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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)

1. (1分)阅读下列短文,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

It was Saturday, and Mindy was getting ready for her twelfth birthday party. In just three 1, all of her friends would arrive with presents and excitement. Every year, Mindy and her mom made a fresh cake on the day of her birthday party. 2, she waited for her mom in the kitchen.

Mindy's mother came into the kitchen and took her apron (围裙) from a hook on the wall. 3 putting it on, she lifted it over Mindy's head.

\enough to make the cake yourself this year. Remember what we say?\ \

\the balloons.\alone in the kitchen.

6, Mindy made the cake herself. Then she put the pan into the oven and set the temperature. When the cake came out, though, 7 seemed wrong. Mindy tried to stick a toothpick (牙签) into it, just as her mother always did. 8 the toothpick wouldn't go through. The cake was almost as hard as a rock!

\is that? I was so careful! I measured(测量)the baking soda exactly,\\to.\

\ Mindy began to 12. \

Mindy's mom gave her a big 13. \too much. Now, let's try again. This time, we'll do it together.\

\time to try a second time, but I will.\appeared on Mindy's face.


A . hours B . days C . weeks D . months (2)

A . Amazed

第 1 页 共 11 页

B . Embarrassed C . Excited D . Worried (3)

A . Instead of B . Because of C . After D . Before (4)

A . brave B . old C . active D . patient (5)

A . turn down B . take off C . blow up D . look after (6)

A . Wisely B . Seriously C . Successfully D . Carefully (7)

A . anything B . something C . nothing D . everything (8)

第 2 页 共 11 页

A . Because B . So C . And D . But (9)

A . Why B . How C . When D . Where (10)

A . told B . asked C . supposed D . encouraged (11)

A . excuse B . problem C . influence D . secret (12)

A . cry B . smile C . doubt D . regret (13)

A . meal B . surprise C . hand D . hug

第 3 页 共 11 页


A . gave B . supported C . expected D . requested (15)

A . much B . no C . some D . any

二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共15分)

2. (5分)阅读理解

Tracy Lester is with us in the studio. Welcome Tracy! We are all interested to know about your life as a child actor. You're only fourteen years old—yet you are already famous.

Tracy: Yes. I'm really lucky to have a chance to do so many things that other young people haven't yet. Interviewer: So Tracy, the first question is—how old were you when you made your first movie, peanuts? Tracy: Well, I was only four—so I didn't have a big part—and that movie wasn't really successful. Interviewer: So what was your first successful movie then? Tracy: Chocolate Aliens. Did you see it? Interviewer: Yes. My favourite scene was when you cleaned out the fridge for your mum, and you found interesting chocolates in there.

Tracy: Yeah—that was a cool scene, wasn't it? Interviewer: Have you appeared in any commercials (商业广告) yet, Tracy? Tracy: Yes, quite a few. The last one was for a chocolate company. I love chocolate, but they made me eat so much. I felt sick after that. I never want to eat chocolate again. Interviewer: What a pity! Now, tell me about your latest movie—you haven't finished it yet. But do you think you might win an award for this one? Tracy: Oh, I hope so. But if I don't win this time, maybe I will some day. I'll continue to work hard. Interviewer: And one last question Tracy—I'd like to ask you if you enjoy being famous. Tracy: That's a difficult question to answer. I'd like to tell all my young fans that it isn't easy being famous. Mostly, I miss being a kid. So enjoy being a kid, and don't grow up too quickly. Interviewer: Thanks for coming, Tracy. You're a great kid. I wish you luck in the future.

(1)How many questions does the interviewer ask Tracy? A . Three. B . Four. C . Five. D . Six.

第 4 页 共 11 页