PART 4四级听力综合训练20题 下载本文

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答案详解 Section A

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

If you feel like you had one too many drinks over the winter holiday season---you probably did.At least,if tough new guidelines on drinking just announced by the UK’s chief medical officers are anything to go by.

The new guidelines suggest that both men and women should regularly drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week.That’s the equivalent of six small glasses of wine.Pregnant women should not drink at all.

Guidelines in the U.S. Recommend that women should not exceed one standard drink per day and men should no more than two.That equates to 12 units a week for women and just over 24 for men.

Most worryingly, perhaps,the new UK advice suggests that there is no safe level of drinking---and any amount of alcohol can increase the risk of cancer,according to new research. 1.What is the amount of alcohol suggested in the new guideline?

【A】【详解】新闻中提到,新的英国健康指南里建议,不论是男性还是女性,每周喝酒不超过14单位(no more than 14 units of alcohol per week),故A正确。B“女士不应该饮酒”错误,新闻中提到的是“怀孕的女士不应该饮酒”,C“女士可以每周喝24单位的酒”远超过指南建议的14个单位。D“男士每天喝六杯酒”。新闻中提到的是“每周不超过六杯”。 2. What worries people most according to the news report? 【B】【详解】新闻末尾提到,新的研究表明,最令人担忧的是不论饮酒量多少,都有可能增加罹患癌症的几率(any amount of alcohol can increase the risk of cancer),故选B。A“怀孕的妇女不应当饮酒”,有在新闻中提到,但答非所问,并没有提到这会使人担忧。C“一些萄酒不能安全饮用”曲解文意,新闻中提到的是“没有安全的饮酒量”(no safe level of drinking),即就算饮一点点酒都有危险,并非葡萄酒不能安全饮用。D“药物对酒精引起的疾病没有效果”没有在新闻没有提到。

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

In Disney’s cartoon Wall-E,the robot is left behind on a deserted Earth to clean up the waste mankind left behind.If the latest statistics are anything to go by,we’re in danger of turning that fictional future into a reality.

A decade ago,city residents generated 680 million tonnes of solid waste a year.Now this is 1.3 billion tonnes,and forecast to rise to 2.2 billion tonnes by 2025.

But could technology,which helped create much of this waste also help deal with it?

Much of the world’s waste goes to landfill sites,which only add to the pollution problem because they produce methane---a greenhouse gas and significant contributor to climate change. But technology is helping to extract the gas and turn it into electricity.For example,US-based Ener-Core has built installations at landfill sites in California and the Netherlands that can produce between 250 kilowatts and 1 megawatt of electricity. 3.What is the problem mentioned in the news report? 【A】【详解】新闻中提到的主要问题是人类每年都会产生数亿吨的垃圾,且产生垃圾的速度越来越快,地球可能会变成迪士尼电影里的景象,所以选A。B中人们面临经济问题。将

新闻中的fictional替换成了financial。C中气候变化影响了人类生活。和D中迪士尼电影改变了世界。都是利用个别原词干扰,并没有在新闻中提到。 4. What problem does the waste going to landfill sites cause? 【C】【详解】新闻中提到垃圾放到填埋场会造成环境污染(add to the pollution problem),因为会产生methane“甲烷”,这是一种温室气体(greenhouse gas),会引起气候变化,故C为答案。A “很难清理干净”。和B“不能循环再用”。都没有在新闻中提到,D“不能发电”。与新闻相反,新闻提到有厂家利用这种气体来发电。 Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

Five million jobs in the world’s leading economies could disappear over the next five years because of advances in technology.

Developments in artificial intelligence, robotics,and biotechnology,would disturb the business world in a similar way to previous industrial revolutions,the World Economic Forum said in a report.

Administrative and white collar office jobs are most at risk from a “fourth industrial revolution,”the forum said on the eve of its annual meeting.

It found that as many as 7.1 million jobs in the world’s richest countries could be lost.Those losses would be partially compensated by the creation of 2.1 million new opportunities in sectors such as tech,professional services and media.

Countries will have to invest in transforming their workforce if they want to keep up with the changes and avoid a worse case of “talent shortages,mass unemployment and growing inequality,”aid Klaus Schwab,the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum. Investing in education and adult learning programs is a good place to start.

Around 65% of children starting primary school today will end up working in jobs that don't yet exist,and their future training is crucial,according to the report.

Insisting on more diverse workforces in terms of gender,ethnicity and age,will also be vital for companies that want to succeed in the rapidly changing world.

