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A:Another name for the rapid application development model. (是快速开发模型的别名。)

B:Often used for the development of client/server applications. (通常被用于开发客户端/服务器程序。)

C:Only used for development of parallel or distributed systems. (只能被用于开发并行或分布式系统。)

D:Used whenever a large number of change requests are anticipated. (被用于开发可能产生大量需求变动的项目。)

10. In the Unified Process model requirements are determined iteratively and may span more than one phase of the process.(在统一过程模型中,需求在迭代中被确定并且可能跨越不止一个过程阶段。) A:



11. The component-based development model is(基于组件的开发模型) A:

Only appropriate for computer hardware design.(只适用于计算机硬件设计) B:Not able to support the development of reusable components. (无法支持可复用组件的开发)

C:Works best when object technologies are available for support. (有面向对象技术支持时效果最好)

D:Not cost effective by known quantifiable software metrics.(不符合已知的可量化的软件度量的成本效益)

1. Explain why a software system used in a real-world environment must change or become progressive less useful?

2. Provide examples of software projects that would be amenable to the waterfall, prototyping, incremental models.

3. Describe the 5 levels of CMM.

4. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model.

5. What are the differences between the 3 incremental models mentioned in this chapter?


1. Use-case actors are always people, never system devices.(用例图中的参与者必须是人,而不能是其他的系统设备。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

2. Which of following is not a UML diagram used creating a system analysis model?(以下的UML图中,那一项不能被用来创建系统的分析模型?) A:activity diagram(活动图) B:class diagram(类图)

C:dataflow diagram(数据流图) D:state diagram (状态图)

3. In win-win negotiation, the customer\\'s needs are met even though the developer\\'s need may not be.(在一个双赢的谈判中,即使开发者的需求不被满足,客户的需求仍应当被满足。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

4. The nature of collaboration is such that all system requirements are defined by consensus of a committee of customers and developers.(合作的本质就在于客户和开发者组成一个讨论组,从而定义出一致的系统需求) A:True(真) B:False (假)

5. Analysis patterns facilitate the transformation of the analysis model into a design model by suggesting reliable solutions to common problems.(分析模式通过提出针对一般性问题的可靠解决方案,有助于将分析模型转换为设计模型。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

6. It is relatively common for different customers to propose conflicting requirements, each arguing that his or her version is the right one.(不同的用户可能提出有冲突的需求,每个人都认为他们自己的版本是最正确的,这是一个较为正常的现象。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

7. In collaborative requirements gathering, the facilitator(在协作需求收集的过程中,协调者) A:cannot be a member of the software team(不能是软件小组的成员) B:cannot be a customer(不能是客户)

C:controls and facilitates the process(控制并协调过程进度) D:must be an outsider (必须是一个外部人员)

8. Which of the following is not one of the context-free questions that would be used during project inception?(下面哪一个选项不是上下文无关、可被用于项目初始阶段的问题?) A:What will be the economic benefit from a good solution?(好的解决方案会带来什么经济利益?)

B:Who is against this project?(谁会反对这个项目?)

C:Who will pay for the work?(谁将为这些工作支付酬劳?) D:Who will use the solution?(谁将使用这个解决方案?)

9. A stakeholder is anyone who will purchase the completed software system under development.(利益相关者将购买开发完成后的完整软件系统。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

10. The best way to conduct a requirements validation review is to(进行需求验证检查的最好方式是)

A:examine the system model for errors(检查系统模型中的错误) B:have the customer look over the requirements(客户检查需求说明)

C:send them to the design team and see if they have any concerns(让客户去设计小组确认是否与他们的设想有出入)

D:use a checklist of questions to examine each requirement (用一个检查清单列表去检验每项需求)

11. Requirements engineering is a generic process that does not vary from one software project to another.(需求工程是一个一般性的过程,不会因项目的变化而变化。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

12. The result of the requirements engineering elaboration task is an analysis model that defines which of the following problem domain(s)?(需求工程中细化任务的结果是一个定义了以下哪项域的分析模型?) A:information(信息) B:functional(功能) C:behavioral(行为)

D:all of the above (以上所有)

13. The work products produced during requirement elicitation will vary depending on the(需求导出产生的产品将依赖于)

A:size of the budget(预算规模)

B:size of the product being built(产品的规模)

C:software process being used(软件的开发过程模型) D:stakeholders needs (利益相关者的需求)

14. In requirements validation the requirements model is reviewed to ensure its technical feasibility.(在需求验证中,需求模型将被检查以确保技术可行性。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

15. The use of traceability tables helps to(可追溯性表的作用是)

A:debug programs following the detection of run-time errors(在编译程序后发现运行时错误)

B:determine the performance of algorithm implementations(判定算法实现的性能) C:identify, control, and track requirements changes(识别,控制和追踪需求变化) D:none of the above (以上都不是)

16. Which of the following is not one of the requirement classifications used in Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?(以下哪一项不是质量功能展开中的需求分类?) A:exciting(兴奋需求) B:expected(期望需求) C:mandatory(强制需求) D:normal (常规需求)

17. Developers and customers create use-cases to help the software team understand how different classes of end-users will use functions.(开发人员和客户采用创建用例图的方式,帮助软件小组理解不同类型的最终用户将如何使用系统功能。) A:True(真)

B:False (假)

18. The job of the requirements engineer is to categorize all stakeholder information in a way that allows decision makers to choose an internally consistent set of requirements.(需求工程师的工作是划分利益关系者的要求,使得决策者可以选择出一致认可的需求。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

19. The system specification describes the(系统规格说明书描述了)

A:Function, performance and constraints of a computer-based system(系统的功能,性能以及约束条件)

B:implementation of each allocated system(每个分配系统的实现) C:element software architecture(软件元素的架构)

D:time required for system simulation (系统模拟的时间要求)

1. Describe the weaknesses of use-cases as part of the requirements engineering process.

2. What are the major steps for requirements engineering?

3. Give some examples of functional and non-functional requirements.

4. What are the differences between product and process Requirements?

5. Please list some main requirements sources.


1. When using structured design methodologies the process of stepwise refinement is unnecessary. (当使用结构化设计方法时,逐步精炼的过程则显得无关紧要。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

2. Software design is an iterative generic process that may be applied without modification to any software project.(软件设计是一般性的迭代过程,并可以不做修改地应用到任何软件项目)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

3. Design patterns are not applicable to the design of object-oriented software?(设计模式不适用于面向对象的软件。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

4. Software designs are refactored to allow the creation of software that is easier to integrate, easier to test, and easier to maintain.((重构软件设计,使得软件变得更加容易整合、测试和维护。))

A:True(真) B:False (假)

5. Which design model is analogous to the detailed drawings of the access points and external utilities for a house?(下面哪个设计模型可以类比成房子外部和入口的细节设计?) A:Architectural design(架构设计)

B:Component-level design(组件级设计)