2017年研究生英语学位课统考真题2 下载本文

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Part I Vocabulary Section A

1. This student was expelled from school because he had forged some documents for overseas study. A frustrated B formulated C fabricated D facilitated

2.Opinion polls suggest that the approval rate of the president is on the increase. A agreement B consensus Cpermission D support

3. A man of resolve will not retreat easily from setbacks or significant challenges. A pull out B pull up C pull in D pull over

4. As few household appliances are now perfect, this minor defect is negligible. A detectable B trifling C inexcusable D magnificent

5. The U.S. athletes topped the gold medal tally for the 3rd straight time this summer. A direct B proceeding C vertical D successive

6. Despite tremendous achievement, formidable obstacles to development will persist. A difficult B sustainable C external D unpredictable

7. Moderate and regular exercise can boost the rate of blood circulation and metabolism. A restrict B reduce C increase D stabilize

8. The manager is seeking some cost-effective methods that can call forth their initiative . A efficient B conventional C economical D unique.

9. The report proposes that students be allowed to work off their debt through community service. A pay off B get off C dispose of D run off 10. It was a tragic love affair that only gave rise to pain.

A brought forward B brought about C brought down D brought in Section B :

11. As females in their 40s tend to ____ weight, they are to go in for outdoor activities. A take on B hold on C carry on D put on

12. The shop-owner took a load of ____-crusted bread and handed it to the child. A fragile B crisp C vague D harsh

13. The excessive hospitality ____ the local officials failed to leave us assured. A on the point of B on the grounds of C on the advice of D on the part of

14.These intelligence officers tried a ___ of persuasion and force to get the information they wanted. A combination B collaboration C conviction D confrontation 15. The terminally ill patient lying in the ___ care unit was kept alive on life support. A apprehensive B intensive C extensive D comprehensive

16. The very sound of our national anthem being played at the awarding ceremony is ____. A ice-breaking B eye-catching C painstaking D soul-touching 17. Leading universities in China prefer to enroll ___ brilliant high school students. A intellectually B intelligibly C intelligently D intimately 18. When a heavy vehicle is ___ in the mud, the driver has to ask for help. A involved B stuck C interfered D specialized 19. A risk or effect may diminish ___, but it may also increase for some reason. A at will B over time C under way D so far

20. It’s in your best ____ to quit smoking, for you have some breathing problems. A sake B benefit C advantage D interest Part II. Cloze

“Techno-stress”----frustration arising from pressure to use new technology----is said to be 21 , reports


Maclean’s magazine of Canada. Studies point to causes that 22 “the never-ending process of learning how to use new technologies to the 23 of work and home life as a result of 24 like e-mail, call-forwarding and wireless phones.” How can you cope? Experts recommend setting 25 . Determine whether using a particular device will really simplify life or merely add new 26 . Count on having to invest time to learn a new technology well enough to realize its full benefits. “ 27 time each day to turn the technology off,” and devote time to other things afforded or deserving 28 attention. “People start the day by making the 29 mistake of opening their e-mail, instead of working to a plan,” notes Vancouver productivity expert Dan Stamp. “The best hour and a half of the day is spent on complete 30 .”

21. A descending B narrowing C mounting D widening 22. A pass on B range from C deal with D give up 23. A confusion B construction C contribution D conduction 24. A creations B promotions C productions D innovations 25. A laws B boundaries C deadlines D barriers 26. A convenience B advantages C flexibility D complexity 27. A Put forward B Put across C Put aside D Put up 28. A prior B major C senior D superior 29. A fragmental B fictional C fractional D fundamental 30. A relaxation B entertainment C rubbish D hobby Part III. Reading Comprehensive Passage One

The study of genetics has given rise to a profitable new Industry called biotechnology. As the name suggests, it blends biology and modern technology through such techniques as genetic engineering. Some of the new biotech companies, as they are called, specialize in agriculture and are working enthusiastically to patent seeds that give a high yield, that resist disease, drought, and frost, and that reduce the need for hazardous chemicals. If such goals could be achieved, it would be most beneficial. But some have raised concern about genetically engineered crops. “In nature, genetic diversity is created within certain limits,” says the book Genetic Engineering, Food, and Our Environment. “A rose can be crossed with a different kind of rose, but a rose will never cross with a potato…” Genetic engineering, on the other hand, usually involves taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in an attempt to transfer a desired property or character. This could mean, for example, selecting a gene which leads to the production of a chemical with antifreeze properties from an arctic fish, and joining it into a potato or strawberry to make it frost-resistant. It is now possible for plants to be engineered with genes taken from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. In essence, then, biotechnology allows humans to break the genetic walls that separate species.

Like the green revolution, what some call the gene revolution contributes to the problem of genetic uniformity---some say even more so because geneticists can employ techniques such as cloning and tissue culture, processes that produce perfectly identical copies, or clones. Concerns about the erosion of biodiversity, therefore, remain. Genetically altered plants, however, raise new issues, such as the effects that they may have on us and the environment. “We are flying blindly into a new era of agricultural biotechnology with high hopes, few constraints, and little idea of the potential outcomes,” said science writer Jeremy Rifkin. 31. According to the author, biotech companies are ______

A mostly specialized in agriculture. B those producing seeds of better properties C mainly concerned about the genetically engineered crops. D likely to have big returns in their business. 32. Now biotech products are made ____.

A within the limits of natural genetics . B by violating laws of natural genetics.

