新视野大学英语读写教程4(第三版)课本练习参考答案-英语读写第四版答案 下载本文

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人们构建社交网络和社会关系的一个广受欢迎的平台。SNS是基于网页的服务,允许个人创建面向公众的个人简介,创建用户名单以分享社会联系,并对系统内的关系网进行浏览和交叉连接。社交网站多种多样,可整合各种信息及通讯工具,并允许用户跟网络中的其他人分享观点、图片、帖子、活动、事件以及兴趣爱好等。SNS已通过各种方式影响到人们的社会生活以及社交活动。随着各种移动设备对SNS访问的实现,只要能连接上互联网,用户在世界上的任何地方都能一直与朋友、亲戚及其他认识的人保持联络。SNS还可以让拥有相同兴趣和信念的人通过群组或其他页面建立联系,同时,由于其网络分布广阔,还能让失散的家庭成员或朋友重新团聚,这点早已为人所知。 [10]

In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet technology, the Internet economy has become a hot issue. As represented by the promising E-commerce, the Internet economy has become a strong driving force for the economic development. Our government attaches great importance to developing the Internet economy and proposes the concept of “Internet Plus”, aiming to integrate the Internet with other industries, such as health care, transportation, education, finance, and public service. This will create great potential and broad prospects for the development of the Internet economy. With the implementation of the “Internet Plus” strategy, the Internet is certain to be integrated with more traditional industries and help build “the upgraded version of the Chinese economy”.

Unite 3 Section B Reading Skills (略)

Reading comprehension Understanding the text 2

1A 2 D 3C 4B 5B 6A 7C 8D

Language focus Word in use

1 stimulus 2 magnitude 3 velocity 4 quota 5 stipulated 6 tease 7 eligible 8 premium 9 reminiscence 10 decree

Expressions in use

1 be embedded in 2 a trace of 3 is critical to 4 adjacent to 5 beat…..down 6 remains committed to 7 conceive of 8 be eligible for

Collocation Warm up

1compelling; Instant 2 sturdy; measurable 3 decent; trim


1 instant success 2 overwhelmingly positive 3 outstanding entrepreneurs 4 household names 5 extremely poor 6 low-income family 7 rapid expansion 8 extreme frugality 9 harsh memories 10 firmly committed 11 crowning success

Unit 5 Section A

Language focus Word in use 3

1 fabricate 2 nominal 3 temporal 4 reciprocal 5 denotes 6 consecutive 7 spectators 8 muttering 9 composite 10 malicious

Word building 5

Words learned New words formed -ive assert assertive decide decisive digest digestive -ative imagine imaginative consult consultative quality qualitative authority authoritative conservative conserve quantity quantitative un- button unbutton settle unsettle veil unveil


1 conserve 2 unbuttoning 3 authoritative 4 consultative

5 imaginative 6 quantitative 7 unveil 8 assertive 9 unsettled 10 decisive 11 digestive 12 qualitative

Bank close 6

1 L 2 E 3 O 4 J 5 G 6 H 7 A 8 C

9 I 10 M

Expressions in use 7

1 got to the point 2 are attached to

3 would have starved to death 4 If anything

5 were suspicious of 6 wandered around 7 on the side 8 was representative of Translation 9

文艺复兴是一场影响巨大的文化运动。它在现代欧洲史的开端时期开创了一个科学革命和艺术变革时代。它始于意大利,之后蔓延到欧洲其他国家。它紧接在中世纪之后,贯穿14 到17世纪。文艺复兴时期的特点是,人们对古希腊和古罗马时期的古典知识、智慧和价值观重新焕发了兴趣。文艺复兴时期的学者在学术中采用人文方法,在艺术上追求现实主义和人类情感。科学家们不再一味地接受教堂传播的说教。相反,他们通过观察和实验来研究自然世界。同样,艺术家们将数学和光学运用到绘画、雕塑及其他艺术形式中,从而发展出新技术,并取得了更高水平的艺术效果。文艺复兴深刻地改变了现代早期的欧洲知识界。他通过对古代文献的重新发现,触发了古典知识和整个欧洲文化的重生。文学、哲学、艺术、政治、科学及其它许多领域都能感受到它的影响。 10

