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The Law of Contract
8.1.1 Contract law in Singapore is largely based on the common law of contract in England. Unlike its neighbours Malaysia and Brunei, following Independence in 1965, Singapore′s Parliament made no attempt to codify Singapore′s law of contract. Accordingly, much of the law of contract in Singapore remains in the form of judge-made rules. In some circumstances, these judge-made rules have been modified by specific statutes.
8.1.2 Many of these statutes are English in origin. To begin with, 13 English commercial statutes have been incorporated as part of the Statutes of the Republic of Singapore by virtue of s 4 of the Application of English Law Act (Cap 7A, 1993 Rev Ed). These are listed in Part II of the First Schedule of this Act. Other statutes, eg the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap 53B, 2002 Rev Ed), are modelled upon(仿
效) English statutes. There are also other areas where statutory development based on
non-English models has taken place, eg the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act
(Cap 52A, 2004 Rev Ed) (which was largely drawn from fair trading legislation enacted in Alberta and Sasketchewan).
许多此类立法起源于英国。首先来说,有13个英国商事法律根据《英国法律适用法》(Application of English Law Act) 第四节(Cap 7A, 1993年修订)的规定直接成为新加坡共和国的立法。这些立法罗列在该法的第二部分的第一附表里。其他立法,如《合同第三方权利法》(Contracts( Rights of Third Parties) Act)(Cap 53B, 2002 修订),系模仿英国立法制定的。在某些领域也有立法采用非英国模式的情形,比如《消费者保护(公平交易)法》(Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act)(Cap 52A, 2004年修订)。该法大致上参照[加拿大]阿尔伯塔与萨卡其万两省的公平交易法制定。
8.1.3 The rules developed in the Singapore courts do, nevertheless, bear a very close resemblance to those developed under English common law. Indeed, where there is no Singapore authority specifically on point, it will usually be assumed that the position will, in the first instance, be no different from that in England.
8.2.1 A contract is essentially an agreement between two or more parties, the terms of which affect their respective rights and obligations which are enforceable at law. Whether the parties have reached agreement, or a meeting of the minds, is objectively
ascertained from the facts. The concepts of offer and acceptance provide in many, albeit not all, cases the starting point for analysing whether agreement has been reached. 合同在本质上是双方或者多方之间的协议,该协议条款涉及到当事人各自的权利义务并且具有法律约束力。至于当事人之间是否达成协议,或合意(consensus ad idem), 应通过对事实的客观分析而确定。在大多数–但并非所有的情况下,要约与承诺的概念是分析当事人是否达成协议的起点。
8.2.2 An offer is a promise, or other expression of willingness, by the `offeror′ to be bound on certain specified terms upon the unqualified acceptance of these terms by the person to whom the offer is made (the `offeree′). Provided the other formation elements (ie consideration and intention to create legal relations) are present, the acceptance of an offer results in a valid contract.
8.2.3 Whether any particular statement amounts to an offer depends on the intention with which it is made. An offer must be made with the intention to be bound. On the other hand, if a person is merely soliciting offers or requesting for information, without any intention to be bound, at best, he or she would be making an invitation to treat. Under the objective test, a person may be said to have made an offer if his or her statement (or conduct) induces a reasonable person to believe that the person making