(完整word版)高三英语连词填空练习 下载本文

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1. Can you imagine how long it will be ________ a new drug is invented for AIDS? 2. I had no sooner gone into the classroom ________ the bell rang. 3. ________ he has made up his mind, nothing can change it. 4. He was in ________ a hurry ________ he forgot his keys. 5. I will go shopping ________ it doesn't rain this afternoon.

6. He failed again just ________ he didn't work hard at his lessons.

7. You need to practice quite a lot ________ your spoken English becomes excellent. 8. Karl Marx kept on studying English ________ he could use it freely. 9. Let's go out for a walk ________ you are too tired. 10. I have learned a lot of French ________ I came to Paris.

11. All the students stopped talking ________ I entered the classroom.

12. If you work with a strong will, you will overcome any difficulty, ________ great it is. 13. If we workhard, we can overcome any difficulty, ________ difficulty it is. 14. A new school was built ________ there had once been a wasteland.

15. ________ you've got such a golden chance, why not make the best of it? 16. A whole month had passed ________ she fully recovered.

17. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave ______ something occurred that attracted my attention.

18. She thought I was talk about her son, ________ , in fact, I was talking about my son. 19. He did the experiment ________ he was told. 20. It will be years ________ we meet again. 21. It's ten years ________ I came to this town.

22. Go and get your coat. It's still ________ you left it.

23. This article is written in such easy English ________ all of us can read it.

24. I have kept that portrait ________ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.

25. This is an illness that can result in total blindness ________ left untreated. 26. The question is ________ the film is worth seeing.

27. It has not been decided yet ________ the meeting will start at the hall.

28. He Was such a selfless person. ________ we gave him something to eat, he would save it up for his little sister.

29. The old lay felt lonely and she would tell the story to ________ passed by her house.

30. She was so interested in her book that she had read it for three hours ________ she realized it. 31. All the dished in this menu, ________ otherwise stated, will serve two to three persons. 32. ________ unemployment rate is high, it can be seen that crime rate there is also high. 33. John thinks it won't be long ________ he is.

34. Think it over carefully ________ you give me an answer. 35. ________ she grew older, she began to go deaf.

36. ________ he knew it the truck had hit onto his car, knocking it over. 37. Strange ________ it may seem, nobody got injured in the accident. 38. This is right the truth, ________ you believe it or not.

39. In five minutes, the police arrived ____ the case had happened and began their investigation. 40. ________ she comes to visit me, she brings a bunch of flowers for me.


1. before 6. because 11. when 16. before 21. since 26. whether 2. than 7. before 12. however 17. when 22. where 3. Once 8. until 13. whatever 18. while/but 23. that 4. such...that... 9. unless 14. where 19. as 24. where 29. whoever 5. if 10. since 15. Since 20. before 25. if 20. before 27. whether/when 28. Whenever 31. unless 36. Before 32. Where 37. as 33. before 38. whether 34. before 39. where 35. As 40. Whenever