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姓名: 学号: 学院: 机械工程 电话: 电子邮箱:

完成日期: 2015年5月

课 题 中文:新概念汽车的设计与未来发展方向研究 名 称 选 题 来 源 需要查证的内容要点: 信息调1、了解现代汽车的发展现状; 研要点 2、了解国内外概念汽车发展现状与研究热点; 3、了解新概念汽车设计指标与未来发展方向; 英文:The Study of Design and Future Development Direction for New Concept Vehicle √ 科研项目 √ 学习选题 兴趣选题 信息调研方法 √ 常规检索法 √ 引文法 实地考察 访谈法 文 献 信 息 检 索 检索 范围 1、CNKI《中国学术文献总库》2000年 - 2015年4月 2、万方《中国重要会议论文全文数据》2000年 - 2015年4月 3、万方《中国学位论文库》2000年 - 2015年4月 4、《Web of Science》2000年– 2015年4月; 5、《EI Compendex》 2000年– 2015年4月; 6、《Elsevier SD》2000年– 2015年4月; 文 献 信 息 检 索

检 索 结果

1、 检索词(中文/英文)

(1) 概念(新概念) / Concept,New Conception (2)汽车/ Vehicle,Automobile,Car

检索 (3)设计/ Design

词和 (4)发展方向/ Development Direction,Development Orientation 检索 2、检索式 式

concept* and (vehicle* or automobile* or car*) and (design or develop* direction or develop* orientation)


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文 献 信 息 检 索 检索 结果 [19]王伟涛,姚帅,李娟娟,郑建.一种纯电动汽车动力总成的概念设计[A].河南省汽车工程学会.第九届河南省汽车工程技术研讨会论文集[C].河南省汽车工程学会:,2012:2. [20]朱小娟.产业竞争力研究的理论、方法和应用[D].首都经济贸易大学,2004. [21] ASAKAWA K, KOJIMA J, KATO Y, et al. Design concept and experimental results of the autonomous underwater vehicle AQUA EXPLORER 2 for the inspection of underwater cables [J]. Advanced Robotics, 2002, 16(1): 27-42. [22] NG T T H, LENG G S B. Application of genetic algorithms to conceptual design of a micro-air vehicle [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2002, 15(5): 439-45. [23] TSUCHIYA T, MORI T. Optimal conceptual design of two-stage reusable rocket vehicles including trajectory optimization [J]. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2004, 41(5): 770-8. [24] JAVAID K H, SERGHIDES V C. Thrust-matching requirements for the conceptual design of hypersonic waverider vehicles [J]. Journal of Aircraft, 2005, 42(4): 1055-64. [25] MAHULIKAR S P. Theoretical aerothermal concepts for configuration design of hypersonic vehicles [J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2005, 9(8): 681-5. [26] SPECCHIA S, TILLEMANS F W A, VAN DEN OOSTERKAMP R, et al. Conceptual design and selection of a biodiesel fuel processor for a vehicle fuel cell auxiliary power unit [J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2005, 145(2): 683-90. [27] BRETT D J L, AGUIAR P, BRANDON N P, et al. Concept and system design for a ZEBRA battery-intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell hybrid vehicle [J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2006, 157(2): 782-98. [28] CAPATA R, SCIUBBA E. The concept of the gas turbine-based hybrid vehicle: System, design and configuration issues [J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2006, 30(9): 671-84. [29] HARMON F G, FRANK A A, CHATTOT J-J. Conceptual design and simulation of a small hybrid-electric unmanned aerial vehicle [J]. Journal of Aircraft, 2006, 43(5): 1490-8. [30] QAZI M-U-D, HE L. Nearly-orthogonal sampling and neural network metamodel driven conceptual design of multistage space launch vehicle [J]. Computer-Aided Design, 2006, 38(6): 595-607. [31] ROSS C T F. A conceptual design of an underwater vehicle [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2006, 33(16): 2087-104. [32] ARIYOSHI K, OHZUKU T. Conceptual design for 12 V \accumulators for automobile and stationary applications [J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2007, 174(2): 1258-62. [33] PITZ A, KAPLINGER B, VARDAXIS G, et al. Conceptual design of a hypervelocity asteroid intercept vehicle (HAIV) and its flight validation mission [J]. Acta Astronautica, 2014, 94(1): 42-56.

(本栏填写所采用的其他方法如:访谈法、实地考察法等收集信息的结果) (1)引文法:

其他 ①向前引文:例如,通过《针对女性群体的新能源概念汽车设计》以及《基于“基


信息 [21] ASAKAWA K, KOJIMA J, KATO Y, et al. Design concept and experimental results of the 收集

autonomous underwater vehicle AQUA EXPLORER 2 for the inspection of underwater cables [J]. Advanced Robotics, 2002, 16(1): 27-42.

[22] NG T T H, LENG G S B. Application of genetic algorithms to conceptual design of a micro-air vehicle [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2002, 15(5): 439-45. [26] SPECCHIA S, TILLEMANS F W A, VAN DEN OOSTERKAMP R, et al. Conceptual design and selection of a biodiesel fuel processor for a vehicle fuel cell auxiliary power unit [J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2005, 145(2): 683-90.

②向后引文:例如,通过《Design concept and experimental results of the autonomous underwater vehicle AQUA EXPLORER 2 for the inspection of underwater cables》进行向后引文,发现了一篇2014年发表的文章引用了该文,该发现的文章也对本课题有着很高的价值。

[33] PITZ A, KAPLINGER B, VARDAXIS G, et al. Conceptual design of a hypervelocity asteroid intercept vehicle (HAIV) and its flight validation mission [J]. Acta Astronautica, 2014, 94(1): 42-56.