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22. The cyclomatic complexity of a program can be computed directly from a PDL representation of an algorithm without drawing a program flow graph.(程序的圈复杂度可以直接通过一个算法的PDL表示进行计算,而不用画程序流图。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

23. Real-time applications add a new and potentially difficult element to the testing mix(实时软件给测试带来了新的潜在困难,这个困难与以下哪项相关?)

A:performance (性能) B:reliability (可靠性) C:security (安全性) D:time(时间)

24. Boundary value analysis can only be used to do white-box testing.(边界值分析只能被用于进行白盒测试。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

25. Which of these techniques is not useful for partition testing at the class level(以下哪项技巧对于类层面的分区测试无效?)

A:attribute-based partitioning (基于属性的分区) B:category-based partitioning (基于类别的分区) C:equivalence class partitioning (等效类分区) D:state-based partitioning (基于状态的分区)

26. Tests derived from behavioral class models should be based on the(行为类模型相关的测试应当建立在)

A:data flow diagram (数据流图上)

B:object-relation diagram (对象关系图上) C:state diagram (状态图上) D:use-case diagram(用例图上)

27. Data flow testing is a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that they(数据流测试作为一种针对控制结构的测试技巧,在设计测试用例时需要遵循的标准是)

A:rely on basis path testing (依赖于基本路径测试)

B:exercise the logical conditions in a program module (测试程序模块的逻辑条件)

C:select test paths based on the locations and uses of variables (基于变量的位置和使用情况选择测试路径)

D:focus on testing the validity of loop constructs (专注于测试循环结构的有效性)

28. Program flow graphs are identical to program flowcharts.(程序流图和程序流程图是相同的。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)


1. Acceptance tests are normally conducted by the(验收测试通常由以下哪类参与者进行?)

A:developer(开发人员) B:end users(最终用户) C:test team(测试小组)

D:systems engineers (系统工程师)

2. Configuration reviews are not needed if regression testing has been rigorously applied during software integration. (如果严格的回归测试已经被应用到了软件集成过程中,审阅配置是没有必要的。) A:Tru(真) B:False(假)

3. Performance testing is only important for real-time or embedded systems.(性能测试只在实时或嵌入式系统中显得重要。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

4. Software validation is achieved through a series of tests performed by the user once the software is deployed in his or her work environment.(软件验证是通过,部署在某些特定用户的工作环境中后,由用户进行的一系列测试。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

5. What is the normal order of activities in which traditional software testing is organized? a. integration testing b. system testing c. unit testing d.validation testing (传统软件测试的正常顺序是?a. 集成测试 b. 系统测试 c. 单元测试 d.验证测试) A:a, d, c, b B:b, d, a, c C:c, a, d, b D:d, b, c, a

6. The focus of validation testing is to uncover places that a user will be able to observe failure of the software to conform to its requirements.(验证测试关注点在于,发现用户可能观察到的错误,使得软件与需求一致。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

7. When testing object-oriented software it is important to test each class operation separately as part of the unit testing process.(当测试面向对象的软件时,在单元测试中逐个单独测试每个类的操作(方法)很重要。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

8. In software quality assurance work there is no difference between software verification and software validation.(在软件质量确认中,软件验证和软件确认没有区别。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

9. By collecting software metrics and making use of existing software reliability models it is possible to develop meaningful guidelines for determining when software testing is finished.(通过收集软件的度量指标,并利用已有的软件可靠模型,有可能得出有意义的原则,用于判断软件测试是否完成。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

10. Drivers and stubs are not needed for unit testing because the modules are tested independently of one another.(驱动程序和桩程序在单元测试中是不需要的,因为模块是被独立测试的。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

11. Smoke testing might best be described as(烟雾测试可以被描述为) A:bulletproofing shrink-wrapped software(防弹收缩包装软件) B:rolling integration testing(滚动集成测试)

C:testing that hides implementation errors(测试隐藏实现的错误) D:unit testing for small programs (小程序的单元测试)

12. The OO testing integration strategy involves testing(面向对象测试集成策略包含测试)

A:groups of classes that collaborate or communicate in some way(通过某些方式相互协作通信类群)

B:single operations as they are added to the evolving class implementation(被添加到演化类实现中的(操作)方法)

C:operator programs derived from use-case scenarios(从用例场景中生成的运算符程序) D:none of the above (以上没有)

13. The best reason for using Independent software test teams is that(采用独立的软件测试小组的最佳理由是)

A:software developers do not need to do any testing(软件开发者不需要做任何测试) B:a test team will test the software more thoroughly(测试小组可以更彻底地测试软件) C:testers do not get involved with the project until testing begins(测试人员指导测试开始时才参与到项目中)

D:arguments between developers and testers are reduced (可以减少开发人员和测试人员之间的分歧)

14. Bottom-up integration testing has as it's major advantage(s) that(自底向上测试的主要优点是)

A:major decision points are tested early(主要的决策点能尽早地被测试) B:no drivers need to be written(不需要写驱动程序) C:no stubs need to be written(不要写桩程序)

D:regression testing is not required (不需要进行回归测试)

15. Security testing attempts to verify that protection mechanisms built into a system protect it from improper penetration.(安全测试旨在验证系统中的保护机制确实能够抵御不符合规则的操作)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

16. Debugging is not testing, but always occurs as a consequence of testing.(调试不是测试,但通常作为测试的结果而进行。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

17. Stress testing examines the pressures placed on the user during system use in extreme environments.(压力测试,旨在检测系统在极端环境中使用时,用户承担的压力。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

18. Class testing of object-oriented software is equivalent to unit testing for traditional software.(面向对象软件的类测试等同于传统软件中的单元测试。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

19. Recovery testing is a system test that forces the software to fail in a variety of ways and verifies that software is able to continue execution without interruption.(恢复性测试是系统测试,旨在通过多种方式让软件失效,并验证软件能够在没有中断的情况下继续执行的能力。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)


1. Effective software project management focuses on four P's which are(有效的软件项目管理关注的“4P”,指的是)

A:people, performance, payoff, product(人,性能,收益,产品) B:people, product, performance, process(人,产品,性能,过程) C:people, product, process, project(人,产品,过程,项目) D:people, process, payoff, product(人,过程,收益,产品)

2. Organizations that achieve high levels of maturity in people management have a higher likelihood of implementing effective software engineering processes.(在人员管理上拥有高成熟度的组织更有可能实现有效的软件工程过程。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

3. The first step in project planning is to(项目计划的第一步是) A:determine the budget.(计划预算。)

B:select a team organizational model.(选择一个管理模型。) C:determine the project constraints.(发现项目约束。) D:establish the objectives and scope.(确定目标和领域。)