Chinese civilization once had a significant influence on word civilization. With the development of our country’s economy and the rise of her international statue in recent years, Chinese culture, which has a long history, is once again attracting global attention. More and more Chinese cultural elements provide inspiration for and become popular subjects of fashions, literature and movies around the world. This shows that the world needs Chinese culture. It was in this context that China decided to implement the “Culture Exporting” strategy so as to enhance her cultural exchanges with the rest of the world. After several years’ efforts, great achievements have been made in this respect. “Culture Exporting” has greatly promoted the development of our cultural industries. It is becoming an affective approach through which China enhances image and comprehensive strength. Section B Reading skills 1

1 A 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 C

Reading comprehension Understanding the text 2

1 D 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 B Language focus Words in use 4

1 refund 2 friction(s) 3 mute 4 detained 5 extract

6 compiles 7 convertibles 8 mediated 9 tactful 10 cohesion

Expressions in use 5

1 lags behind 2 put in charge of 3 take a…approach to 4 singled out 5 headed for 6 incorporated into 7 divert … to 8 has had an impact on

Collocation Warm-up

1 prospective 2 management 3 carefully 4 complicated 5 boldly 6 deeply 8

1 culturally 2 remained 3 carefully 4 freely 5 interwoven 6 trusting 7 highly 8 deeply 9 cross-cultural 10 prospective 11 management 12 cultural

Unit 8 Section A

Language focus Words in use 3

1 stalked 2 expectancy 3 terminate 4 condolences 5 chronicling 6 malpractice 7 retrospective 8 boycott 9 incur 10 batches

Word building 4 Words learned New words formed -age break breakage drain drainage -ery bribe bribery refine refinery -al constitution constitutional exception exceptional institution institutional orient oriental sensational sensation tutor tutorial president presidential province provincial 5

1 provincial 2 breakage 3 institutional 4 bribery 5 sensations 6 drainage 7 tutorial 8 refineries 9 oriental 10 constitutional 11 presidential 12 exceptional

Bank close 6

1 J 2 D 3 H 4 L 5 N 6 G 7 A 8 E 9 C 10 I

Expressions in use 7

1 stay on the sidelines 2 alerted … to 3 turned up 4 lay siege to 5 followed suit 6 In the face of 7 put out 8 get revenge for Translation 9

退学之后挣个一两百万已经成为了年轻创业者的标签。人们感到很惊讶,退学之后成为富翁的人数是如此之多。史蒂夫·乔布斯仅在里德学院上了一个学期就退学了,之后成为了美国最有影响力的企业家之一;比尔·盖茨退学之后创立了自己的软件公司,并成为微软的首席执行官;马克·扎克伯格从哈佛大学退学,专心致力于自己的项目,创立了脸书。确实,这些亿万富翁都在高等教育阶段退学,而且赚了很多钱,但他们是例外,并非常规。需要注意的是退学并不是使他们致富的原因,勤奋、专注和热情才是他们成功的秘诀。因此,除非你有能改变一个行业的绝妙想法,并且即使没有学位就拥有所需要的技能,那样的话,就大胆的退学创业吧。而事实是,很多退学的人都不如那些拥有学位的人成功。 10

In recent years, the social development and changes in employment situation have put higher requirements on college students. Instead of confining themselves to the knowledge in books,more and more college students are stepping out of the “Ivory Tower” and taking an active part in social practice in their spare time. Through social practice, college students can have a deeper understanding of society, increase their sense of social responsibility, and improve their analytical and problem-solving abilities. Meanwhile, taking part in social practice can also help students recognize their own shortcomings and have a clear idea about where they are to go in the future. All these benefits will help them build up social and work experience, which will lay a solid foundation for them in finding jobs or starting their own businesses in the future. Section B

Reading comprehension Understanding the text 2

1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 D 6 C 7 D 8 B Language focus Words in use 4

1 vibrate 2 indignant 3 activate 4 adherence 5 timely 6 patrons 7 tentatively 8 serial 9 denounces 10 impetus Expressions in use 5

1 is/has been swamped with 2 in adherence to 3 in essence 4 marvel at