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Product of Automotive Customer Investigate Questionnaire
Dear Valuable Customer:
您 好! 非常感谢您对我们的支持!
How are you! Many thanks for your support all along!
We are already running into ISO/TS16949:2002 system, We would like to confirm the details of the product with you, please fill in the following blank:
1.Below is the name of automotive product and item No. for the order:
产品为: 铜螺母 Name of automotive product is:
编号为: ACUN67881-DHO Part Number(s) are:
( If the blank are not enough, you may add one attachment)
2.上述汽车产品最终是用于那些汽车公司的何种车型, 且上述产品是用在何汽车零件的什么位置及其他事项:
2.Above product(s) will be used finally on what model of which automaker, and will be used in which particular position of what component and other details:
a.我公司提供给贵公司的产品最终用于的汽车组装厂为: a.Our company ,s product(s) will be offered to which automaker or OEM manufacture:
b.用于何种车型: b.Which type of model/make:
c.用于该车型的何种零件或总成中(如:发动机总成,仪表盘总成等): c. which particular position of what component (eg.: Part of engine, Meter board etc.):
d. If be used in the component or assembly parts, please offer the item No. of products of our company, listed in the BOM of your company ,please offer the item No. of product listed in the BOM of the terminal automaker or OEM manufacture (if convenience)
e.我公司在贵公司的采购部的供应商目录的编号为: e.The ID NO. of our company in the AVL of your company :
f. 贵公司在最终汽车组装厂的供应商目录的编号为(方便提供的话)
f.Your company, s ID NO. in the AVL of terminal automaker/OEM (if convenience):
如: BMW(宝马)的 Supplied Parts Quality Mgmt(供应商质量体系), Honda(本田)的 Honda
Supplier Quality Manual(本田供应商手册)等.
3. The terminal automaker or OEM manufactures have any specific requirements:
Such as: BMW-Supplied Parts Quality Mgmt, Honda-Honda Supplier Quality Manual etc. □有 请详细描述其要求的名称 □ Yes, Please offer the full description of their requirement: □无 如无的话,我们将暂时不考虑上述特殊要求。
□ No, If no, we will not consider above specific requirement at this point.
4.针对我们导入的ISO/TS16949体系中使用的技术手册选择方面的询问: 贵公司有无特别指定的技术手册或方法(APQP/PPAP/SPC/MSA/FMEA),
4 Below is type of. technical manuals according to ISO/TS16949:2002 system:
If your company will specially specify technical manual or system( APQP/ PPAP/ SPC/ MSA/ FMEA)? □有 请详细描述其要求的技术手册的名称和版本 □ Yes, Please detailedly describe the type of technical manual with edition:
□无 如无,我们将使用美国三大汽车公司的五大技术手册,如下:
□ No, If no, we will only use the five technical manuals of three major automotive companies in USA as follows: a. APQP---产品先期策划和控制计划(第二版) b. PPAP---生产件提交批准程序(第四版) c. MSA----测量系统分析(第四版) d. SPC -----统计过程控制(第二版)
e. FMEA---潜在失效模式和后果分析(第四版)
a. APQP—Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan(Second Edition) b. PPAP---Production Part Approval Process(Fourth Edition) c. MSA—Measurement System Analysis(Third Edition) d. SPC---Statistical Process Control(Second Edition) e. FMEA---Potential Failure Mode and Effect Analysis(Third Edition)
5. 针对生产件提交方面的询问:
Inquire about submission samples of product:
Does your company have any specific submission level?
□有 请详细描述其提交等级
□Yes, Please detailedly describe the submission level: □无 如无我们将按照PPAP手册的等级三提交
□No, If not, we will submit according to Level 3.
Inquire about capability of process:
---贵公司对Ppk(初始过程能力) 的要求为: 如无特别要求,我们将执行Ppk≧1.67
---Any specific requirement for Ppk: If not, we will use Ppk≥1.67
---贵公司对Cpk(稳定过程能力) 的要求为: (如无特别要求,我们将执行Cpk≧1.33)
---Any specific requirement for Cpk: If not, we will use Cpk≥1.33
□有 请详细描述其要求
□ 无
Inquire about your specific requirement for electronic system for delivery or other electronic system: □ Yes, Please detailedly describe the requirement: □ No
客户确认人: 签 名: Customer confirm Signature:
部 门: Department:
客户公司印章: Customer, schop:
备注:(未尽事宜,可在此处填写) Remark: If there are some important information not mentioned above, please fill in here: