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benefits of all kinds of new media like MicroBlog, WeChat and podcasts. The vividness, real-timeness and interactivity of such media have attracted many young people. While WeChat’s circle of friends (moments) enables people to communicate and interact frequently with friends, podcasts meet peoples need for self-expression and displaying individuality.

Unit 8

Active Reading 1

Reading and understanding

3 1(b) 2(a) 3(c) 4(a) 5(d) Dealing with unfamiliar words

4 (1) negative (2) depression (3) aspirations(4) minor (5) emotional (6) individual (7) persist

5 (1) psychological (2) disorders (3) specifically (4) reluctant (5) killer (6) glorious (7) career (8) realistic (9) recover

6 1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(a) 6(b) 7(a) 8(b) 7 C

Active Reading 2

Dealing with unfamiliar words

5 1 soles 2 concentration 3 elbow 4 infections 5 destructive 6 variation 7 stride; glow

8 measure 9 lifetime

6 (1) maintained (2) gear (3) efficient (4) enhancing (5) limbs (6) immune (7) alert (8) relieve (9) motivating

7 1(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(a) 5(a) 6(b) 7(a) Reading and interpreting 8 1(c) 2(c)

Language in Use Word formation: re- 1 (a)

2 1 It’s a good idea to reread it. 2 They retake the exam. 3 You should reconsider it.

4 The first thing to do is to reboots. 5 You can reapply 6 You should renew it.

7 They may decide to rebuild their house. 8 The doctor should reassure the patient. before / during / after which

3 In the first sentence, which refers to \sentence, which refers to \

4 1 I thought about the problem for a long time, after which I decided how I was



going to solve it.

2 She went jogging for an hour, during which a lot of thoughts went through her mind. 3 I suggest you take a week off work, during which you can relax and spend time with your family.

4 Marzia spent a month on a low-fat diet, after which she felt healthier. 5 I'd like you to read this report carefully, after which we will discuss it. 6 Shane spent three months in that boring job, during which he was depressed. 7 My brother has been working as an educational psychologist for seven years, before which he had been trained as a teacher. commit oneself to doing something 5 3.5,6

6 1 I committed myself to working harder this month. 2They committed themselves to providing financial help.

3The government should commit itself to supporting this project.

4We have committed ourselves to providing the money for the new hospital.

7 1 maintain contact / links / relations 2 brilliant / promising career 3 killer disease

4 realistic chance 5 minor surgery 6 psychological problem 7 be on the alert

8 make a career move


8瑜伽源于印度,是身体、心理、情神方面的修行或训练。真正使瑜伽在西方得到普及的人B. K. S.艾杨格。艾杨格出生在一个穷苦的家庭。在童年时代,他受到过疟疾、流行性感冒和肺结核的折磨。医生顸言他活不过20岁。16岁那年他接触到了瑜伽。在此后的六年串,这个年轻人靠练瑜伽完全康复了。1952年,小提琴家耶胡迪.梅纽因在印度遇见艾杨格,并把他带到了伦敦。艾杨格在伦教教瑜伽。他向人们表明瑜伽适合每一个人。对于遭受身体病痛和精神压力双重折磨的现代人而言,瑜伽是帮助他们协调身心,达到内外平衡的途径。

9 Health qigong is popular in China Every morning in the parks, we can see people performing this exercise。It’s a traditional health-maintaining exercise, which requires patience and focus. After long-term practice in a peaceful state of mind, those under high pressure can achieve both physical fitness and mental serenity. With the development of modern science, traditional health qigong has evolved into new forms to meet the needs of modern society.
