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. 语言点讲解 ? ? ? ? ? Venue: place Farewell: goodbye Faculty: 教职员工 Snacks/drinks Representative 表格题 ? 听力材料的顺序和题号一致 ? 纵向/横向比较判断空内词性 例题:剑4第1套第1题 WEEKEND TRIPS Place St Ives London 7………… Salisbury Bath Date 5……………… 1 6th February 3rdMarch 18th March 23rd March Number of seats 16 45 18 50 16 Optional extra Hepworth Museum 6……………… S. S. Great Britain Stonehenge 8……………… For further information: Read the 9……………… or see Social Assistant:Jane 10 ……………… 5. 时间 6. 旅游景点 7. 地点 8. 旅游景点 9. 名词,可以阅读的东西。定位是further information 10. 姓名,拼写题 5. 13th February, 定位St Ives 6. Tower of London, 定位45 7. Bristol, 拼写题 8. American Museum, 定位16 9. Student newspaper 10. Yentob,拼写题 对于拼写题的准备 ? 部分字母的发音难点: ? L ? Z ? W ? Double L ? 拼错之后的改正 ? 借助单词拼写:My name is Greene, with an E at end ? 考察的能力是考生的short-term memory. 可以通过听写来训练 对于听写的训练计划制定 ? 听写前的准备: ? 整体听三遍,能够理解文本80%以上的内容 整理范本 . ? 必要时可以通过听力原文确保文章理解的正确性 ? 基础期(10天左右):每天选择一个3分钟左右的雅思听力片段,可以无限次停顿,完成文本的听写 ? 中期(10天左右):每天选择一个5分钟左右的雅思听力片段,正确按照句子停顿,完成文本听写 ? 高级期(一直持续):每周选择2篇5分钟左右的雅思听力片段,争取在30分钟内完成听写 关于听写 ? 听写可以训练: ? 发音识别,尤其是特殊语音现象 ? Short-term memory ? Spelling ? 增加单词的记忆 ? 听写不能训练: ? 文段结构 ? 语气 ? 定位与信息检索 ? 所以,建议是听写、精听、泛听相结合,分配的时间比例大约是1:3:6 Circus Romano Circus Electrica Mekong Water Puppets WHERE TYPE OF PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS TYPE OF AUDIENCE Clowns and acrobats Music and 15 ………… Aerial displays Seeing the puppeteers at the end 16 ………… 17 …… Dancers and magicians 18 ………… 19 …… Puppets 20 ………… 练习:剑4第3套第2题 整理范本 . 15. 定位在highlights, music. 空内词和music是一类 16. 定位:type of audience人群 17. 定位:Circus Electrica。空内为地点 18. 同16题 19. 同17题 20. 同16题 15. but the best part is 16. Adults, $45 is very expensive, leave them at home 17. Studio Theater 18. The whole family 19. City Gardens 20. Children, 语音强调 语言点讲解 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Circus: 马戏团 Clown:小丑 Acrobat/acrobatic:杂技 Routine:常规, as usual Magical:有魔力的 Feature:亮点,特点。Something special Outdoors: 户外 Amazing:wonderful Comedy: 喜剧 倍速跟读训练法 ? 针对症状: ? 单词都认识,声音都听懂,就是信息过于密集以至于自己没有办法迅速将听到的声音转化成有含义的内容 ? 步骤: ? 将听力文本完全理解吃透 ? 下载QQ影音软件,将听力音频按照 1.5x 倍速播放,跟读 ? 重复5遍以上,再将听力音频按照 1.7x 倍速播放,跟读 ? 再次重复5遍 ? 还原听力音频为正常速度,不看听力文本,尝试理解 ? 见证奇迹的时刻 尝试一下 1.5倍速的感觉 And finally, as it’s summer, you may wish to see some of the Festival performances that are being presented outdoors. Like the famous Mekong Water Puppet Troupe, performing in the City Gardens this week. Now, water puppetry is amazing! It’s large puppets on long sticks, controlled by puppeteers standing waist deep in the lake. The puppets do comedy routines and there is some terrific formation dancing. This is a fantastic show and the best moment comes at the end - 整理范本 . seeing the puppeteers. When the troupe walks up out of the water, you get this amazing feeling. It’s really hard to believe that what you’ve been watching is lifeless wood and cloth. As an adult, I had a great time, but I did note that other older people in the audience weren’t quite as taken with it as I was. It’s a must for young children though, and that’s the audience it’s really aimed at. 倍速听力训练法计划 ? 初级阶段:每天2个小时,大约一周 ? 中级阶段:每天1个小时,大约一周 ? 高级阶段:每天30分钟,持之以恒,直到考试 ? 可以从剑4一直做到剑8 练习:剑4第4套第2题 LENGTH OF HOLIDAY 3 days COST PER PERSON(INCLUDING ALL ACCOMMODATION COSTS) 16 $ ………… SPECIAL OFFERS INCLUDED IN PRICE Pick up from the 17 ………… As above plus ● book of 18 ………… ● maps As above plus membership of a 20 ………… 16. 180. 17. Nearest station, 对于special offer的表达是the first time 18. Local history, 在book前出现重读的magnificent 19. 690 20. Walking club. 一般membership都是和club和association,soceity 有关的 7 days $ 350 14 days 19 $ ………… 16. 空内为数字,定位为3 days 17. 空内为地点,定位是pick up 或者是special offer 18. 空内为名词,定位是350和book 19. 同16题 20. 名词,定位是membership 小结(题型一:填表/记笔记/流程图/总结) ? 听前预测 ? 信号词预测 ? 空内答案预测 整理范本 . ? 听中技巧 ? 利用预测锁定信息 ? 利用语音现象锁定信息 ? 干扰信息的排除 题型二:选择题 ? 听前预测: ? 题干和题支中的信号词 特殊词 名词优先 限制性词组优先 左侧优先 ? 假设某选项为正确选项,用验证法去做题 ? 正确选项: ? 绝大多数含有替换 ? 注意根据题目要求排除干扰项 例题:剑4第1套第1题 Questions 1-5, choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 1、What does Peter want to drink? A: tea ; B: coffee ; C: a cold drink ? 定位:Peter, drink, tea, coffee, cold drink ? 答案选择:a cold drink, 文中a chilled mineral water. 当中chilled=cold. 语速变慢用以强调 ? 干扰项: ? Coffee, 是疑问词,对象是女生,而不是peter ? Tea没有被提及 ? 预设选项原则一:若选项由一个单独的名词出现,一般不优先预设 2、What caused Peter problems at the bank? A:The exchange rate was down; B:He was late; C:The computers weren’t working. ? 定位:Peter, bank, exchange rate, late, computers ? 答案选择:computer was temporarily down=weren’t working ? 干扰项: ? Exchange rate is healthy 而不是down ? Late是女生提出 ? 预设原则二:否定选项优先预设 3、Who did Peter talk to at the bank? A: an old friend; B: an American man; C: a German man. ? 定位:who, bank, old friend, American, German ? 答案选择:he lives in New York=American产生替换 ? 干扰项: ? 该人Peter并不认识,排除A ? Moves to Germany和German不是替换 ? 预设原则二:型近优先预设 整理范本