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uncomfortable and sleepless all night.7) They study so hard that they have hardly had time to savor life and to pursue other interests to grow as well-rounded people.8) The pursuit of college education costs them too much personal happiness and health. 53孔乙已
我从此便整天的站在柜台里,专管我的职务。虽然没有什么失职,但总觉有些无聊。掌柜的是一副凶脸孔,主顾也没有好声气。教人活泼不得;只有孔乙已到店后,才可以笑几声,所以至今还记得。 参考译文(53)
1) After that I stood all day behind the bar attending to my duties.2) Although I did nothing wrong at this job I found it somewhat boring and monotonous.3) My boss was a fierce-looking man the customers were not pleasanter and the tavern failed to be bright.4) There was not any laughter until Kong Yiji came. That’s why I still remember him. 培训材料 54民工潮
新年春节刚过,农村的破旧小车站就挤满了成千上万的农民。他们只有一个目的,到城市去。八十年代处,农村的改革,使得千千万万的农民从土地上解放了出来,纷纷跑到城市找工作。自那以后,这种大规模的民工潮一直使城市感到头痛。这不仅是因为对城市设施造成了极大的压力,而且他们担心会引发许多社会矛盾。所以外来民工往往补被看成二等公民,不能成为城市居民,孩子不能在城市读书。但是另一方面,城市和经济开发区的发展急切需要大批劳力到工厂和建设工地。而且政府也感到如果不让农民出来。而农民的不满加剧,会导致社会动乱。 参考译文(53)
1,2) Only a few days after the Lunar New Year in dilapidated little railway stations throughout the countryside millions of peasants are gathering with a single purpose to get to the cities.3,4) Even since the early 1980s when the agricultural reform freed millions of farmers to seek city jobs the mass not just because of the pressure it puts on infrastructure.5) Many fear that migration on such a giant scale will lead to social strain,6) As a result they have treated the migrants as second-class citizens.6) For instance workers form the rural heartland are denied the right to settle down as permanent residents and to send their children to city schools.7) But on the other hand in booming cities and special economic zones factories and construction sites need all the labor they can get.8,9) And the government believe that if the rural masses did not get a share of and poor countryside would further widen leading to a building-up resentment that might fuel social unrest. 55物质奖励
尽管嘴上说友谊,对运动员来说重要的仍是比赛成绩。得第一名获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。任何想获奥运冠军的人都得中断学业,牺牲自己业余时间。这一点常常是观众没看到的。因此,运动员要求得到物质奖励是可以理解的。 参考译文(55)
1) Despite lip service paid to friendship what matters to athletes is success.2) Whoever comes first wins a gold medal but anyone who comes fourth gets nothing.3) What the spectators sometimes fail to notice is that anyone who wants and has little spare time.5) It is understandable that athletes want some tangible reward. 56改革开放
1) We must be courageous enough to venture on experiments as far as reforms are concerned.2) A certain amount of risk-taking is necessary.3,4) Who dares to claim that he is 100 percent sure of success right from the beginning and without taking any risk? There is no such thing as certainty.5) I have never had such notions as thinking I’m 100 percent correct.6) Every year leaders should review what they have done so as to hold to what works and discard what does not or take immediate corrective steps.7) We should lose no time in tackling them whenever new problems arise.8) No one can afford the luxury of slow decision-making whether it involves fighting a battle or making a reform.9) In many cases you have to take a chance and correct your mistakes as you go along.10) I’m afraid that it may take another 30 years to establish a set of more mature and more consistent system in all fields of endeavor under which all policies will be more consistent too
现在的国际金融是没有国界的,当东京的股市大跌时,受影响的不只是日本,而是全世界。因此保持我们中国的经济稳定发展,就要帮助 恢复亚太地区的稳定的发展。我们中国在这次亚洲金融危机中勇敢地承担了自己的责任。 参考译文(57)
1)International finance has no respect for national borders.2) When stock markets fall in Tokyo the effects are no longer local; they are global.3) So to have sustained economic growth China must help to restore stability and growth in the Asia Pacific region.4) China has steadfastly shouldered its responsibilities to the region in this latest financial crisis.
