内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/26 22:08:38星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
1) In September an American delegation traveled to China for the ground-breaking ceremony of the Center for Chinese and American Studies.2) The driving rain and typhoon winds did not seem to dampen the spirits of Chinese and American officials who donned their hard hats and rubber boots to trek through the mud and lift the first shovels of dirt from the ground.3) The Center will open in three years.4) Day-to-day administration will be in the hands of two co-directors: one Chinese and one American.5) Under them up to a dozen faculty members of both nationalities will offer a variety of courses at the master’s level.6,7,8) The Americans studying with Chinese professors will concentrate on China and use Chinese in their coursework and in the daily communication with their Chinese roommates while the Chinese will examine the United States under direction of American faculty and use English.9) At least one common-core course team-taught by a Chinese and an American professor will be offered to all students.10) A series of guest lectures by government and corporate personnel based in China and abroad will supplement the regular academic offerings. 90金茂大厦
九十年代初,中国政府宣布开发黄浦江以东的浦东。处那起,浦东新区已逐渐转变为现代化的,充满活力的商业区,而且不久就将与纽约,伦敦和东京这些世界金融中心一样,提供一流的工作环境。新造的金茂大厦成为浦东新区的象征。金茂大厦楼高八十八层,耸立在新区的金融中心,与上海证券交易所毗邻,是上海的黄金商业选址。金茂大厦比上海所有建筑都高,是中国目前最高的大厦,它东临整个浦东新区,西眺上海主黄浦江全景。金茂大厦,一到五十二层为写字楼,五十二层以上为五星级的凯悦大酒店和六层裙房的购物商场。租户尽情享受大厦所提供的一切。 参考译文(90)
1,2) Since the beginning of the 90’s when the Chinese government announced the plan to develop Shanghai’s Pudong the east side of the Huangpu River Pudong New Area is gradually evolving into a modern dynamic and exciting business district which will soon match that of the world financial centers such as New York London and Tokyo in its provision of an excellent working environment.3) The emerging Jin Mao Building has become a symbol of the new area.4) Situated in the financial district and next to the Shanghai Stock Exchange the 88-storey building is Shanghai’s premiere business address.5) Towering over the other buildings in Shanghai it boasts the tallest in China and enjoys commanding views of the whole area of Pudong and of the Huangpu River and the main city to the west.6) With 52 floors of offices situated below the five-star Grand Hyatt and a six-floor retail podium building tenants enjoys the best of everything this skyscraper has to offer. 91经济改革
目前在中国正进行着一场意义深远的社会和经济改革。这个伟大的改革封闭的计划经济变成了以市场为基础的开放经济。千百万人为此脱了贫,经济得到史无前例的发展。人均收入翻了倍,大多数人过着二十年前不可想象的生活。 参考译文(91)
1) At present a sweeping social and economic reform is being carried out in China.2,3) This remarkable transformation has turned a closed command economic system to a driving market-based economy lifting hundreds of millions of people from poverty and generating unprecedented economic growth..4,5) Per capita income has doubled. Most people are leading lives they could not have imagined just 20 years ago.
