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原文 China’s High-speed Rail Revolution 译文 中国的高速铁路革命 While other countries still debate high-speed rail, it is 虽然其他国家仍在争论高铁,但高铁在中国已经already reality in China. But have recent corruption 成为现实。但最近的腐败allegations and growing concerns about the safety of the 指控和对高速铁路网络high-speed rail network cast a shadow that could 安全的日益担忧是否给这些项目未来的进展蒙prevent future progress of the projects? Elisabeth 上了一层阴影?伊丽莎Fischer reports. 白费舍尔报道。 When China’s Premier Wen Jiabao boarded the first 2011年6月30日,中国bullet train to open the service of the new high-speed 总理温家宝登上首列开通京沪高铁的子弹头列line between Beijing and Shanghai on 30 June 2011, he 车时,将这一举措形容为described the step as a ‘new chapter’ in China’s 中国铁路史上的“新篇railway history, with great significance for the 章”,对改善中国交通体系和社会经济发展具有improvement of the country’s transportation system and 重要意义。当其他国家争social and economic development. While other countries 论高铁的利弊时,高铁在argue about the pros and cons of high-speed rail, it is 中国已经成为现实。 超过13万名建筑工人和already reality in China. 工程师夜以继日地工作,More than 130,000 construction workers and engineers 以完成该国又一条高速worked round the clock to complete yet another one of 线路。仅在2008年4月the country’s high-speed lines. Only 38 months after 破土动工38个月后,第一列138公里长的高速列breaking ground in April 2008, the first bullet train on 车就离开北京前往上海。 the 1,318km-long high-speed line left Beijing on route 这条新线在离开首都约十分钟后加速至300公里to Shanghai. /小时,仅用了4小时48 分钟就连接了中国两个Accelerating to 300km/hr about ten minutes after 主要的大都市中心,而在leaving the capital, the new line connects China’s two 旧铁路上的时间约为10major metropolitan hubs in only four hours and 48 小时。 京沪高铁最初的设计时minutes – compared to about ten hours on the old 速可达380公里,它不仅railway. 将法国的TGV ( TGV )从Originally designed for speeds up to 380km/hr, the 洛林开往香槟,平均时速Beijing-Shanghai train speed blows away not only 272公里,而且还将中国首列京津高速列车(平均France’s TGV, which runs from Lorraine to Champagne 时速230公里)赶跑 and averages 272km/hr, but also China’s first 今年1月,中国开通了世high-speed train on the Beijing-to-Tianjin route that 界上最快的高速铁路,以394公里/小时的平均速averages 230km/hr. 度连接武汉至广州,中国After opening the world’s fastest high-speed line in 似乎正步入高速铁路革January this year, connecting Wuhan-Guanzhou with an 命的轨道。 average speed of 394km/hr, China seems to be on track to a high-speed rail revolution. \“在未来几年,中国将推出许多关键环节,以形成form a bullet-train network stretching across the nation.\遍布全国的子弹头列车China’s high-speed network has progressively increased 网络。” over the past few years. As of June this year, 9,676km of 中国的高速网络在过去tracks are in operation – and plenty more are to 几年中逐渐增加。截至今年6月,9,676公里的铁follow. 路正在运营,还有更多的By December, the Beijing-Wuhan line will complete the 铁路要走。 north-south route between the border to Hong Kong and 到12月,京武线将完成连接香港和中国首都的China’s capital. Also by December, the final links of the 南北通道。此外,到122,078km east-west route between Shanghai and 月,上海至成都的2,078Chengdu will be operational, connecting China’s 公里东西向线路的最后economic capital with the country’s fourth most 一条线路将投入运营,连接中国的经济首都和中liveable city. 国第四大宜居城市。 In the months and years ahead, China will unveil many 在未来的几个月和几年key links to form a bullet-train network stretching across 中,中国将推出许多关键环节,形成一个遍布全国the nation. 的子弹头列车网络。 The government is set to spend $113bn a year on 中国政府计划在未来四railway infrastructure and rolling stock in the next four 年每年投入1130亿美元years, all funded under an ambitious build-out initiated 用于铁路基础设施和铁路车辆,所有这些资金都by the 2004-2020 mid and long-term railway 是在中国铁道部2004 - development plan by China’s Ministry of Railways. 2020年中长期铁路发展The $293bn plan envisions 16,000km of dedicated 计划启动的雄心勃勃的扩建项目下提供的。 high-speed rail lines connecting all of China’s major 293亿美元的计划预计,cities by 2020. 到2020年,将有1.6万By then, the total rail network would accumulate to 公里的专用高速铁路连120,000km, but some observers consider it rather closer 接中国所有主要城市。 到那时,铁路网总里程将to 150,000km. World Bank Beijing senior transport 达到12万公里,但一些specialist John Scales described China’s efforts in The Times as the biggest rail expansion the world has ever 观察人士认为,这一数字更接近15万公里。世界seen. \银行北京高级运输专家attempted such an increase.\约翰·斯莱斯( John Scales )称,中国在《纽约时报》上的努力是世界上规模最大的铁路扩张。“从历史上看,这是唯一一个尝试过这种增长的国家。” But while China’s growing high-speed network is 但是,尽管中国不断增长的高速网络受到了一些highly acclaimed by some industry members, it is also 行业成员的高度赞扬,但riddled with safety problems and corruption concerns. 它也充满了安全问题和\China’s growing high-speed network is 腐败问题。 acclaimed, it is also riddled with safety problems and “中国不断增长的高速网络广受赞誉,但也充满corruption concerns.\了安全问题和腐败问题。 The new year started off with a bang when then Railway ”新年伊始,铁路部长刘Minister Liu Zhijn was sacked in February over alleged 志军因涉嫌“严重违纪”于2月被解职。他不得不‘severe violation of discipline’. He had to face 面对被指控在他八年的accusations that $121m was embezzled under his 执政期间贪污了1.21亿eight-year administration, casting a shadow over the 美元的指控,这给强大的铁道部蒙上了阴影。 powerful Railway Ministry. 随着要求政府重新考虑Sheng Guangzu, who followed Zhijn in his role as 其投资的呼声越来越高,Railway Minister, had to defend the high-speed 曾任铁道部部长的盛光programme from a barrage of criticism as calls for the 祖不得不为高铁项目辩护,以免遭到接二连三的government to reconsider its investment were raised. 批评。 When investigators found evidence that nearly $30m of 当调查人员发现有证据funds budgeted for the Beijing-Shanghai line was 表明,2010年期间,京沪misappropriated in the course of 2010, they initiated an 铁路预算中近3000万美元的资金被挪用时,他们intense safety review of all projects. 开始对所有项目进行严Financial regulators in Beijing cautioned banks to 格的安全审查。 monitor their rising exposure from loans to the rail 北京的金融监管机构警告银行,要监控它们从铁ministry, where the ministry had borrowed more than 道部贷款中增加的风险$300bn to pay for the rapid deployment of the network. 敞口。铁道部已向铁道部借款逾3000亿美元,以 The corruption scandal, as well as the speed with which 支付铁路网的快速部署费用。 the tracks have been built, sparked not only an outcry in