这次长江流域的水灾是44年来最严重的。官方的数字表明已有2000多人死亡,1380万人被迫离开家园。占中国总耕地面积3%的450万公顷的农作物被毁。工厂被迫停工,产量受到影响。客运的货运也被迫中断。在未来的许多岁月里,人民都会感受到洪灾对中国经济的总体影响。尽管损失如此严重,举国上下,展民与洪水的斗争是非常值得称赞的。在抗洪斗争中,中国人民显示了令人叹服的守堤防洪的能力,例如这次国家调动了160万军队去帮助守护大堤,将被洪水淹没地区的百姓迁走。事实上,差不多有数百万平民百姓参加了这一人类巨大的斗争。 参考译文(58)
1)The floods in the Yangtze River basin are the worst in 44 years.2) Official figures indicate that more than 2000 people have been drowned and 13.8 million have been driven from their jhomes.3) Crops have been destroyed on 4.5 million hectares.3 percent of China’s total cropland.4) Industrial output has suffered as factories have had to shut.5) The transportation of goods and people has been disrupted.6) The overall effect on China’s economy will be felt for many months.7/8) Despite the serious damage China deserves a lot credit for the nationwide effort to deal with flooding during which the Chinese have demonstrated a remarkable capacity for shoring
up dikes and protecting themselves from flooding.9) For example 1.6 million troops have been mobilized to help protect the dikes and to move people out of areas being flooded.10) Literally millions of civilians are involved in this enormous human effort. 60投资市场
股票市场,国库券市场和企业债券市场是上海最大和最活跃的资本市场。这些市场的日趋活跃,表明上海金融体系越来越成熟,同时也看出上海企业正设法通过直接向群众借款的办法来克服信货紧缩。它还说明,上海投资者越来越聪明。他们购买各种有价证券,从保值定期储蓄、国库券、股票、企业债券,到现在只要能使手中钱不因通货膨胀而贬值的各种其他金融债券。机构投资者和个人投资者踊跃购买每年发行的国库券,企业债券因为期限短。人们争相购买证券,往往前一天晚上就在银行外徘队,一个亿的债券几天就一售而空。 参考译文(60)
1,2)Increasing activity in the stock market the treasury bond and enterprise bond markets—Shanghai’s biggest and most active capital markets—reflects the growing sophistication of the local financial system and the efforts of local enterprises to beat the credit squeeze by6 borrowing directly from the public.3.4) It also indicates that Shanghai investors are getting smarter spreading their portfolios among inflation-linked fixed bank deposits treasury bonds shares and enterprise bonds and other financial instruments now available as a hedge against inflation.5) Treasury bonds issued each year has been the most popular with institutional and individual investors.6) Enterprise bonds are also popular because they have a short maturity and offer an interesting rate of 1—2% more than the average bank deposit rate.7) Often RMB 100 million worth of enterprise bonds are subscribed within a few days by anxious by anxious investors who queue overnight outside banks. 61快乐教育
快乐教育是指强调培养学生成为德,智,体,美,劳全面发展的人。它改变了我们以往唯有高分的学生才是人才的观念。因为我们国家的建设事业不仅仅需要的是工程师和科学家,同样需要各行各业的能工巧匠。 参考译文(61)
1.2)By advocating enjoyable education we mean to challenge the notion that grades are an exclusive measure of one’s talent and to aim to develop children’s total personality not just their academic ability.2) We are also value virtues physical endurance manual skills or artistic abilities.3) For China in her development needs not only engineers and scientists but talent of different kinds. 62美国华人
70年代以来,美国华人社会发生了重大的变化。最显著的是许多来自大陆的中国人不断涌入美国,使美国华人经济日趋繁荣。据悉,自1986年起,美国华人经济已跃居全美少数民族之首,遥遥领先于日裔、韩裔等其他后裔。美国华人家庭的年均收入已超过美国白人家庭。目前,一批华人企业家在美国经济界享有一定声望。更可喜的是,近年来美国冒出一批知名华裔科技人才。他们的科技成就引起了国际科技界的注意和钦佩。同时华人的政治地位明显提高,涉足美国政界的人越来越多。 参考译文(62)
1) Since the 1970s the Chinese community in the USA has undergone tremendous changes among which is its rapid increase in population as many Chinese have kept flooding into America’s shore.3) As the population of the American citizens of Chinese descent has increased and their qualities have evidently improved so their economic conditions have prospered.4) It is
said that since 1986 the US citizens of Chinese descent have leapt to a good lead over other racial minorities Japanese and Koreans for instance.5) The average Chinese family’s yearly income has now come to exceed that of the average American family.6) At present there is a number of enterprisers of Chinese descent in the economic circles in the US who enjoy considerable fame.7) An even more cheerful phenomenon is that in recent years there have sprung up in the US prominent scientific and technical talents of Chinese descent.8) Their achievements have come to command the notice and admiration of scientists and technical experts in the world.9) Meanwhile Chinese-descent citizens have roles to play in American political circles as they have risen evidently in political status. 63环境污染