豫园原是明代四川布政史潘允端的私人花园。始建于一五五九年,至一五七七年落成。距今已有四百余年历史。园地面积为二万多平方米。全国共分三十余景,均有回廊曲径可通;亭台楼阁,假山池塘的布局,独具匠心,有“以小见大”的特色。园内屋宇还缀有精致的砖刻木雕,具有明清两代南方建筑艺术的风格。园内一景,点春堂是一八五三年上海“小刀会”起义军的城北指挥所。豫园自十六世纪后,曾几度变迁,屡遭摧残。至解放前夕,园内景物荒芜殆尽。解放后重新进行了修缮,至一九六一年开放,成为上海人民参观浏览的场所。 参考译文(92)
1) Yuyuan was originally the private garden of Pan Yunduan the governor of Sichuan Province during the Ming Dynasty.2,3) The garden whose construction began in 1559 and was completed in 1577 boasts a long history of more than four centuries.4,5) It covers an area of over 20000 square meters and is divided in some thirty different scenes connected by twisting corridors and passages.6) The layout of the pavilions terraces towers rockeries and ponds shows much originality in affording a wide view in a small confined space.7) Buildings in the garden ornamented with fine brick designs and wood carvings are characteristic of the Southern architectural style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.8) One scene is the Hall for Summoning Spring used by the uprising army of the ―Small Sword Society‖ in 1853 as their headquarters in the northern part of the old city.9) Since the 16th century the garden has undergone many changes and suffered repeated devastation.10) On the eve of the liberation of old China the garden was reduced to a desolate waste.11) When new China was founded it was restored and opened to the public in 1961.11) Since then it remains a place of popular resort in Shanghai. 93电信市场
该公司在北京召开亚太客户会议。这是该公司80年历史上首次在中国举行这样的会议。公司总裁解释原因时说:一是为了答谢中国政府对公司在中国的发展提供的帮助;二是借此机会听取用户意见拓展市场。但此间经济界人士认为这说明中国下成为亚太地区增长最快的电信市场。 参考译文(93)
1,2) The corporation called an Asian-pacific customers meeting in Beijing the first of its kind being held in China in its 80-year history.3) The president explained that the meeting was to express its appreciation for the assistance given by the Chinese government to its development in China and that the corporation would like to take the opportunity to solicit suggestions from its customers for the purpose of expanding its market.4) But the economic circles here shared the view that the holding of the meeting in China was a sign that China is becoming the fastest growing telecom market in the Asian-Pacific region. 94人际关系
1) Sometimes it is interpersonal skills rather than professional skills that really counts in your
career. Interpersonal skills are nothing but the ability to be good listener to be sensitive toward others’ needs to take criticism well.3) People with skill in social relations admit their mistakes and take their share of blame which is a mature and responsible way to handle an error.4) That’s why many mediocre employees survive violent corporate upheavals while people of great talent are being laid off.5) Sensitive in their dealings with others they are well liked everywhere.6) People with poor interpersonal skills have trouble taking criticism.7) When confronted with a mistake they let their ego get in the way.7) They deny responsibility and became moody or angry.7) They mark themselves as ―prickly‖. 95计划生育
尽管一对夫妻一个孩子的政策还是强制性的,而且怀胎指标分配的做法在许多地方导致关系紧张。但有迹象表明,人们的态度正在发生变化。越来越多的夫妻生一个孩子已是自然的选择,而不是被迫的。一些专家预计,中国人口到二十一世纪达到高峰后就会下来。 参考译文(95)
1) Coercion still underlies the one-child policy and the rationing of the right to become pregnant remains a source of tension in many parts in China.2) But there are indications of a change in attitudes with more and more couples falling in line with the nation’s one-child policy as a matter of choice rather than compulsion.3) Some experts predict that China’s population will decline after peaking in the 21stcentury. 96书评
为了帮助中国人了解不同文化于友谊的价值观念,他收集和编纂了一百多条友谊方面的中外格言。这部短小精悍的书一问世立即受到人们,特别是大学生的青睐,并多次再版。无须解释人们为什么这么喜爱这本书,因为只要稍加浏览,就可以看到书里收集的格言反映了文明社会中对于友谊的看法。这些格言强调的是无私,劝导人们要在物质和精神两方面去关心朋友这样的书自然会在一个自古就尊重友谊的民族中广为流传。在东西方关系日益密切,相互了解日益加深的今天,出版这本书有很深的意义。 参考译文(96)