C without the interference of humans. D safer than those without the use of biotechnology


33. In nature, genetic diversity is created ____

A by mixing different species B within the species itself C through natural selection D through selection or contest 34.Biotechnoly has made it possible ____

A for us to solve the food shortage problem in the world. B for plants to be produced with genes of humans. C for humans to assume the cold-resistant property. D to grow crops with the taste of farm animals.

35. According to the author, with the development of biotechnology ____

A the species of creatures will be reduced. D we will suffer from fewer and fewer diseases.

B our living environment will be better than it is now. C humans will pay for its side effect. 36. The author’s attitude towards genetic engineering can best be described ____ A optimistic B pessimistic C concerned D suspicious Passage Two

The practice of capital punishment is as old as government itself. For most of history, it has not been considered controversial. Since ancient times most governments have punished a wide variety of crimes by death and have conducted executions as a routine part of the administration of criminal law. However, in the mid-18th century, social critics in Europe began to emphasize the worth of the individual and to criticize government practices they considered unjust, including capital punishment. The controversy and debate whether government should utilize the death penalty continue today.

The first significant movement to abolish the death penalty began during the era known as the Age of Enlightenment. In 1764 Italian jurist and philosopher Cesare Beccaria published An Essay on Crimes and Punishments. Many consider this influential work the leading document in the early campaign capital punishment. Other individuals who campaigned against executions during this period include French authors Voltaire and Denis Diderot, British philosophers David Hume and Adam Smith, and political theorist Thomas Paine in the United States.

Critics of capital punishment argue that it is cruel and inhumane, while supporters consider it a necessary form of revenge for terrible crimes. Those who advocates the death penalty declare that it is a uniquely effective punishment that prevents crime. However, advocates and opponents of the death penalty dispute the proper interpretation of statistical analyses of its preventing effect. Opponents of capital punishment see the death penalty as a human right issue involving the proper limits of governmental power. In contrast, those who want governments to continue to execute tend to regard capital punishment as an issue of criminal justice policy. Because of these alternative viewpoint, there is a profound difference of opinion not only about what is the right answer on capital punishment, but also about what type of question is being asked when the death penalty becomes a public issue.

37. We can learn from the first paragraph that in ancient times _________ A death penalty had been carried out before government came into being. B people thought it was right for the government to conduct executions. C death penalty was practiced scarcely in European countries. D many people considered capital punishment unjust and cruel.

38. Why was capital punishment questioned in the mid-18th century in Europe?

A People began to criticize their government. B The government was unjust in this period. C People began to realize the value of life. D Social critics were very active at that time. 39. Italian jurist and philosopher Cesare Beccaria ____

A was the first person to question the rightness of death penalty.

B was regarded as an important author criticizing capital punishment.


C was the first person who emphasized the worth of the individuals. D first raised the theory against capital punishment. 40. Critics of capital punishment insist that it ___.

A violates human rights regulations. B is an ineffective punishment of the criminals C is just the revenge for terrible crimes. D involves killing without mercy. 41. The advocates and opponents of the death penalty _____

A agree that it is a human rights issue B agree that it can prevent crimes. C explain its statistical analyses differently

D think that they are asked different types of questions.

42. The author’s attitude towards capital punishment can be summarized as _____ A supportive B critical C neutral D contradictory Passage Three

Bears mostly live alone, except for mothers and their babies, and males and females during mating season. Bears form temporary groups only in exceptional circumstances, when food is plentiful in a small area. Recent evidence also suggests that giant pandas may form small social groups, perhaps because bamboo is more concentrated than the patchy food resources of other bear species. Other bears may live alone but exist in a social network. A male and female may live in an area partly shared in common----although they tolerate each other, each defends its range from other bears of the same sex. Male young usually leave their mothers to live in other areas, but female young often live in a range that is commonly shared with that of their mother.

The key to a bear’s survival is finding enough food to satisfy the energy demands of its large size. Bears travel over huge territories in search of food, and they remember the details of the landscape they cover. They use their excellent memories to return to locations where they have had success finding food in past years or seasons. Most bears are able to climb trees to chase small animals or gain access to additional plant vegetation. The exceptions are polar bears and large adult brown bears----their heavy weight makes it difficult for them to climb trees.

Bears that live in regions with cold winters spend the coldest part of the year asleep in sheltered dens, including brown bears, American and Asiatic black bears, and female polar bears. Pregnant females give birth in the winter in the protected surroundings of these dens. After fattening up during the summer and fall when food is abundant, the bears go into this winter home to conserve energy during the part of the year when food is scarce. Winter sleep differs from hibernation in that a bear is easily aroused from sleep. In addition, a bear’s body temperature drops only a few degrees in its winter sleep. In contrast, a true hibernator undergoes more extensive changes in bodily functions. For instance, the body temperature of the Arctic ground squirrel drops from 380C to as low as -30C.

43. Most bears live alone because _________

A they don’t want to keep a social network. B each bear feeds on different kinds of food. C male and female bears can’t tolerate each other. D they don’t want other bears to share their food. 44.According to the passage, bears of the same sex ____

A can get along with each other peacefully. B share their range with each other.

C live in an area partly shared in common. D can’t live peacefully in the same area. 45.As is told about bears in the passage, we know that _____

A it is easy for bears to find enough food if they can climb trees. B a bear can long remember where it has found food.

C all except polar bears are able to climb trees to catch their prey.

D all except polar bears and adult brown bears feed on small animals. 46. Bears sleep in their sheltered dens in cold winter because ____ A their babies need to be born in a cold and protected surrounding.