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. 雅思听力讲义 雅思听力整体介绍 ? ? ? ? 出题形式 测试能力 应试策略 备考技巧 出题形式 ? 4道大题,每道大题由10个小题构成 ? 1: 日常生活对话 ? 2: 日常生活独白 ? 3:学术场景讨论 ? 4:学术场景授课 ? 问题排列顺序和听力材料保持一致 ? 考试时间为30分钟,外加10分钟誊抄答案 考察题型 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 题型一:填表/记笔记/流程图/总结 题型二:选择题 题型三:填空题 题型四:完成句子 题型五:图表地图题 题型六:分类 题型七:配对 (6分课程重点讲述的部分:题型一、二、五、七) 分数换算 BAND SCORE (分数) 5 6 7 8 RAW SCORE OUT OF 40 (正确题目数量) 16 23 30 35 (6分备考的整体思路:以第1,2大题作为主攻方向,保证高正确率。对第3,4大题中相对简单的题目力争做对) 题型一:填表/记笔记/流程图/总结 听前准备 整理范本 . ? 空内答案预测 ? 空前(后)信号词定位 ? 原则: ? 特殊词:数字/地名/人名/产品名 ? 黑体或斜体字 ? 上下文中同类词 ? 空内词性判断 ? 左侧优先 NOTES ON SOCIAL PROGRAMME Example Answer Number of trips per month: 5 Visit places which have: ● historical interest ● good 1…………………… ● 2…………………… Cost: between £5.00 and £15.00 per person Note: special trips organised for groups of 3……… people Time: departure - 8.30 a.m. return - 6.00 p.m. To reserve a seat: sign name on the 4……… 3 days in advance 1. 空前historical interest 2. 小圆点 3. 第一空内应该是名词 4. 第二空形式应该是形容词+名词 5. 第三空为数字,空前为special trips 6. 第四空为名词,空前为reserve a seat 例题:剑4第1卷第1题 例题:剑4第3套第1题 Accommodation Request Form Example Answer Name: Sara Lim… Age: 23 Length of time in Australia: 1………… Present address: Flat 1, 539, 2……Road Canterbury 2036 Present course: 3 ………… English Accommodation required from: 4………… 7th September 1. 第一空空前为Australia, 空内为时间 2. 空前为address,空内为路名(特殊名词) 3. 空前为course, 空内为形容词 4. 空前为accommodation 空内为时间 听力进行中的解题策略 ? ? ? ? ? ? 利用听前预测进行有效定位 识别特殊语音现象: 语速突然变慢 声音提高 停顿 对于section 1的专门技巧:迅速判断对话中谁是信息提供方,答案绝大多数在信息提供方中,询问方往往释放干扰信息 ? 对于信息提供方干扰信息的排除原则:两个都记,誊抄答案时根据题目要求选择 整理范本 . ? Shopping :注意拼写和英Example Answer 式发音,出题的信号是语Number of trips per month: 5 速变慢 Visit places which have: ? Guided tours:注意复数形● historical interest 式、英式发音、guide的过● good 1………… 去式的读音;出题信号是● 2………… and Cost: between £5.00 and £15.00 per person ? 12:出题信号是special Note: special trips organised for groups of 3……people trips Time: departure - 8.30 a.m. return - 6.00 p.m. ? Notice board: 出题信号是To reserve a seat: sign name on the 4……3 days in advance reserve a seat NOTES ON SOCIAL PROGRAMME 例题:剑4第1卷第1题 对于特殊语音现象识别的训练 ? 请对照文本跟读听力原文3遍,注意讲话者的语速变化、音调变化和停顿。并且领会这些特殊语音现象对于做题的信号词定位和空内答案的指示作用。 Well, obviously it varies, but always places of historical interest and also which offer a variety of shopping(重读), because our students always ask about that... and(长音) then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours(重读), because this gives a good focus for the visit. Oh, and we do offer to arrange special trips if, you know(语义停顿), there are more than twelve people. ? 请对照文本模仿,注意语速变化、音调变化和停顿。并且将这种语音现象使用在日常沟通和雅思口语备考中。 