过去,人们并没有充分认识到污染给环境造成的影响。只是把它看成一种会熏黑房屋,弄脏河流的令人讨厌的东西。直到不久前才认识到还会对人体健康造成威胁。而且这种威胁之大,足以影响许多生命的生存,甚至包括人类本身的生存。 参考译文(63)
1) The effect of pollution on the environment was not fully realized.2,3,4) Until recently pollution was seen as more than a nuisance that blackened buildings and sullied streams but as a threat to human health the threat that has become so great in recent years as to challenge the survival of many living things including man himself. 64退休
不同的人对退休持不同的态度。有些人认为退休后可以好好享受晚年的生活。但真的退下来了,他们则有点失望。看到自己就要被抛到废物堆里,他们不甘认命,设法另找事干来发挥自己的于热,以继续得到收入。另一些人则对一生中这样一个重大变动早有准备。他们一生为工作操劳,现在筋疲力尽了,渴望退休后能放松拉紧的弦,好好休息。由于不再需要每天早晨去赶公共汽车了,不再要为晋级虑。就可以有足够的时间去追求童年时的梦想,如写写书、画画图、种种花、周游各地。总的来说,没有像男的一样感到可怕。 参考译文(64) 1) Attitudes towards retirement vary from person to person.2) Some people think that they will enjoy their time in retirement, 3) but when it comes they may feel a little disappointed.4) Unwilling to resign themselves to the prospect of being put on the scrap heap they try to seek alternative outlets for their energies and alternative sources of income that employment can provede.5) Others have already prepared themselves for the significant change in their lives.6) Tired out after all exhausting life revolving around work they are anxious to relax in retirement with all the strains relieved.7) As there is no more need to rush to catch a morning bus and no more anxiety about promotion they now have enough time to fulfill an old dream such as writing painting growing flowers and traveling around.8) On the whole female workers tend to have a more favorable attitude towards retirement than male workers.9) Withdrawal from employment to complete domesticity is a far less threatening experience for a woman than for a man. 65经济发展
世界上一些国家发生问题,从根本上来说,都是因为经济上不去,没有饭吃,没有衣穿,没有房住。工资增长被通货膨胀抵消,生活水平下降,大批人下岗和失业,长期过紧日子。如果经济发展老是停留在低速度,生活水平就很难提高。 参考译文(65)
1) Basically the root cause for social unrest in some countries lies in their failure to boost their economy. Consequently they lack food clothing and shelter and their wage increases are offset
by inflation.
With a decline in living standards widespread layoffs and unemployment people have to suffer chronic hardship.2) If economic growth remains at the low rate it is difficult for any government to raise people’s living standards. 66北京大学
北京大学的前身是燕京大学。它是一所贵族学校。按理说,学生在政治上应该是保潮开始在校园蔓延。到了1953年,燕京大学竟成为学生抗议运动的策源地。由此爆发了全国抗日战争。就在这时,美国作家爱德加 斯诺来到燕京大学任教。在燕大他呆了两年,接触了中国近代青年。了解了中国大学生的思想。自那后,燕京大学这所外国教会学校发生了很大的变化,它逐渐变成了完全由中国人自己掌握的学校。今天在北京大学的湖畔到处可以听到新一代大学生的欢声笑语。 参考译文(66)
1) Formerly Beijing University was called Yanjing University.2,3) It was an upperclass institution whose students normally should have been political conservatives.4,5) But as the national crisis deepened when the long-standing civil war merged with Japan’s conquest in the North a wave of radicalism began to spread there.67) By 1935 Yanjing university had unexpectedly become the birthplace of student protests which touched off a nationwide anti-Japanese war.8,9) For this reason Edgar Snow an American writer came to teach in Yanjing where he spent nearly two years in touch with modern Chinese youth and their thought.10) Since then Yanjing had evolved from a missionary institution into complete Chinese control.11) And today its lakeside echoes with the chatter and laughter of a new generation of students. 67城市的繁荣
一条一条的高架在上海城市上空编织出精致的网络。一座接着一座摩天大楼拔地而起,把天廓推向更高。在这购物者的天堂里,商店和大商场都挤满了成群结队的游客。而西装笔挺的商人穿梭在人群里,手拿移动电话谈着生意。 参考译文(67)
1) With new highways weaving their intricate webs above the city of Shanghai more and more skyscrapers emerge and push the skyline ever higher.2,3) Thousands of visitors pack the shops and malls of this shoppers’ paradise and businessmen in smart designer suits discuss business over portable phones as they weave briskly through the crowds.
四十年多来,中国在发展经济的过程中,逐步改善了人民的生存条件,提高了人民的生活水平。经过多年的努力,我们国家已能用仅占世界百分之七的耕地,养活了占世界百分之二十二的人口,使十一亿人民基本解决了温饱问题。 参考译文(69)
1)After more than four decades of efforts to develop economy China has gradually raised the standard of living.2) Now it has solved the problem ;of food and clothing to a point where it has managed to feed its l. l billion people 22 percent of the world’s total population with only 7 percent of the world’s cultivated land. 70毕业选择