外研版2018-2019学年下学期八年级英语Module8 导学案 下载本文

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2018-2019学年下学期八年级英语Module8 导学案


1. hardly&hard

hardly是一个表示否定概念的副词,是由hard(adv. & adj. 困难的,努力)+-ly(副词后缀)演变而来。hard又可以作副词“努力”,如study hard, work hard。

The problem is too hard, I can't work it out. 这个问题太难了,我算不出来。


Hardly anybody (Almost nobody) came to the meeting. 几乎没有人来开会。 He can hardly speak English, can he? 他不太会说英语,对吧? I could hardly hear the speaker.我几乎听不到演说者的声音。 It's raining hard. We can hardly see the sign on the road. 雨下得很大。我们几乎看不到路面的标志。 2. waste

(1)waste 作不可数名词,意为“浪费,废物,垃圾”。a waste of意为“浪费……”。


I hate waste. 我讨厌浪费。

It’s a waste of time. 这就是浪费时间。

(2)waste 作形容词,意为“无用的,浪费的,荒废的”。例如: We shouldn’t throw waste paper about. 我们不应该乱扔废纸。

A factory is pouring waste water into the river. 一家工厂正在向河里倾倒废水。 (3)waste 作及物动词,意为“浪费”。 Don’t waste water! 不要浪费水。 3. human

human意为“人;人类”,指有别于动物及其他生物的“人”,其复数为humans。例如: Dogs can hear much better than humans. 狗的听觉比人的灵敏得多。


(1)person指个体的“人”,一般用于表示具体数目的人,可以有单数和复数形式。例如: Who is that person? 那个人是谁?

Six persons were injured in the car accident. 6个人在这次车祸中受伤了。



The Chinese is a hard-working people. 中华民族是一个勤劳的民族。

People don’t like to be told that they are wrong. 人们都不喜欢别人说自己是不对的。

4. wake

wake 动词,意为“醒, 唤醒”, 常用于词组wake up 和wake…up中。具体用法如下: (1)wake up 意为“醒来”,是不及物动词词组,其后不能接表示人的名词或者代词。

例如:The students usually wake up early. 学生们通常醒的很早。

(2)wake sb. up 意为“把某人叫醒”,是指一方把另一方叫醒或者吵醒,wake和up之间加


Don’t wake your father up. He’s too tired. 不要把你父亲吵醒。他太累了。

5. somebody

somebody不定代词=someone,“某人;有人”,somebody比someone要通俗,多用于口语之中,在句中可以作主语或宾语,作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数。 例如:

Someone has been here.有人来过这儿。

Somebody has lost his car keys. 有人把汽车钥匙丢了。 There’s somebody at the door.门口有个人。

Somebody from your office phoned.你的办公室有人来过电话。 【拓展延伸】

常用的复合不定代词有:somebody; someone; something; anybody; anyone; anything;

nobody; nothing; everyone; everybody; everything等。不定代词有两种用法:一是作主语时,相当于单数第三人称;一是被形容词修饰,形容词常作后置定语。例如: Everything is ready. 一切就绪。 Everyone is here. 人人都在这里。

I’ll buy you something new. 我要给你买些新东西。 6. path

path 可数名词,意为“小路,小径”。例如:

Mr. Li is taking a walk along a path in the park. 李老师在公园里沿着一条小路散步。 【拓展延伸】其他表示“路”的词的用法 street, road&avenue street road 多指两侧有商店等建筑物的城市街道,用于地址时可缩写为St.。 只可以行使车辆宽阔而平坦的城市道路或乡村道路,用于地址时可以缩写为Rd.。 avenue 所指的街道比street稍宽,常指林荫大道,用于地址时可缩写为Ave.。 7. at the top of

at the top of 意为“在……的顶端”。例如:

Children are planting trees at the top of hill. 孩子们在山顶上植树。 Don’t shout at the top of your voice. 不要高声叫喊。 【拓展延伸】on the top of 意为“在……上”。例如: There is a bird on the top of the house. 房顶上有一只鸟。 8. point out

point out意为“指出”,是“动词+副词”结构,人称代词作宾语时应放在动词之后、副词之前。例如:

There is a mistake in this sentence. Can you point it out? 这个句子有一处错误,你能把它指出来吗? He pointed out the woman from these photos. 他从这些照片中指出了那个女子。 【拓展延伸】


某位置或方向”。例如: She pointed at me, laughing. 她指着我笑。


Let’s discuss the difficult points in the passage. 让我们讨论一下文中的难点。



1. 指出_________ 2. at the top of ________ 3. a waste of time _________ 4.wake sb. up _________ 5. 占据(时间或空间)_________ 6. be famous for________ 7. time off ________ 8. 看起来像__________ 9. not…any more_________ 10. 最后________

Ⅱ. 根据首字母提示补全单词。

1. We are spending some time o _______in Los Angeles.

2. The t ________is very busy in the morning, so we’d better drive slower. 3. I have p________ you more than three times.

4. Standing on the top of the mountain, we can see the w _______city clearly.

5. There are less and less p ________in the nature because of the environmental pollution.

6. Don’t push; you should p________ the door if you want to open it. 7. This is the only p_______ if you want to get to the top of the hill. 8. I am t_______; I want to drink some water. 9. The accident was caused by h_______ error.

10. She can h_______ speak French because she didn’t study it. Ⅲ. 用括号中单词的正确形式填空。

1. Let’s _______ (walk) along the river. 2. Why not _______ (say) goodbye?

3. I saw some boys _______ (play) in the playground just now. 4. It’s fantastic ________ (see) the city from the top. 5. They don’t allow people _______ (swim) in the lake.

6. I remember _______ (turn off) the light in my bedroom. But I don’t know why it is on


7. We should speak to the old man _______ (polite).

8.The elderly always _______(wake) up early in the morning. 9. It’s hard work_______ ( print) everything on time. 10. The _______ (leaf) turn green in spring. IV. 选词填空。

1. Walk around the lake and go____________(cross, across) the bridge, you’ll find Bai Ta. 2. I was told to look after__________(me, myself) last weekend.

3. Wu Guangzong__________(discovered, found) the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. No one knew about it before.

4. Wulingyuan Scenic Area is famous_________(as, for) the strange shape of its tall rocks. 5._______ (Somebody, Nobody) knows his new number. It seems to be a secret.


1. Welcome to Beihai Park.

welcome 作动词时,意为“欢迎”,后可直接跟表示人的名词,接地点时要加介词to。 例如:Welcome to China. 欢迎到中国来!

Welcome to our school! 欢迎到我们学校来!