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Module 4Great Scientists

Ⅰ.重点单词—识记·联想·运用 [会书写] 一、核心单词 1.support vt. 支持 2.quantity n. 数量 3.escape vi. 逃跑;逃避 4.clear vi. (烟雾)消散 5.replace vt. 取代;以……代替 6.figure n. 人物 7.publish vt. 出版 8.quality n. 质量 9.straight adj. 直的 二、阅读单词

1.breakthrough n. 突破 2.convert vt. 改变;转换 3.diagnose vt. 诊断 4.victim n. 受害者

5.brilliant adj. 聪颖的;才华横溢的 6.career n. 生涯;经历 7.species n. 物种 三、拓展单词

1.leading adj.主要的→lead vt.领导;引导→leader n.领导;领袖 2.physical adj.身体的;物理的→physically adv.身体上;身体上地 3.brief adj.简短的;简洁的→briefly adv.简短地;简洁地 4.graduate vi.毕业 n.毕业生→graduation n.毕业

5.personal adj.个人的→personally adv.就个人来说→personality n.个性;人格

6.explode vi.爆炸→explosion n.爆炸;爆炸声

7.producer n.生产者→produce vt.&vi.生产→production n.产量;生产→product n.产品

8.educate vt.教育→education n.教育→educator n.教育工作者 9.agriculture n.农业→agricultural adj.农业的

10.original adj.原来的;最初的→origin n.起源→originate vi.起源 11.export vt.出口→import vt.进口 [会积累]


①advocate vt. 提倡;拥护 ②back vt. 支持

③support vt. 支持,帮助 ④stand by/for 支持 ⑤in favour of 支持,赞同 ⑥vote for 投票支持 2.“数量”名词全接触 ①quantity 数量 ②amount 数量 ③number 数量 ④mass 大量 ⑤plenty 大量

3.合成名词(v.+adv.)荟萃 ①breakthrough n. 突破 ②breakdown n. 故障,破损 ③warm-up n. 热身运动

④get-together n. 联欢会;聚会 ⑤takeaway n. 外带的食物 4.单复数同形名词 ①species n. 物种 ②series n. 系列

③means n. 方法 ④remains n. 剩余物 ⑤works n. 工厂

5.由“进出口”联想到的名词 ①import 进口 ②export 出口 ③trade 贸易 ④customs 海关 ⑤tariff 关税

⑥opening-up policy 对外开放政策 [会应用] 用所给词的适当形式填空

1.Though she explained the topic briefly,__we still learned a lot from her brief words.(brief)

2.It is originally thought to be a plant of Africa, but no one knows exactly the origin of this plant, because we don’t have any original material about it.(origin) 3.My brother is a graduate in physics and he graduated from Beijing University.He has been working in a famous company after graduation.(graduate)

4.This factory produces computers.Its producer is very optimistic about the production and sale.(produce)

5.The government is attaching more importance to educating the younger generation.In a sense, it is the duty of every educator to do what they can for the cause of education of China.(educate)

6.Two bombs exploded in the centre of our city and the explosion caused seven deaths.(explode)

Ⅱ.核心短语—识记·联想·运用 [会书写]

1.bring__up 培养;养育

2.experiment__with 对……进行实验 3.bring__in 引进

4.as__a__result__of 由于……的结果