1) To help the Chinese to gain an appreciation of the value of friendship in different cultures he selected and arranged one hundred sayings popular at home and abroad on the subject of friendship.2,3) This short work enjoyed an immediate acceptance especially among college students and was reprinted many times.4) Its popularity needs no explanation for a brief perusal of the questions shows that they embody the notions of civilized friendship.5) The maxims stress selflessness and concern for the material and spiritual welfare of the friends.6) Consequently this work could not fail to exert strong appeal among a people who since earliest times had held friendship in the highest regard.7) In this age of growing contacts between East and West and the consequent development of mutual understanding between both sides of the globe to publish this work has a profound influence. 97土地紧张
长江流域内的建筑物和道路正以惊人的速度增加。现在长江流域住着四亿人口。以中国平均每户不到四人计算,四亿人口意味着一亿套住房。人口对土地的压力是极大的。土地的紧张迫使人们越来越多地砍去森林,造起住房。 参考译文(97)
1) The construction of buildings and roads in the Yangtze basin is increasing at a staggering pace.2) The basin is now home to 400 million people With the average household in China consisting of fewer than four people a population of 400 million means 100 million housing
units.4) The human pressure on the land is intense.5) And land hunger is forcing more and more homes to be built on the land once covered with the forests. 98三峡
长江是世界上第四大河。在那里现正在进行世界上最大的大坝——三峡大坝的建设。按照三峡大坝设计者的观点,大坝可以把洪水挡在新的在水库里,从而防止洪水对华中和华东地区的侵犯。大坝还可以为三分之一的中国人提供占全国总发电量九分之一的电能,这样,每年可节约五千万吨煤。但是大坝形成的新湖将把沿江的确13座城市,140个县城,和无数的村庄淹没。大约一千二百万人口将不得不往高处搬家。那里土地肯定没有原来的肥沃。反对三峡工程的人还认为,湖水升高还会威胁到野生动植物的生存。由陡峭峡谷而闻名的三峡奇观将永远推动了。而且,万一地震,将会造成悲剧的后果。 参考译文(98)
1,2) The Three Gorges Dam is now under construction on the Yangtze the fourth largest river on the planet.3) According to the project’s designers the world’s largest dam will help prevent flooding in central and eastern China by holding back flood water in a new reservoir.4) The dam could also provide one third of China’s 1.2 billion people with as many as one-ninth of needed electric power saving 50 million tons of coal each year.4) But the new lake the dam creates will completely submerge 13 riverside cities 140 large towns and numerous small villages.6,7) Some 12 million people will have to relocate to less fertile areas on higher ground.8,9) Opponents to the project also contend that the rising water will threaten wildlife and permanently alter the spectacular three Gorges the steep-wall canyons for which the Gorges are named10) Worse yet an earthquake could stride Three Gorges with tragic consequences. 99读大学
上大学给人们提供了在无边无际的知识海洋里遨游探索的机会。为了丰富多彩的人生,大学生应该充分利用目前读大学的大好时光。他们应该意识到上大学决不仅仅意味着得到一个学位,得到一个好的工作。他们如果不满足于专业课内容,就会终生受益。 参考译文(99)
1)College provides a chance to explore the vast areas of unlimited knowledge.2) To have a rich full life a college student should make the most of the opportunities at hand.3) He should realize that going to college means a lot more than earning a degree and securing a good job.4) If he can explore beyond his immediate career objectives he will enjoy the rest of his life. 100孙夫人
孙夫人是抗战期间中国全中国保卫同盟主席。上海和南京失陷后,她旅居香港。同盟会成立和她在香港积极活动分不开。作为救亡运动的领袖,她自始至终支持中国一切政党结成“统一战线”。在香港日子里她很少出头露面,但开展了积极有效的救援游击队和八路军的活动。为缓和中国伤病员缺医少药的状况,她日日夜夜进行捐款和捐助医药器材的工作,而自己很少有时间。她那亲切和端庄的形象,那致力于中国革命的满腔热情对中国抗日战争的胜利产生了极大的影响,没和她一起工作过的人是很难想象的。她深受中国人民和一切为争取人类自由和进步斗争的人们的尊敬的爱戴。 参考译文(100)
1) During the Anti-Japanese War Mme Sun Yatsen was Chairman of the China Defense League.2,3) It was her activities in Hong Kong after the fall of Shanghai and Nanking that had led directly to its formation.4) A leader of the National Salvation movement she had throughout supported the claim for a ―United Front‖ of all political parties in China.5) In Hong Kong she rarely appeared in public but carried out effective relief work for the guerillas and the 8th Route
Aroute Army.6) She took little time off from her untiring effort t raise the funds and hospital supplies to help alleviate the neglect with which the Chinese treated their sick and wounded soldiers.7) It is difficult for anyone who had not worked with her to suggest what her sweetness and dignity and passionate devotion to the Chinese Revolution have meant to the victory of the war.8) She is respected and beloved across the country and in any land where the struggle for human freedom and progress goes on.