Well, obviously it varies, but always places of historical interest and also which offer a variety of shopping(重读), because our students always ask about that... and(长音) then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours(重读), because this gives a good focus for the visit. Oh, and we do offer to arrange special trips if, you know(语义停顿), there are more than twelve people 语言点讲解 Obviously: 可以用作发语词,从语义的角度可以体现说话者对于某一个话题的胸有成竹,是雅思口语中对于考官why类型的提问很好的回应。 ? Five and fifteen pounds a head: a head在这里等于per person ? Keep that in mind: remember ? Normally: usually ? Pretty/fairly:very ? Reserve a seat: book a seat/ make a reservation ? Refund 整理范本 . Accommodation Request Form Example Answer Name: Sara Lim……… Age: 23 Length of time in Australia: 1……… Present address: Flat 1, 539, 2………Road Canterbury 2036 Present course: 3 ……… English Accommodation required from: 4………7th September 1. 18 months/1.5 years: 空前信号词为Australia, 答案注意题目要求不能超过字数;难点在于需要把两个时间加起来 2. Forrest/Forest:空前为address作为信号词,特殊名词的答案只要音正确即可 3. Academic: what are you studying now是信号词,难点在于general English的干扰 4. Thursday: 预测空内为时间词,干扰信息为Friday 例题:剑4第3套第1题 语言点讲解 ? Academic English/general English/Beginner/intermediate/advanced ? Postcode ? Homestay ? Accommodation的类别:boarding/ hostel/inn/hotel/B&B GOODBYE PARTY FOR JOHN Example Answer Date: 22nd December Venue: 1 ………… 1. College dinning room:定位用venue,空内为地点词。注意答案采用了重读 练习:剑4第4套第1题 整理范本 . Invitations (Tony) Who to invite: - John and his wife - Director - the 2 ………… - all the teachers - all the 3 ………… Date for sending invitations: 4 ………… 1. office staff: 定位director,空内为人员。注意:staff单复数同型 2. students:定位用 all the teachers 3. December 10th: 定位用sending invitations, 空内是日期。难点在于排除干扰项December 15th. 注意语气well, 和建议句型better…. 5. Coffee break: 定位用collect money, 空内为时间。 6. 6: 定位用suggested amount, 空内为数字 7. a set of dictionaries: 定位用CD players, 空内为礼物。干扰项为printer, 注意分辨否定语气 Present (Lisa) Collect money during the 5 ………… Suggested amount per person: 6………… Check prices for: - CD players 7 ………… - coffee maker Ask guests to bring: 8. music: 定位用snacks, 空内为 - snacks 带来的东西。注意排除drinks 8 ………… 9. Photos 9 ………… 10. speech: 定位student Ask student representative to prepare a 10 ……… representative, 可以准备的活动。 干扰信息的排除 ? 信息需要按照题目要求进行筛选,如present courses ? 信息需要分析背后支持(或是否定)的原因, 如December 15th ? 最常用的方法:肯定或者否定的语气 ? 否定语气:Well, better not, not really,语速往往是放慢的 ? 建议语气:Would be better, would rather,语音上有强弱对比 ? 肯定语气:why not? exactly, wonderful, brilliant , right,语速往往较快 练习 请跟读黄色字体部分,注意模仿讲话者的语速、语调和语气 TONY: Sure, and what about a venue? In college? A hotel? LISA: I think a hotel will probably work out rather expensive, and I’ve been looking at the College Dining Room; that seems pretty reasonable. TONY: Fine, yeah, why not? LISA: Faculty Heads? TONY: No, better draw the line, I don’t think it’s necessary. LISA: Yeah, you’re right. LISA: Enough time but not too early. What about the fifteenth of December? TONY: Well, there are exams on the sixteenth(慢速) - better avoid them. LISA: Tenth? TONY: Yeah, that should do it.(快速) 整理范本