5.What will happen in the next five years because of technology development?

【B】【详解】新闻开头提到,未来五年,数百万的工作将会消失(Five million jobs..could disappear),故选B。A“机器人将代替人工作”。新闻中提到机器人可能会带来一些改变,但没有提到它能完全代替人类工作。C“第五次工业革命将会发生”。新闻中只提“第四次工业革命”。(fourth industrial revolution)。D“经济论坛将在瑞士举行”,新闻中虽然多次提到World Economic Forum,但该论坛不是在五年后举行。 6.What does Schwab suggest countries do? 【C】【详解】新闻最后引用Klaus Schwab说明各国应如何应对变化。他建议各国要在改变劳动力(构成)上加大投资(invest in transforming their workforce)。C复现新闻原词,为答案。新闻中有提到办公室的白领工作(white collar office jobs)会大量消失,但并没有说国家要主动取消这类工作,故A错误。B“发展人工智能”。和D“吸引更多国外人才”。均没有在新闻中提到。

7. What should companies do to succeed in the changing world? 【C】【详解】新闻最后提到要坚持聘请多样化的员工,包括不同性别,种族和年龄(Insisting on more diverse workforces),故选C。A“更多地投资教育”。和B“开展成人教育”。有在新闻中提到,但这不是公司要做的,而是员工保持自身竞争力的方法。D“减少员工数量”。没有在新闻中提到。 Section B

Conversation One

M: What do you think of my new sweater, Tracy?

W: Well.It's very nice as far as I can see, but put it on first,then I'll tell you if it suits you. M: I tried on about twenty.This one isn't really what I wanted. W: Why did you buy it then?

M: The salesman sold it to me before I realized what had happened.He just never stopped talking and he told me some stories about the latest fashion and special reductions.Before I could say anything he'd wrapped it up and taken my money.

W: Well, it doesn't look too bad.I think it looks good on you.

M: But I went out to get a blue sweater with a V-neck,short sleeves and pattern,and I came home with a brown one with a high neck,long sleeves and no pattern.

W: You must be easily taken in.You've got to learn to stand up to these high-pressure salesmen.They'll sell you all sorts of things you don't want if you don't watch out. M: Next time I'll send my wife.She'll probably sell something to the salesman.

W: That's a good idea.Actually women are good at shopping.Whenever my husband and I buy something important,I have the final say.M: I must admit that women have better taste in shopping.I should simply leave the whole business to them. W: Yes, I agree.

8.What is the main idea of this conversation? 【B】【详解】主旨题。男士一开始就说他买的并不是他想要的,所以A项可以排除。紧接着他又抱怨推销员鼓动他,在他还没有反应过来的情况下就把东西卖给他了。C和D是对话中提到的部分内容,并非重点所在。因此,选项B为答案。 9.Why does the man buy a sweater which he doesn’t like? 【D】【详解】细节题。男士说推销员不停地向他介绍,这件sweater是最流行的式样,而且有很优惠的折扣,他还没弄明白怎么回事就付了钱。男士还不清楚情况就付钱很明显是中了推销员的圈套,所以答案是D项。A项对话中并没有提到,而B,C两项是推销员的理由。 10.Which character is not true about the sweater that the man buys?


11.What is the woman’s suggestion? 【C】【详解】细节题。听了男士的叙述,女士认为他容易受骗,建议他学会怎样拒绝(原文中的stand up to即C中turn down)郡些强行推销的人。因此,答案为C。A、D两项是男士的意思,女士只是表示了赞同。女士讲她自己在家里拥有final say,而不是指男士的妻子,所以B项不正确。 Conversation Two

M: Hi, honey! What's going on? Conversation Two

M: Hi, honey! What's going on?

W: I have great news to tell you.I just found out that I was accepted as an R.A. next year!

M: That's really great news!I'm sorry that you had to postpone your studying abroadbecause I lost my job.I just interviewed at a home grocery delivery business,so we'll see if I get hired. W: Don't worry.Everything will be OK! M: I think so.Don't forget I'm an optimist.

W: Eh, dad, I want to talk with you about declaring a major in anthropology.Business isn't the best choice for me.

M: Well, I don't know why you can't declare your own major.If this is what you really want to do,then your mother and I will support your decision.

W: Thanks, dad! I just want you to know that I will make you proud! M: Your mother and I are already proud of you.

W: Thanks, dad.I am really interested in anthropology and I promise that I will become a success with my degree.

M: We believe in you!

