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communicating interculturally with the writer of the original work. In deed, written translation is in most cases one-way communication. 2. Factors Affecting Communication Eight specific ingredients of communication:

① the source (行为源): a person who has a need to communicate ② encoding (编码): an internal activity in which a source creates a message through the selection of verbal and non-verbal symbols (行为源组织信息的内心活动).

③ message (信息): the result of encoding, once spoken out and received, becomes a message.

④ channel (渠道): the physical means by which the message is transmitted.

⑤ the responder (反应者): the person who intercepts拦截 the message and as a consequence becomes linked to the source.

⑥ decoding (译码): the internal activity of the receiver‘s information processing.

⑦ response (反应): what a receiver decides to do about the message. ⑧ feedback (反馈): feedback and response are clearly related. Response becomes feedback when received by the source.

? Of the eight ingredients, the source and the responder, encoding and decoding, are the most important because they are related to persons. Some personal factors may affect communication effectiveness:

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③ sex ② age

③ temperament气质 性格 (e.g. introverted and extroverted) ④ occupation (e.g. businessman, officers, etc.) ⑥ knowledge structure

⑦ life experience

⑤ social status

Uncertain factors, varying at different time:

① intention: though disgusted, you nod or smile for politeness.

② mood: someone tells you that it is useless to live in this world. You might have different responses.

③ status at that time: you, as a guest, can‘t ask the host to help himself to some dish.

Objective factors:

① time: you never say ―Good morning‖ in the evening. ② place:

③ occasion: you never say ―节哀顺便‖ in a wedding ceremony. 3. Communication Types

① based on symbols used: verbal and non-verbal ② based on media: direct and indirect ③ based on feedback: two-way and one-way

④ based on numbers of the sources and responders: one/group-to-one and one/group-to-group

⑤ based on set responder: directed and non-directed

⑥ based on the source‘s intention: intentional and unintentional

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⑦ based on the responder‘s activeness: active and passive ⑧ based on time: simultaneous and non-simultaneous

4. Characteristics of Communication (Essentials of Human Communication) p68-73

① Communication is dynamic动态的. It is an on-going, ever-changing 千变万化activity. We are sure to be influenced by other‘s message, whether gradually or radically彻底的 根本上的.

② Communication is symbolic: Symbols are central to the communication process because they represent the shared meanings that are communicated. A symbol is a word, action, or object that stands for or represents a unit of meaning. People's behaviors are frequently interpreted symbolically, as an external representation of feelings, emotions, and internal states.

③ Communication is systematic系统的: Communication does not occur in isolation or in a vacuum在真空中, but rather is part of a larger system. We send and receive messages not in isolation, but in a specific setting. Setting and environment help determine the words and actions we generate. Dress, language, topic selection, and the like are all adapted to context.

④ It involves making inferences. ⑤ It has a consequence.

⑥ It is interactive (interpersonal communication).

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⑦ It is irreversible.不可逆的 不可取消 ⑧ It is contextual.

⑨ Communication is self-reflective自我反思: Human beings have a unique ability to think about themselves, to watch how they define the world, and to reflect on their past, present, and future.

6. Match each of what the first speaker says on the left with what the second speaker says on the right to form a dialogue that will make sense, and then decide what is possibly meant by the second speaker in the dialogue. (p57)

1)J 2)F 3)A 4)G 5)I 6)H 7)B 8)C 8)D 9)E

7. Read the passage of ―Communicating or Communicating Effectively‖ on p58 and try to explain why we sometimes find it very difficult to communicate effectively with others, and then suggest what we can do about it.

III. Case Study: Students are required to read the cases given

carefully and try to analyse them from the viewpoint of IC.

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