain a person’s life to look back at a yearbook picture in 10 years and laugh at the hairstyle. On the other hand, most students respect rules and requirement that help them stay focused on the future.It seems that every day the world gets more confused about what’s important ,o it’s definisely useful to have a few guidelines for staying on track.Students may complain about having to take required courses (especially the ones they don’t like),reading books during summer vacation, and doing community service,but at least they can see that there are clerr teasons rfor these requirements.②

My own lesson in rules happened when I was in eighth grade. Because I got all C’s on my first-report cand.Dad said that I was limited to one hour of TV on school nights. Of coures,I was upset and said my freedom was being taken away. Dad stood firm,and my grades improve



dramatically.? I probably would’t have come up with TV rule on my own,and a a preult,my life may have been much diffrent.

I reslize that people who come up with rules mean well.They ,too ,are trying to remove distractions and smooth the way to success for students. ④.Good intentions don’t always make good rules.

第一节 根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D和E中选出最合适填入短文空白处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A.The future depends on what a person has learned and he or she relates to others. B.Some of the most frustrating rules are the ones that don’t seem necessary in the long term. C.Students can grow only when are allowed to make their own deeisions about what is goed for them.

D.However,some of their rules are more about individual prefrernce than about learning lessons for the future.

E.More importantly,I finally got out of the habit of wasting time when I should be doing something more useful.

第二节 根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下面的问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。

⑤According to the write,what rules should the school make for students?

题号:06 科目:英语



When I was first old enough to visit the barber on my own,I would make twice-monthly trips to Chairlie’s shop in Hairfax Drive.Chairlie’s was a dasly bittle-alace.It wasn’t that much fun going there,? it was always kind of cozy(舒适的)the way everything seemed to stay the same.

On a recent visit to my old neighborhood ,I decided to stop at Chairlie’s ?a haircut see if anything had ebappted. As ait turned ,old Chairlie’s place wasn’t ever here. The ? (lose)thing could find to Chairlie’s was Mr.Charles’ Hair Masters Salon(发廊).Curious and anxious,I opened the large glass door and a young man came up to ask if ④ could help me. When I said something about needing a haircut ,Mr.Charles explained that appointments ⑤ (expect)but he would make an exception just this once. I followed him to a chair and began to give familiar orders:”A little off the top and sides ,leave enough to comb....”But Mr.Charles paid ⑥ attention. Instead, he gently lowered my head into the basin(水盆).For
