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C:Data design(数据设计) D:Interface design(接口设计)

6. Inheritance provides a mechanism by which changes to lower level classes can be propagated to all super classes quickly.(继承提供了低层次类的修改可以迅速被传递给所有高层类的机制。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

7. Which of the following models can be used to represent the architectural design of a piece of software.(以下的模型中,哪个可以用来表示软件的架构设计?)

A:Dynamic models(动态模型) B:Functional models(功能模型) C:Structural models(结构化模型) D:All of the above (以上所有)

8. Which design model is analogous to a set of detailed drawings for each room in a house?(哪个设计模型可以被类比成房子中每个房间的细节设计)

A:Architectural design(架构设计)

B:Component-level design(组件级设计) C:Data design(数据设计)

D:Interface design (接口设计)

9. Information hiding makes program maintenance easier by hiding data and procedure from unaffected parts of the program. (信息隐藏通过隐藏程序中的无关部分的数据和过程,使得程序更容易维护。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

10. Which of the following is not a characteristic common to all design methods?(以下哪一项不是所有设计方法的共同特性?)

A:configuration management(配置管理) B:functional component(功能性组件 C:notation quality assessment(质量评估 D:guidelines refinement heuristics (精炼)

11. Since modularity is an important design goal it is not possible to have too many modules in a proposed design.(由于模块化是重要的设计目标,在设计中出现太多的模块是不现实的。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

12. Which design is analogous to the floor plan of a house?(哪一种设计可以被类比成房子的地板设计?)

A:Architectural design(架构设计)

B:Component-level design(组件级设计) C:Data design(数据设计)

D:Interface design (接口设计)

13. Design patterns are best thought of as coding patterns.(设计模式是最好的编码模式。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

14. Polymorphism reduces the effort required to extend an object system by(多态能降低扩展面向对象系统所需的工作量,是通过)

A:coupling objects together more tightly.(将对象耦合地更加紧密。)

B:enabling a number of different operations to share the same name.(不同的操作共享相同的名称。)

C:making objects more dependent on one another.(使对象更依赖另一个对象。) D:removing the barriers imposed by encapsulation (消除封装带来的障碍。)

15. Information hiding makes program maintenance easier by hiding data and procedure from unaffected parts of the program.(信息隐藏通过隐藏程序中的无关部分的数据和过程,使得程序更容易维护。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

16. Frameworks and design patterns are the same thing as far as designers are concerned.(框架和设计模式在设计者眼中是相同的。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

17. Which of the following is not one of the five design class types(以下哪个不是五种设计类的种类)

A:Business domain classes(商业领域类) B:Entity classes(实例类) C:Process classes(过程类)

D:User interface classes (用户接口类)

18. The deployment design elements specify the build order for the software components.(部署设计元素指明了了软件组件的建立顺序。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

19. One of the key problems in software reuse is the inability to find existing reusable design patterns when hundreds of candidates exist.(软件复用的重要问题在于很难在成百上千的已有的设计模式中进行取舍。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

20. The importance of software design can be summarized in a single word(软件设计的重要性可以被概括成)

A:accuracy(精确) B:complexity(复杂) C:efficiency(高效开发

D:quality (对品质的追求)

21. Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module(内聚可以用于表示模块)

A:can be written more compactly.(可以被编写地更加紧密的程度。) B:focuses on just one thing.(只专注一项功能的程度。)

C:is able to complete its function in a timely manner.(可以及时地完成它功能的程度。) D:is connected to other modules and the outside world. (与其他模块和外部组件联系的程度。)

22. Which design model elements are used to depict a model of information represented from the user's view?(以下哪种模型元素被用来描绘从用户角度观察到的信息?)

A:Architectural design elements(架构设计元素)

B:Component-level design elements(组件级设计元素) C:Data design elements(数据设计元素) D:Interface design elements(接口设计元素)

23. Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module(耦合可以用于表示模块)

A:can be written more compactly.(可以被编写地更加紧密的程度。) B:focuses on just one thing.(只专注一项功能的程度。)

C:is able to complete its function in a timely manner.(可以及时地完成它功能的程度。) D:is connected to other modules and the outside world. (与其他模块和外部组件联系的程度。)

1. What does the design engineering include?

2. What are the elements that make up a software architectural style?

3. Explain how effective modular design is achieved through functional independence of the individual modules?

4. What is the goal of data design?

5. Describe the principle of information hiding as it applies to software design.


1. Software quality and functionality must be measured indirectly.(软件质量和功能必须间接地测量。)

A:True(真) B:False(假)

2. Small software organizations are not likely to see any economic return from establishing software metrics program.(小型软件组织不太倾向于从确立软件度量计划中获得回报。)

A:True(真) B:False(假)

3. Which of the following software quality factors is most likely to be affected by radical changes to computing architectures?(以下哪项软件质量因素更容易被计算架构的根本性变动所影响?)

A:operation(操作性) B:transition(转换型) C:revision(修正性)

D:none of the above(以上都不是)

4. Which of following are advantages of using LOC (lines of code) as a size-oriented metric?(以下哪一项是采用代码行数(LOC)进行软件规模度量的优点?)

A:LOC is easily computed.(易于计算。)

B:LOC is a language dependent measure.(依赖于具体的语言。) C:LOC is a language independent measure.(不依赖于具体的语言。)

D:LOC can be computed before a design is completed. (在设计完成前就可以进行计算)

5. Process indicators enable a software project manager to(过程指示器能使软件项目管理者)

A:assess the status of an on-going project(获取正在进行项目的状态) B:track potential risks(追踪潜在的风险)

C:adjust work flow or tasks(调整工作流或任务) D:all of the above(以上都是)

6. The terms measure, measurement, and metric all share the same definition according to the IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terms.(术语measure, measurement, metric共享了IEEE软件工程术语标准词库中的相同定义。)

A:True(真) B:False(假)