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3、Humans want to survive just as every other species does .we need food ,shelter ,and a place to rear our young ,So how do our activities endanger other species ?Speciefically ,there are three major ways ,We kill off animals directly in some cases ,We may want their meat ,bones .skins ,tusks .horns,or feathers ;or we may wantto protect
overhunting ,Euro-Americans endangered the buffalo in North America ,and in the nin eteenth century hunters drove to extinction the passenger pigeon ,which was probably the most populous species that have ever lived.
4、Another way that we endanger native life-forms is by introducing foreign species into their habitat .A prime example of this was the introduction of European rabbits into Australia . where they multiplied until they endangered the native species of grazing animals by eating all the vegetation .This became a terrible problem that has finally been brought under some control ,though not completely solved.
7、Many people's answer is thar every life-form has a right to exist,and that no other reason is needed for preserving it,A more common reason is the beauty of many species .Certain species also provide humans with economic value ,But scientists identify two additional reasons which may not be obvious to most of us.
8、one of these reasons is that each life -form occupies a special place within its ecosystem --that is .its community of plant and animal life ,in combination with the nonliving components of its environment such as the climate ,soil .water .and air.For instance within a forest the larger trees drop off little twigs and debris.making a layer that holds water in the soil for other plants to use .The roots hold the soil and prevent it from washing away in rainstorms.Whether living or dead.the tree provides shelter for animals and birds and food for insects.As the dead tree rots away,it enriches the soil of the forest floor ,enabling other plants to spring up in its place Such large trees are an example of what we call keystone species ;if they disappeared from their ecosystem .the consequences would be felt throughout the community of other species living in the forest ,\drill accidentally striking a powerline \of Harvard University .\the current sixth great extinction .three species of life-forms are dying out every hour ,or74per day .which equals 2700.each year .Some of these ---and we donot even know which ones ---are undoubtedly keystone species.
气候、土壤、水和空气等组成的生态系统中都占有一个特殊的地位。例如,在森林中,较大的树掉下的残枝在土壤中形成一个水分保持层,供其它植物利用。它们的根可以固定土壤,防止土壤被暴雨冲走。无论是活树还是枯树都可以为动物和鸟提供栖息地,为昆虫提供食物。枯树腐烂以后还可以肥沃森林地里的土壤,得以使其它植物从原处拔地而出。这样的大树就是我们所说的主要物种;如果它们从生态系统中消失,其影响会遍及所有生长在森林里的其它物种。哈佛大学的生物学家爱德华威尔逊说:“一个主要物种的消失就像钻头意外地钻断电线,导致四处断电。” 在当前第六次“大灭绝”时期,每小时平均有三个物种灭绝,也就是每天有74个物种灭绝,每年合计达27000个。其中有些物种(虽然我们不确定是哪些)毫无疑问是主要物种。
9、Natural ecosytems are characterized by biodiversity ,which means that a good variety of plant and animal life are present there ,In many parts of today's world .humans have replaced naturally diverse environments with monoculture ,in which only one species lives --one that we humans value , A prime example in forested regions of the world is the monocultural \farms \have been planted after the original forests have been cut down .The character of these tree farms is very different from that of the original forests.
10、In the case of forests .another extre,ely important reason for presserving species is illustrated by the pacific yew tree ,which people used to down and never replant because they thought it had no particular value,But recently medical researches discovered that a substance called taxol .produced naturally in the bark of this tree ,is an
cancer ,Suddenly harvesters began flocking to the forests of the North American Pacific Northwest in search of this tree,If it had become extinct before its value had been discovered .many cancer patients would have died needlessly.