人教版英语九年级下册unit13We are trying to save the earth-单元写作小专题 下载本文

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单元写作小专题& Section B(3a~3b)



1.能用“used to,at present,however”等词来描述当今的环境变化;

2.能用“I think we should…/I suggest that…/We'd better…/We could…/It's a good idea to…”等句型来提出解决环境问题的建议。


(一)Environmental problems and reasons:根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。

1.The river used to be clean,but now the bottom(底部) of the river is full(满的) of rubbish(垃圾).

2.People are littering(乱扔) rubbish in the river and factories are pouring(倒入) waste water into the river.That's why the river becomes dirtier and dirtier.As a result,there is no more fish for fishermen(渔民) to catch.

3.A lot of industrial(工业的) waste water comes from the factories.

4.People use a large number of plastic(塑料的) bags every day.People are throwing(扔) those bags everywhere.This turns the beautiful cities into ugly(丑陋的) ones.What's worse,they also pollute the earth.

5.The factories that burn coal(煤) pollute the air with a lot of black smoke.The air pollution(污染) is getting worse and worse.

6.At present,planes are widely used in our daily life,which,however,makes a lot of noise(噪音).

7.Many animals are endangered because of the cruel(残酷的) hunting.

8.We aren't able to see stars in the sky just like before.The problem is that people use too much light(灯光).And it's also harmful(有害的) to the environment.

9.Many things we used may be thrown away and we hardly ever recycle(再利用) them.

10.We use nice paper to wrap(包装) the present.Do you think the nice paper is necessary(必要的) or not?


A:air pollution5 B:noise pollution 6 C:water pollution 1,2,3 D:waste pollution 4,9,10

(三)以下行为会导致哪些污染,请从(二)中选择。 (A)1.black smoke (B)2.the horn(喇叭)

(C)3.washing clothes in the river (A)4.smoking cigarettes

(D)5.use throw-away chopsticks


●To cut down air pollution

1.I think we shouldn't smoke in public. 2.We'd better take the bus or subway instead(代替) of driving.

●To cut down water pollution

3.Everyone should play a part in cleaning up the river.

4.Let's stop factories from pouring waste__water(废水).

5.Don't litter(乱扔) rubbish in the river.

●To cut down waste pollution

6.We could reuse(重复使用) the old things,such as old glass bottles,old clothes and so on.

7.People could save(节约) electricity by turning off the lights when they leave a room.

●To protect animals

8.I suggest that we could set up volunteer groups to protect(保护) endangered animals.

9.Don't use cruel methods to hunt the animals. (五)Other useful expressions:根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。

1.Everyone is trying to improve(改善) the environment.

2.Saving the earth can begin__with(以……开始) small things.




1.首先请选择你要讨论; 2.引起此问题的原因;

3.如何从生活的点滴做起来解决问题。 本题参考答案附于“听力材料及答案”之后