W: Well, I'd better hang up.I have a lot of reading to catch up on before finals.Talk to you soon! 12.Which is true about the man according to the conversation? 【B】【详解】细节题。男士是一个乐观主义者,对失业并不绝望,A项显然锗误。同时他表示,只要是女士喜欢的专业,自己都无条件支持她,故C项错误而B项正确。D为无关选项。预读选项可推测问题与男士有关,因此听音时可一一对选项做出正误判断,听到问题后再提取符合要求的选项。

13.Why does the man feel sorry?


14.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

【D】【详解】推理判断题。在对话快结束时,女士明确说她得挂电话了,抓住关键词hang up就不难得出答案为D.

15.What will the woman probably do after the talk? 【B】【详解】推理判断题。女士在对话结尾时说期末考试前她还要看很多书,可见她挂电话是为了去看书,故选B.注意本题问的是她在与父亲通话结束后最有可能会去做什么,虽然她看书是为了考试,但考试不是她讲完电话后立马会做的事情,故排除干扰项A. Section C Passage One

Paul, a salesman from London,was driving past a sports car parked outside a supermarket when he saw it start to roll slowly down the hill.Inside the car were two young girls on the passenger seat but no driver.Paul stopped quickly,jumped in front of the sports car and tried to stop it----pushing against the front of the car.Another man, who was standing nearby,got into the car and put on the hand brake,saving the girls from injury.It was at this point that Paul noticed his own car rolling slowly down the hill and going too fast for him to stop it.It crashed into a bus at the bottom of the hill and was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled away to a garage. As if this was not bad enough,Paul now found he had no one to blame.He was so busy chasing his car that he did not get the name of the driver of the sports car who just came out of the supermarket and drove away without realizing what had happened. 16.Which car was badly damaged? 【C】【详解】题目询问哪辆车受到了严重损坏。关键是听到。“Paul看到自己的车慢慢滑下了山.....山在山脚下与一辆公交车相撞,损坏得非常严重......”符合短文听力\听到什么选什么。的原则。选项A,D中提到的车是Paul挽救的;文中没有提到选项B的内容。 17.Where was the driver of the sports car when the accident happened?


18.Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident?


19.Who was injured in the accident?

【A】【详解】题目询问谁在事故中受了伤。全文没有提到任何人受伤,即A.文中与两个女孩有关的原话是“另一个站在附近的人上了跑车,拉下手刹,使两个女孩免于受伤”。,所以B不正确。 Passage Two

My friend Vernon Davies kept birds.One day he phoned and told me he was going away for a week.He asked me to feed the birds for him and said that he would leave the key to his front door in my mailbox.Unfortunately, I forgot all about the birds until the night before Vernon was going to return.What was worse, it was already dark when I arrived at his house.I soon found that the key Vernon gave me could not unlock either the front door or the back door.I was getting desperate.I kept thinking of what Vernon would say when he came back.I was just going to give up when I noticed that one bedroom window was slightly open.I found a barrel and pushed it under the window.As the barrel was very heavy,I made a lot of noise.But in the end, I managed to climb up and open the window.I actually had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone was shining a torch up at me.I looked down and saw a policeman and an old lady,one of Vernon's neighbors.\are you doing up there?\the policeman.Feeling like a complete fool, I replied,\

20.Why couldn't the man open the door?

【A】【详解】题目询问男士为什么打不开门。关键是要听到“我很快发现Vernon给我的这把钥匙既开不了前门也开不了后门”。可知是Vernon给错了钥匙,故选A. 21.Why did the man feel desperate? 【B】【详解】题目询问为什么作者感到绝望。关键是要听到“我根本就把喂鸟儿的事给忘了”。“我很快发现Vernon给我的这把钥匙既开不了前门也开不了后门”和“我不断地想Vernon回来之后会说些什么”。由此可知他是怕朋友责怪他,即B。“天黑了”。与作者感到绝望没有任何关系,故A不正确;选项C,D的内容文中均未提及。 22.Why did the man feel like a fool? 【B】【详解】作者最终设法爬上去打开了窗户,当他一条腿迈进卧室的时候,突然感觉到有人正用手电筒照向他,他发现是警察和Vernon的邻居。根据他当时的处境可知,警察是不会相信他的。说话人的处境使得他自己都感到很傻,并不是选项A,C,D所说的。 Passage Three

When Iraqi troops blew up hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells at the end of the Gulf War,scientists feared an environmental disaster.Would black powder and the smoke from the fires circle the